Your tent is looking great, Haystack! It'll be interesting to see if the additional light will make a noticeable difference.
Hopefully I'll see a difference in about a week. It's only been in there since Sunday evening, so too soon to tell just yet. We'll see what they look like this weekend.
It's official. Ellen has completed her transition and is now Elliot. He has begun seeding all the other girls in the tent. I'll probably sprout some of these seeds in preparation for the summer grow and then put them outside sometime in early June. This will be exciting.

There is about a bajillion pollen pods now and while they are not as pollen packed as a true male plant, there is enough to make seeds!

Here you can see the seeds beginning to show. It's just a matter of time now.

The whole tent looks beautiful.

The 5x5 is doing great as well. I'm not sure how much positive effect is from the extra light I added a week ago, but all of the EV's are getting bigger by the day. Only two more weeks until they are at week 8 of flower. Will it be time to harvest or will they continue to grow? I don't know, but we'll see how they look in a couple weeks. So far, so good.

You can see that the whole tent continues to grow.

The top colas are looking really good.

And the trich's are just building and building.

It's official. Ellen has completed her transition and is now Elliot. He has begun seeding all the other girls in the tent. I'll probably sprout some of these seeds in preparation for the summer grow and then put them outside sometime in early June. This will be exciting.

There is about a bajillion pollen pods now and while they are not as pollen packed as a true male plant, there is enough to make seeds!

Here you can see the seeds beginning to show. It's just a matter of time now.

The whole tent looks beautiful.

Was this planed or just a mishap?
Was this planed or just a mishap?
It was totally planned. I've been spraying Elliot with Colloidal Silver and Silver Thiosulfate since just before flower. I didn't know if it would work, but it worked quite well and I'm happy with the outcome so far. The only thing to know now is whether I get at least 90% or more female plants from the seeds. Once these sees are done, I'll immediately planting some of them to see how many go male and how many go female. I think I'll start with a sample group of about 15 seeds. Hopefully that will be a pretty good sample size so I can get a decent idea of how well this works.
So we've finally had a few really nice winter days here in the SF Bay. I thought I would take a couple pics and post them here. It's only been getting up to about 60 degrees in the warmest part of the day. But it's been really nice after having weeks of cold rainy weather.

This pic was from my front porch. You can see San Francisco way out in the distance if you look just to the left of the top of the pine tree in the center of this pic. It's hard to see it now because its a bit too dark, but on a clear sunny day, you can see the Salesforce building.

This is off my back yard deck where I have my summer grow. This is where I smoke a fatty and clear my head after a long day of work.
Some new pics from last night I'm the 5x5. Things are coming along nicely. The colas are really getting fat and full.

The buds are getting juicy too. I'm not sure if it's the Terpinator, but they are so sticky. I can just lightly touch them with my finger tips and have goo on my fingers.

Even the lower popcorn buds are a sticky mess. I'll have to use Terpinator from now on.

The 3x3 with the seeded plants is doing great. I should have a couple hundred feminized seeds I a month or so. I did remove the pollinating plant for good. It's done it's job and I don't want the plants in the 5x5 to get pollinated.

I have to catch up better here, Hay..

I saw a seed and thought oh no! And then saw that this was a planned change of

Have you used terpinator prior? I'm curious as to a comparison of with and without....

I'll be around for the rest of this. Watching you now brother lol
I have to catch up better here, Hay..

I saw a seed and thought oh no! And then saw that this was a planned change of

Have you used terpinator prior? I'm curious as to a comparison of with and without....

I'll be around for the rest of this. Watching you now brother lol

Yes, this was totally planned by using Silver Thiosulfate and Colloidal Silver. In my opinion Silver Thiosulfate works better than Colloidal Silver. I ordered both from Omega Genetix. The only reason I think the Silver Thiosulfate is because you don't have to apply it as often as the Colloidal Silver and it seems to act faster for producing the male pollen sacs needed to make seeds. I have since put Elliot outside and will dispose of him soon.

I'll be doing it again in the future. I think I can make the strain even better by planting a dozen or so seeds and picking the best strongest one of the bunch and then spray one branch and let it pollenate the rest of the plant. Will it work? I have no idea, but I'm gonna give it a try.

As far as the Terpinator goes, I have not used it before. But at this point it seems to be doing the job. I have grown EV for the past few years, so I'm pretty familiar with how it grows. the buds seem to be a lot stickier with the Terpinator. the buds are so sticky, I can just barely touch a bud and get the gooey goodness on my finger tip. Give it a try, I think you'll be pleased with it.
Yes, this was totally planned by using Silver Thiosulfate and Colloidal Silver. In my opinion Silver Thiosulfate works better than Colloidal Silver. I ordered both from Omega Genetix. The only reason I think the Silver Thiosulfate is because you don't have to apply it as often as the Colloidal Silver and it seems to act faster for producing the male pollen sacs needed to make seeds. I have since put Elliot outside and will dispose of him soon.

I'll be doing it again in the future. I think I can make the strain even better by planting a dozen or so seeds and picking the best strongest one of the bunch and then spray one branch and let it pollenate the rest of the plant. Will it work? I have no idea, but I'm gonna give it a try.

I mean, sounds solid to me. Look forward to seeing what you end up with for sure!
As far as the Terpinator goes, I have not used it before. But at this point it seems to be doing the job. I have grown EV for the past few years, so I'm pretty familiar with how it grows. the buds seem to be a lot stickier with the Terpinator. the buds are so sticky, I can just barely touch a bud and get the gooey goodness on my finger tip. Give it a try, I think you'll be pleased with it.
Been thinking about it, just have been trying not to add a chemical in. Have only heard good things though. Thanks for explaining all of this to me!
Here is a sneak peek at my next grow. These were free seeds that were sent to my by Omega Gentix that came with each of the two orders I placed with them. Unfortunately they are not feminized seeds, So I'll have to plant them soon and maybe make either some seeds or clones depending on how much time I have. The soonest I can plant will be the beginning of February. Then I have to flower them to find the females, if there are any. But by then, it will be pretty close to planting time for the summer grow. I may just have to make some clones and put them out for the summer grow and keep one for seeding.

Hey Guys and Gals,
It's been a little while since I have been here actively posting. But I have been lurking when I have had the time. Last year was a trip here. With Covid and all the fires burning out of control, it was crazy. Hopefully all of you got through the big PITA Covid-19.

I probably should have started this long ago when I planted the first seeds late last year. But, over the winter, I did a little indoor farming to grow some of the seeds that I found in some of the plants. I only found 8 seeds, so I started a grow with those seeds as I found them. All of the seeds were from my EV (Enchanted Violence) plants I grew last year. I also purchased two Do si dos clones from my local dispensary. I did that because a couple of my seeds were found late, so I did not have time to make clones and attempt to flower them so I would know what sex they were. Those last two seeds are growing outdoors now and I have a feeling they are going to go male. So the Do so dos will give me all I need if that happens.

Since I only got one female out of the first 6 seeds I planted. I decided to take some cuttings from the one female and let them grow to maturity with one of the male plants. They are still growing, but will be harvested in two to three weeks. From what I can see, it looks like there will be about a bajillion seeds after I harvest them.

Lastly, I have take na few cuttings from one of the EV plants outside. I'm going to try to feminize seeds with colloidal silver. I've never done it before and if anyone knows a better way, I'm all ears.

So, On with the pics.
This first pic is all 7 of the plants I have growing


This one is seed #8. It was too late to try to flower it, so now it's outside. Only time will tell if it's male or female. But by looking at how it's growing, I'm gonna say it's another male :(


This is a pic of a clone I grew from seed #1. Seed # 1 was the one and only seed that went female in the tent.


This one is also a clone that came from seed #1


This one is also a clone that came from #1


This one I'm calling #9. I didn't really plant the seed. It just came up in one of the pots that was growing a EV last year. So I'm just gonna say that this one is also a EV.


This is one of the Di Si Dos that I purchased from my local dispensary. We'll see how she grows. But she looks really good at this point


This is also a Do Si Dos that I purchased from the same dispensary.


A while ago I just started calling the EV plants by their seed number. Kind of like The Umbrella Academy. Ha!! #1 was the only female so far. #2 was a male that was used to pollinate 4 of the #1's that I cloned. #3 was also male, so I chucked it. #4 , #5, #6 and #7 were also males and had to be disposed of. #8 and #9 still remain to be seen what they turn in to.
Noice :yahoo: looking really great friend, I love what you've done with that trellis, I haven't used one in forever but I never thought of using one like you are, I like that
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