Mars Hydro FC-3000 Shines Down On Babygirl’s Sour Livers In DWC: Sponsored Grow

2021-12-16 - Day 40

Quick update (been in Cookie Jail mist of the day - 200+ to decorate by Tuesday midnight).

Tent temp: 72F
Tent RH: 53%
Res Temp: 66F
PPM: 1060 … falling
pH: 5.7 … rising (adjusted back to 5.1)
Water level: falling … down 1 quart

We got another inch overnight; now at 13” … still drinking and feeding. Roots still looking good … color good …

But look at that sexy FC-3000 from @Mars Hydro ! Liv is loving it!

Pistils appearing higher hear the tops (no flowers yet though) (no that leaf isn't yellow - just the lighting)

Looks terrific! If the middle gets too crowded you can tie some of the branches to the vertical tent poles and open it up a bit.
Nope, no can do :( … she has to come out of her bucket each time I need to check her “vitals (res temp, ppm, ph) and when I need to change the res

And given your level of perfection I bet they're gorgeous! We are going to need more pics when you're done. :goodluck:
Lol … thank you and will do!
She looks as healthy as can be, Babygirl! :Rasta:

You are knocking it out of the park!
2021-12-16 - Day 40

Quick update (been in Cookie Jail mist of the day - 200+ to decorate by Tuesday midnight).

Tent temp: 72F
Tent RH: 53%
Res Temp: 66F
PPM: 1060 … falling
pH: 5.7 … rising (adjusted back to 5.1)
Water level: falling … down 1 quart

We got another inch overnight; now at 13” … still drinking and feeding. Roots still looking good … color good …

But look at that sexy FC-3000 from @Mars Hydro ! Liv is loving it!

Pistils appearing higher hear the tops (no flowers yet though) (no that leaf isn't yellow - just the lighting)

Wow, you go away for a few days and that girl looks to me like she exploded! It's like your sibling who only sees your pet a few times a year...they're always like wow, grown so much, and we're always like, really? Lol. She looks awesome! Hope you're having fun in cookie jail. Cookie jail. Lol. Sounds like a good jail to go to after a few hours in trim jail!!!

I have one question for you: do you plan to give that girl a haircut anytime soon? What's your story on your defoliation plans for her?
2021-12-16 - Day 40

Quick update (been in Cookie Jail mist of the day - 200+ to decorate by Tuesday midnight).

Tent temp: 72F
Tent RH: 53%
Res Temp: 66F
PPM: 1060 … falling
pH: 5.7 … rising (adjusted back to 5.1)
Water level: falling … down 1 quart

We got another inch overnight; now at 13” … still drinking and feeding. Roots still looking good … color good …

But look at that sexy FC-3000 from @Mars Hydro ! Liv is loving it!

Pistils appearing higher hear the tops (no flowers yet though) (no that leaf isn't yellow - just the lighting)

Hey babygirl! She's looking awesome! Really nice structure and really really healthy plant :) ya should be proud!
Wow, you go away for a few days and that girl looks to me like she exploded! It's like your sibling who only sees your pet a few times a year...they're always like wow, grown so much, and we're always like, really? Lol. She looks awesome! Hope you're having fun in cookie jail. Cookie jail. Lol. Sounds like a good jail to go to after a few hours in trim jail!!!

I have one question for you: do you plan to give that girl a haircut anytime soon? What's your story on your defoliation plans for her?
Lol … thanks @Jon ! Yup, she’s growing by leaps and bounds., and I attribute that to my amazing light … the stems at the base of the plant are as thick as a finger, and the main part of the trunk is twice that! No plans for any further haircuts or defoliation; I dont know what to take or how much more I should take without causing her any stress that may cause problems.

As for cookie jail it may sound like a good place to be, but tonight my right arm is sore from mixing all the icings and various consistencies for each, and my hand is cramping left and right from squeezing that damned icing bag (my index and middle fingers spasm and lock into a cramp that causes me to drop everything in an instant).
Hey babygirl! She's looking awesome! Really nice structure and really really healthy plant :) ya should be proud!
Thanks @Moony , I am a proud momma - my girl is growing up strong and healthy!
2021-12-16 - Day 40

Quick update (been in Cookie Jail mist of the day - 200+ to decorate by Tuesday midnight).

Tent temp: 72F
Tent RH: 53%
Res Temp: 66F
PPM: 1060 … falling
pH: 5.7 … rising (adjusted back to 5.1)
Water level: falling … down 1 quart

We got another inch overnight; now at 13” … still drinking and feeding. Roots still looking good … color good …

But look at that sexy FC-3000 from @Mars Hydro ! Liv is loving it!

Pistils appearing higher hear the tops (no flowers yet though) (no that leaf isn't yellow - just the lighting)

Oooh look at her!! Lovely!!
She's gettin' big!....and pretty too- you're doing a great job, babygirl!
And congrats on that sweet light! :thumb:
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