Illz Grow - 300 Mars - 450 Dormgrow LED - Coco - Soil - DWC

Mine had it from the first set of leaves :/
Dang mine vegged for 3 mo and got neglected in my time of depression. And that's when it started showing. Seedlings stage it didn't have it


I'm bad at keeping track of her age but this is my "getting my feelers back" grow, but almost 2 months I think that pic was Sept 17
Nice. I can't wait to try a hempy bucket grow. They look good but theres a leaf showing cal mag deficiancy. Or it could be nitro. Do u use cal mag?
Yep. 150 ppm per feed. Idk why she struggles when the other thrives. She gets fed tomorrow maybe I'll bump her cal mag. She may just need some more nutes too....

I really like hempy it was a great place to start but I will likely be going DWC asap.
Yesterday I tied down the cookies and opened up the two bd x ak x a.c. so more light gets in. Stretching has seemed to go down.
Not just yet just gotta get over this hump of depression. Wish I had some psylocybin to reset it. I had intruders in my area so im thinking to myself why even bother.
Hope it all comes good for you mate.. :passitleft:
Ah shit depression sucks :( know your not alone man, hoping you can get thru this bout quickly bud, things always even out
No pix yet but maybe later. Added two brains choice clones to my prop dome already rooted just got to get them in a ten gal container cause these babies are gonna grow 10 ft and im gonna super crop them.. viva la revolution! I mean photosynthisis.
Aww yea 10 gallon club! Can't wait to see ;)
Nice illz!!! Hope your staying warm in all this white crap flying around ✌. Looking forward to your next update!
Wind storm today :3 keep the genny on stand by!
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