Haystack Has Cannabisitis And He's Sour About It

Todays update:

The roots look really nice now. Since this is my first hydro grow, it's my first time i've actually been able to watch the roots develop. It's pretty trippy watching it happen in the water. The roots grow a lot faster than the top. Nice to see.

And the tops look really nice too. Although I think I may have gotten a little aggressive with the nutrients last weekend. I think I'll cut back to 3ml per liter instead of 4ml per liter this week and see what happens. And I'll go with 1ml per liter of the B-52 and Voodoo juice.

And a final pic of the whole tent. I'll be out of town for a couple of days, so this may be the last update for a bit.

And lastly, I have a couple more questions.
1.) I am planning to put these into some bigger pots soon. At the rate the roots are growing it looks like they will want a little more room to grow. I have larger 5 gallon buckets. The big orange ones you get from Home Depot. When do you guys change pots? Should I wait, or should I do it soon?

2.) I've noticed some of the leaves are starting to curl. But not in a bad way like clawing of turning up from the heat. It's more like they are turning in against each other in a crescent shape. I've never seen that in any of my previosu grows. Is it something I should be concerned with, or is it pretty normal with hydro grows?

Thanks for looking.
Looking good in there. Roots look right on point for the stage of growth. Both plants look healthy.

1.) The five gallons pails will work well. Just check them and make sure no light penetrates the orange sides.

2.) I've had that happen before. Don't know what caused it, but never hurt quality or quantity. Maybe its another effect of overfeeding them. See if it stop when you cut back your nutes.
Looking good in there. Roots look right on point for the stage of growth. Both plants look healthy.

1.) The five gallons pails will work well. Just check them and make sure no light penetrates the orange sides.

2.) I've had that happen before. Don't know what caused it, but never hurt quality or quantity. Maybe its another effect of overfeeding them. See if it stop when you cut back your nutes.

Thanks for the tip on the buckets. I didn't even think about light getting in the buckets. Those Home Depot buckets are a little translucent too. I'm just going to go to my local hydro store and get some black buckets. As far as the curling leaves are concerned, it doesn't matter anymore because they are gone.
So I thought that last nights post was all I was going to do since I'm leaving town. But I had a little time to kill before leaving and I just couldn't resist doing a little more work on the girls. I did a water change and a little defoliation. Things were getting a little bushy. I'm sure by the time I get back tomorrow night I'll notice some new growth.

This looks like a fun one. Subbing in for the ride. I didn't realize you could purchase clones in California? That's amazing! I'm living in a legalized state that allows growing but unfortunately does not so far allow the sale of seeds or clones.
Cali has been selling buds, clones and seeds for years now. But it was not until this year that cali made it legal to buy for recreational use. It's great and I love it. The prices are a little high from all the taxes, but hopefully that will come doen in the future.
Cali has been selling buds, clones and seeds for years now. But it was not until this year that cali made it legal to buy for recreational use. It's great and I love it. The prices are a little high from all the taxes, but hopefully that will come doen in the future.

That's so nice. I was in Washington recently and told they're not even allowed to grow! Legally, you have to purchase from a dispensary, which seems like such a corporate way of doing things to me. How much do clones cost in general?
Damn i am glad i found this. I followed your summer grow. Funny that you are trying out the buckets as well. Everything is looking good.

That's so nice. I was in Washington recently and told they're not even allowed to grow! Legally, you have to purchase from a dispensary, which seems like such a corporate way of doing things to me. How much do clones cost in general?
Wow, that's messed up that you can't legally grow. I guess it's just another money grab by your state. There probably would be a lot of lost tax revenue if people were allowed to grow. But it still smacks of greed to me.
Damn i am glad i found this. I followed your summer grow. Funny that you are trying out the buckets as well. Everything is looking good.
Hey Sam, glad you found me. Let's see how this grow turns out. So far everything has gone well. Hopefully it stays that way. But this is definitely a different way of growing for me.
East coast and I are both trying out DWC this time. He has a side by side chemdawg DWC & coco and hi have a white widow just getting into flower.
Wow, that's messed up that you can't legally grow. I guess it's just another money grab by your state. There probably would be a lot of lost tax revenue if people were allowed to grow. But it still smacks of greed to me.

Not my state. Thankfully I’m in VT and allowed to grow. It seems like Cali is doing it right as usual though allowing everyone to get what they need.
Not my state. Thankfully I’m in VT and allowed to grow. It seems like Cali is doing it right as usual though allowing everyone to get what they need.
Cali is kind of doing it right. But the big problem is the amount of taxes that have to be paid. In some locations you have to pay state, county and city tax when you buy. And the dispensaries as well as the suppliers have to pay a special marijuana tax. So prices are pretty high. The problem with that is that it leaves a huge opening for the black market to thrive. And those who are anti marijuana will scream bloody murder that the criminals still rule the drug market and legalizing it did absolutely nothing to cut down on crime. So at some point there will be a big campaign for a political anti marijuana war. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I doubt it.
@HayStack @SamSmith How are you guys liking the hydro so far? Its all I've ever known lol.

I have a love hate relationship with it at the moment. The main problem has been PH control but I am getting there with it. What ever they use in my tap to buffer PH is a SOB to get the PH to settle. Once it does it's fine but I have to use 12+ml of PH down to get it in range the first time and several tweaks after that to get it to stabilize. It starts at 7 with a ppm of 120-150 so it's not horrible source wise. I have an RO unit but every time I try running that straight I run into deficiencies.

What I like about it is the speed in veg, the fact that I don't have to water 2X per day like I have to with coco. Eventually it will allow me to experiment with flowering light timing. Right now I have to run 12/12 to be able to water 2x per day with my work schedule. It's less mess for sure.
So now I have a few questions.

1.) PH and PPM
I'm currently running PH at 6.0 and PPM is at 1200. I'm think that's good for week 3, but I'm not sure. What do you all run at week 3?

2.) Training (LST)
The lids on my buckets are a one piece lid that covers the whole bucket. How do you all tie down the branches to the pots and still be able to remove the lid to change the water and nutrients. I'm thinking I need to install a reservoir so I don't have to remove the lids anymore, but I'm not sure.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

I am no expert and I can tell you that what scrog stated is a very similar response that I hear from guys that have been running RDWC's for a period of time. They don't change out the entire system on the nutrient companies recommendations. They have a large water volume that contributes to stability. They just top off with nutrient solution to try to keep the ppm's in range.

I think were the change your reservoir weekly thoughts come from is that ppm's just tell us the total number of dissolved solids in the mix not what the mix is comprised of. So you may have your plants using more N than P or K and you have no way of knowing what is being consumed. When you change out the res often it negates that and resets everything back to a set ratio. My personal opinion is that this is related to over all volume of the system. If you are only working with 4 gallons of water in a DWC bucket setup you are going to have greater fluxuations than you will in a large volume RDWC system. The total nutrient pool for the plants to pull from is greater than the plants themselves can use so it stays stable longer in RDWC.

Personally I have been changing my bucket nutrients out weekly or when I am doing a nutrient ratio adjustment. I have been following GH's feed charts and adjusting the NPK ratio's per their recommendations for the plants at different times in their grow cycle.

As far as training goes I use adhesive backed wire tie clips and pipe cleaners to tie the branches down. I just stick them to the bucket lid where I need them and use the soft pipe cleaner to wrap around the plant stalk and secure it in the tie holder. You can remove them after your grow or just leave them stuck to the lids for the next round. There are literally 100's of varieties of these clips available in different configurations. I attached an image from McMaster showing a few different ones. Pipe cleaners are a dime a dozen at most craft stores.
cable ties 2.JPG

cable ties.JPG
Cali is kind of doing it right. But the big problem is the amount of taxes that have to be paid. In some locations you have to pay state, county and city tax when you buy. And the dispensaries as well as the suppliers have to pay a special marijuana tax. So prices are pretty high. The problem with that is that it leaves a huge opening for the black market to thrive. And those who are anti marijuana will scream bloody murder that the criminals still rule the drug market and legalizing it did absolutely nothing to cut down on crime. So at some point there will be a big campaign for a political anti marijuana war. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I doubt it.

I definitely don't think you're being paranoid. I just hope all these recreational states will get it figured out before there's too much backlash.
I am no expert and I can tell you that what scrog stated is a very similar response that I hear from guys that have been running RDWC's for a period of time. They don't change out the entire system on the nutrient companies recommendations. They have a large water volume that contributes to stability. They just top off with nutrient solution to try to keep the ppm's in range.

I think were the change your reservoir weekly thoughts come from is that ppm's just tell us the total number of dissolved solids in the mix not what the mix is comprised of. So you may have your plants using more N than P or K and you have no way of knowing what is being consumed. When you change out the res often it negates that and resets everything back to a set ratio. My personal opinion is that this is related to over all volume of the system. If you are only working with 4 gallons of water in a DWC bucket setup you are going to have greater fluxuations than you will in a large volume RDWC system. The total nutrient pool for the plants to pull from is greater than the plants themselves can use so it stays stable longer in RDWC.

Personally I have been changing my bucket nutrients out weekly or when I am doing a nutrient ratio adjustment. I have been following GH's feed charts and adjusting the NPK ratio's per their recommendations for the plants at different times in their grow cycle.

As far as training goes I use adhesive backed wire tie clips and pipe cleaners to tie the branches down. I just stick them to the bucket lid where I need them and use the soft pipe cleaner to wrap around the plant stalk and secure it in the tie holder. You can remove them after your grow or just leave them stuck to the lids for the next round. There are literally 100's of varieties of these clips available in different configurations. I attached an image from McMaster showing a few different ones. Pipe cleaners are a dime a dozen at most craft stores.
cable ties 2.JPG

cable ties.JPG
Hey, thanks for the advice on the water changes. Maybe one I get a reservoir I'll stop doing the weekly water changes and just keep topping it up. This weekend I'll probably setup the reservoir.
And the Adhesive clips are a great idea too.
I definitely don't think you're being paranoid. I just hope all these recreational states will get it figured out before there's too much backlash.
I sure hope the rec states git it figured out soon. I can just here all the anti cannabis nuts screaming. Ha!
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