Mars Hydro FC-3000 Shines Down On Babygirl’s Sour Livers In DWC: Sponsored Grow

I can’t recommend using the Ripe by itself (or even at all).
Is there a problem with it? Should I stick with the Grow or try to get Bloom instead?
If you have the Grow and get the Bloom, you can do the last mix I posted.

The problem I have with using Ripe alone is that it doesn’t have enough nitrogen and has too much P. And mixed with other formulations that contain P, the P can get excessive.
That plant is in serious beast mode...amazeballs!
I like the last one best.
If you had the Grow, I'm with Felipe!
Sorry everyone … been in Cookie Jail all day: here’s what I managed to accomplish:
Be back later to answer the questions from today and post Liv’s daily update!
OMG those are spectacular! :bravo:
Wow - that is so pro
I'm with Felipe again!
I can’t recommend using the Ripe by itself (or even at all).
And here I am with Felipe again. :)
Is there a problem with it? Should I stick with the Grow or try to get Bloom instead?
The P in the 1-5-4 is what makes this a problem. Too much phosphorus is not good thing for plants in spite of all the marketing from nute companies.

I'm going to let Felipe run the numbers again, but I'd stick with the Grow + Epsom alone for now and see if you can find the Bloom. If not, something with just K in it would be able to boost that for flowering.
That plant is in serious beast mode...amazeballs!
If she outgrows the dang tent, I may have to just ditch the tent and hang the light from the ceiling in that room!

OMG those are spectacular! :bravo:
Thank you :)

I'm with Felipe again!

And here I am with Felipe again. :)

The P in the 1-5-4 is what makes this a problem. Too much phosphorus is not good thing for plants in spite of all the marketing from nute companies.
Ahhh - ok, thanks for the explanation!

I'm going to let Felipe run the numbers again, but I'd stick with the Grow + Epsom alone for now and see if you can find the Bloom. If not, something with just K in it would be able to boost that for flowering.
Managed to find a quart of Bloom; its that Pure Blend Pro, but I’m pretty sure its what I need. Next go round I think I’m going to try the @Prescription Blend nutes.
2021-12-18 - Day 42

Tent temp: 71F
Tent RH: 49%
Res temp: 66F
PPM: 1170
pH: 5.1
Water level: Res change
Plant Height: 14.5” / Plant width: 25”

Strain info says width is 20” max … MY FOOT! Remember, my tent is inly 20” deep but its 36” wide! (And yup - her front and back are definitely pushed in when the tent is zipped up.)

She’s a beautiful beast. :yummy:

I am glad to see that you are gradually increasing the EC - she looks a bit hungry (unless it’s the light). Plants will actually tolerate more and more as long as you give it to them gradually. It’s a positive feedback loop - you gradually build up the EC within the plant and then they can accept more because the EC is higher in the plant.
She’s a beautiful beast. :yummy:

I am glad to see that you are gradually increasing the EC - she looks a bit hungry (unless it’s the light). Plants will actually tolerate more and more as long as you give it to them gradually. It’s a positive feedback loop - you gradually build up the EC within the plant and then they can accept more because the EC is higher in the plant.
The actual color is closer to yesterday’s pic. Not sure why sometimes my camera pics up one tint more than another and on the very next shot gives me something totally different. I dunno …

But yup, gradually upping those PPMs … if she stops feeding I’ll back it down, but the way she’s going and growing right now I seriously doubt THAT’S going to need to be done. I did order the Botanicare Pro Blend Bloom; should be here tomorrow so I’ll probably move to the mix you gave me in another 2-3 res changes (I’ve had to do them every 4-5 days max lately the way she’s drinking like a fish out of water!)
I forgot to quote this...unless smell containment is needed, there's nothing wrong with using positive pressure to bow the tent out for more room inside.
I may just have to leave it open and be done with it. Or just ditch the tent altogether and hang the light from the ceiling!
Yup - I think the tent’s gonna have to start staying open. I just realized its akin to having my girl in a damned corset! (And we all know now how very unhealthy those things were)
Yup - I think the tent’s gonna have to start staying open. I just realized its akin to having my girl in a damned corset! (And we all know now how very unhealthy those things were)
My girls even get like that in the big tent. Especially when you close the door and the vent sucks it in...hard to get around that!! You could trim her if you want a little...I know you want to wait til flower but maybe just a little more light in there will give her a push to bud...she seems to just like soaking in all those 3000 rays...she'll stay in veg forever like us tanning on a towel at the beach!
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