Yeah, this is the local company that recently lost the two brothers

Yeah, this is the local company that recently lost the two brothers

Well, that was some sad news. Thanks for letting me know. I made a post in their thread. Seems like a lot of people are joining in on that thread.
So here's my post for today.
For starters, Here are some pics of my 3x3. These clones were made from the four EV (Enchanted Violence) plants that are currently growing in my 5x5 tent that is in full bloom. Since my previous attempt at making seeds worked out pretty well, I am now trying to make some feminized seeds. I've never tried to make feminized seeds before, so I'm a total noob at this, so I'm hoping this works. I started with Omega Genetics colloidal silver. But they also sent me a sample bottle of silver thiosulfate spray. To me, it seems like the silver thiosulfate works a little better, so I ordered another bottle of that since I am running low. They also sent me a couple other little samples. One sample was a cbd gummy bear, some random strain of CBD seeds. But the big prize for me was three Columbian Gold/Thai Stick seeds. They are not feminized seeds, but I'll be planting them when this grow is done in hopes of getting at least one female plant out of the three seeds. I've always wanted to grow a landrace strain, but never have. So it could be exciting next summer!

I also found some silver thiosulfate spray from a local source in Oakland called Cannabinology. I've never heard of them, so I hope they are legit. . If I need more spray, I think I'll order from them.

If you look closely, you can see the pollen pods beginning to show!

And here are a few pics from the whole tent. The tent is really getting full already, so I may have to move them to the 4x4 tent soon.

And then there are these. They are branches from my Plumeria plant on the deck. I've had it for about 10 years now, but the storm that came in last month ripped a couple branches off the plant. All of them have some new growth on them. Even the ones with the tops chopped off. I also have another broken branch from the wind last week. I'll be adding that to the tent as well once I get it planted. Not that any of this has anything to do with growing weed, but they are in the tent, so I thought I'd post them here.

Some plants just won’t stop!
Tents are looking fantastic!
Haha, the plumeria won't stop for sure. It's had several near death moments in it's life with me. But now I'll have 7 of them. Not really sure where I will put them all. I may chop down a tree in my front yard so I can plant there there. They have really nice flowers when they bloom. The only problem is the front of my house has a northern exposure, so I'm not sure if they will produce a lot of flowers. because the shadow of my house blocks a lot of the light. But we'll see.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas.

For today I have a few closeups. The EV's in the 5x5 are really packing on the trichs.

In the 3x3 the colloidal silver really seems to be working. I was a little worried when I started spaying, but it's really working! I think I'll start about a dozen seeds when it's done, just to see how many of them will be female.

Your tent is looking awesome, and great work on the colloidal silver project! :thumb:

I've been using Terpinator/Purpinator for about 3 seasons now. I'm pretty happy with it, but since I haven't done any with/without comparisons I can't say that it for sure makes a difference. I add it as part of every feed once flowering starts. I use about 10 - 15ml per gallon of water.

Happy New Year!
You’ve got seeds!
Well, I'm still waiting to see how much pollen it actually produces. I've plucked a few of the pods and have not seen a lot of pollen yet. But the pods are getting bigger everyday. Got my fingers crossed.
Your tent is looking awesome, and great work on the colloidal silver project! :thumb:

I've been using Terpinator/Purpinator for about 3 seasons now. I'm pretty happy with it, but since I haven't done any with/without comparisons I can't say that it for sure makes a difference. I add it as part of every feed once flowering starts. I use about 10 - 15ml per gallon of water.

Happy New Year!
The terpinator seems to be working. I can touch the buds and have a lot of sticky on my finger tips. But the proof will be when I taste it and press it. I've grown my EV strain for a few years now, so I know how it tastes and presses. If I get more than a gram of rosin out of a 1/4 oz, I'll know it works pretty good
So. Down to the last few weeks of flower and not super happy with the bud growth. So I added this.

It's my old 1500 watt COB light. Technically it's not 1500 watts. It's more like 300. It's got 5 60 watt COBS in it, but it's one of those cheap Chinese lights with what they call a 1600 watt equivalent.
This was the kit I bought back in 2017. I paid 150.00 for it but now I see it selling for 74 bucks on the jungle site. I may just buy a couple more. They make great additional lighting and the light is way more intense than I remember it being. Hopefully that gives it a nice growth spurt.

i still have the 315 watt CMH and the Viparspectra PAR600 pictured below.

5x5 update:
Everything is looking good and the additional light has only added a couple degrees to the heat factor in the middle of the day. I'm running at about 82 degrees during the day, the high 70's in the morning and evening and down to the low 60's at night.

I can't really tell how much the additional COB light is helping after just one day. But in a week I hope to see some substantial growth. Here's a few pics of how they look tonight. I'll make another post of the 3x3 in a few.

First pic, the lights. It's a little crowded up there now, but there is a huge difference in the amount of bright light in there now.

Next is the whole tent.

Now the good stuff. Closeups!

Things are looking very nice indeed.
When is your anticipated harvest date. I am looking at somewhere around the 21st or so. Trichomes are still mostly clear.
Things are looking very nice indeed.
When is your anticipated harvest date. I am looking at somewhere around the 21st or so. Trichomes are still mostly clear.

I don't know for sure when harvest will be. 3 weeks is still kind of far out. But I think it will be the last week of January or the first week of February.
Your tent is looking great, Haystack! It'll be interesting to see if the additional light will make a noticeable difference.
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