Mars Hydro FC-3000 Shines Down On Babygirl’s Sour Livers In DWC: Sponsored Grow

Here's a chart helping to explain why 5.0 may be low to start ph.
If you're in hydro it looks like it was ok to do as Ca will uptake from 5.0 to 5.8. @InTheShed is the red line on the left phosphorus? Maybe that's the missing nute? It does look Calcium but the chart says look elsewhere. Don't think it's Mag.
OMGGGGG I haven’t been this confused since I was put in a round room and told to stand in the corner!!!!

What kind of geniuses are you people?
It is phosphorus, but plants don't need much of that, and it looked more like a classic Ca def to me. P def turns the leaves a different shade of green and burn at the edges, rather than brown spots across the leaf.
I find it impossible to diagnose this one with certainty. Knowing if it's been flowering makes a difference too. Early flower I have had P def but it's been a while.
and moving the pH up to 5.5 for start instead of 5.0
5.5 start isn’t necessary. I’d bounce between 5.8-6.2
And in the future, if you do get some micro nutrient def, thats pretty easy to diagnose (if the newest growth has yellowish hue or any kind of chlorosis) — then you could go a day or two with lower pH.

Also the nutrition demands change when the flowering is bout to start. 6 pH I mentioned because thats the most optimal pH value for Calcium, Magnesium and potassium absorption.

If Felipe gave you a formula to follow I bet the Phosphorus ppm values are moderate and thus that Ca values also. So would be important to maintain stable pH for the best Calcium uptake which leads to the better transpiration and so on.

My standard tent temps are 68-72 (ish) for about 99% of the time - not sure if I should try for much lower. As for raising the RH, thats an on-going battle for me; the absolute highest I can get it (WITH a humidifier) as around 48-50%.
72F/22C and ~45% RH is giving about 1-1.1kPa VPD and that should be good to go. Once in full bloom RH could be dropped even more.

And notice these are just ’what I’d do’
throwing my two cents :) good luck with the flowering!
Here's a chart helping to explain why 5.0 may be low to start ph.
If you're in hydro it looks like it was ok to do as Ca will uptake from 5.0 to 5.8. @InTheShed is the red line on the left phosphorus? Maybe that's the missing nute? It does look Calcium but the chart says look elsewhere. Don't think it's Mag.
That pH hydro chart is actually inaccurate.
Google ”hydro ph chart” and take for example first 10 search results and compare which ones have mostly same values.
For example that chart shows Ca absorbs best between 5-5.8 ph, but it actually does the best between 5.8-7 - almost like the soil one shows.

There was actually a CBT article about those charts and which ones are accurate. Looking for the article now

E: Found it! New Research Results: Optimal pH for Cannabis
There is a good read about the pH values and science behind optimal values

E2: Oops!! Lmao that was actually a wrong one! But good info about the slightly higher pH and science behind it.
Here is the article about how accurate are those charts: Nutrient availability and pH: Are those charts really accurate? – Science in Hydroponics
And that shows how Ca availability is the best 6 and above
Strive for 5.5 as your PH starting point.
Reset back to 5.5 anytime after drifting to 5.8 (6.3 is usually where I do it). That would be my advice, not trying to dispute others.

Here's a good read on it. It's also in my signature if you're ever looking for it!

Post in thread 'Rex's Sponsored Test Of The ViparSpectra P4000 In A 4x4' Rex's Sponsored Test Of The ViparSpectra P4000 In A 4x4

Optimum pH for hydroponics = 5.5 – 5.8

Tolerance range where adequate nutrients are in solution = pH 5.2 – 6.3

Hope that helps!
That pH hydro chart is actually inaccurate.
Google ”hydro ph chart” and take for example first 10 search results and compare which ones have mostly same values.
For example that chart shows Ca absorbs best between 5-5.8 ph, but it actually does the best between 5.8-7 - almost like the soil one shows.

There was actually a CBT article about those charts and which ones are accurate. Looking for the article now
Yikes Thanks Verb!
@FelipeBlu - when do you suggest I switch to the mix formula?

Also, for the epsom … is that just epsom salt like you find in the pharmacy? Where in the order of adding nutes to water would that go?
Obviously I start at 5.8 let it drift
Yeah, I’ll start running a bit higher than I have until now. She’s getting really big - measured her this morning … 16” tall and at least 32” wide. She’s FINALLY starting to produce some TEEEEENY tiny buds! Hubby said this morning when he looked at her, “we can probably go ahead and put the fan outside the tent if you need to.” I said we may have to do that. I actually turned the exhaust fan OFF and am leaving the tent door open - she’s getting so big that I dont wanna smoosh her. But that leaves the problem of she’s starting to get stinky and its even overpowering the smell of sugar at the other end of the house!
They can get smelly at times just wait until u harvest you are really goin to smell her since she is goin to be a huge girl . Fan inside will work great got to keep the breeze on her since she is thick an buds are just goin to stack on each other but you are doin really good so far just keep giving her love you will be at the finish line quicker then ya think !!
Yeah, I’ll start running a bit higher than I have until now. She’s getting really big - measured her this morning … 16” tall and at least 32” wide. She’s FINALLY starting to produce some TEEEEENY tiny buds! Hubby said this morning when he looked at her, “we can probably go ahead and put the fan outside the tent if you need to.” I said we may have to do that. I actually turned the exhaust fan OFF and am leaving the tent door open - she’s getting so big that I dont wanna smoosh her. But that leaves the problem of she’s starting to get stinky and its even overpowering the smell of sugar at the other end of the house!
Oh well just wait!!! Love that smell!! Soooo excited you got the baby buds!!! Woot!!
Oh well just wait!!! Love that smell!! Soooo excited you got the baby buds!!! Woot!!
Lol - I didnt even notice them - hubby pointed them out!
Lol - I didnt even notice them - hubby pointed them out!
Nice job Mom!!! Lol good for hubby!!! He's gonna be like babe, can I drop a seed for me?!
Oh, and sorry I have’t caught up on everyone’s journals - I’m still in cookie jail. Liv didnt even get tended to last night - that’ll be today (at some point). I still have more cookies to finish!
Oh, and sorry I have’t caught up on everyone’s journals - I’m still in cookie jail. Liv didnt even get tended to last night - that’ll be today (at some point). I still have more cookies to finish!
Bake away on all counts friend!
I am running the pH perfect so take this with a grain of salt, but I always shot for 5.7-5.8 to start. I would add 1.5 tsp AN pH down for 4 gallons of water, mix the nutes, and it would come in at 5.7-5.8. By the next day, it would be at 6.1-6.2 and it liked to stay there. It would drift up to 6.5ish then it would come back down below 6.0 by the time a bucket change was needed. I was feeding with water pH'ed to 5.7.

In late flower, I have been skipping the pH down. Tap water mixed with nutes starts at 6.1 and has been trending down as the plants eat. I am also feeding with tap water (100ppm, 7.8pH) to keep it from getting too low. I will let it get down to 5.0 before I add pH up or a bucket change.

Happy Growing.
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