So here we are in the middle of July. At this point most of our outdoor grows are showing signs of being male or female. All we can do is care for them and wait. Hopefully everyone has a great harvest season this fall.

These are the ones that are definitely female. There are five of them right now, so I'll have a pretty good harvest for sure.

These two are still unknown. But they are a lot younger than all of the other females. Only time will tell if they are male or female.

Hey all,
Not a whole lot going on here lately. Just watching the outdoor grow get bigger and bigger. I'll have some more pics up in a day or two. The amount they have grown in less than a month is crazy.

I do have a few pics for today. These are from my indoor grow. They are the females that I pollenated with a male plant earlier this spring. I wanted to get anything relating to pollination out of here for now. I still have more pollination to do, but that will have to wait till after harvest. I cut all of them down and they are now just chillin out in my old 4x4. They should be dry enough to start the seed removal process in a few days.

This is what I got from one bud a couple weeks ago. And although the plants I have drying now are pretty small, I have a feeling I'll get a few hundred seeds out of them. If you take a look at the seeds here, the ones on the left are what I considered to be the best of the seeds from the bud. I put them in the paper towels on Sunday. The ones in the middle are just seeds I found on the floor after I cleaned up. Those just got put in the paper towel last night. The seeds on the right are the seeds that I thought were not very good. Most of them were yellow, green or white. But some of them actually popped! So, WOOOOOOOOOOO!

I even took a few out of the paper towel and planted them in pots. I don't know if I will let these grow or not and the ones that have already sprouted may not see the light of day. But knowing me, I'll probably end up planting all of them anyway, just to see how they grow. I've never made seeds before, so I have no idea how well they will grow. But maybe I'll find out soon if I plant them all.

The other six plants that you see there are just what's left of the cloning I have done lately. The two on the left are both males. They'll probably get chucked before they start to grow male pods. The four on the right are all #1's that I cloned off of #1 growing outside. I plan on keeping those four growing until the fall. By that time they'll probably be pretty big. So I may end up taking cuttings from them and those will be the ones I try seeding with Colloidal Silver. The three in the middle are the seed sprouts that I just planted.

So now I have a question for everyone. I have started a compost pile in one of the 50 gallon pots I'm not using. it's not a real compost pile, because it's mostly old soil from the last few grows. But I put a lot of stuff in there, like grass clippings from the front yard. Leaves, weeds that I have pulled before they went to seed, vegetable cuttings from the kitchen, banana peels and just about any other clean green matter I can find. But it is now a nice dark pile of soil compared to the soil I'm currently using in the current grow pots. So the question is.

Soon I will have some whole marijuana plants and other growth that I cut off the backyard grow. So, would I be turning grows that I start later into cannibals If I put whole marijuana plants in there?
Another Update:
So I woke up this morning and the outdoor grow was a little droopy. I over watered on Tuesday, so I didn't water them yesterday. I gave them a watering with Jacks 20 20 20 this morning, so all will be well in a few hours.

#8 is still showing no signs of being male or female. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing. But I'll just wait and see. From my experience, it seems like the males express their sex earlier, so maybe it will be a female. At least that's what I'm hoping. It's long and lanky though. That's for sure.

Indoors, the grow is doing well. I just added 4 more seeds that popped the other day to the tent. I was just experimenting with the seeds I made in the spring and I didn't have the heart to just throw away all the sprouts. Who knows, maybe the next time I post there will be more that I put in the tent. Then maybe I'll put them outside in small 1 gallon bags and see what happens. They'll probably be small, but hopefully have some nice buds on them. Harvest will be crazy this year.

One of the sprouts I planted on Tuesday popped up last night!!!

Lastly, Here is a pic of my little compost pile. I have not added anything to it for a few weeks. But, I'll be doing a little gardening out in the front yard this weekend and I'll be adding some more cuttings, grass, leaves and whatever else I deem healthy for the pile. It sure is getting dark though.

Happy Growing!
I'll probably end up planting all of them anyway, just to see how they grow. I've never made seeds before, so I have no idea how well they will grow.
Heck ya! Those are some nice looking sprouts. I found one seed on my Sour Diesel plant from 2018. I planted it the following year just so see what would happen. It sprouted and grew into a nice female. I just left it in a 2 gallon pot so it didn't get huge, but it produced some very nice smoke that was very similar to its mother plant. Got about 4 oz from it.

So I woke up this morning and the outdoor grow was a little droopy.
Maybe a little droopy, but certainly looking beautiful!

#8 is still showing no signs of being male or female.
I've got a little experiment going with some seeds from my son's last year grow. I had it under lights (about 19 hrs/day) for the first several weeks, and I put it outside full time last week (about 14 hrs/day of light). It still hasn't shown its sex yet either.

Here is a pic of my little compost pile.
Looks dark and rich. :thumb:
Heck ya! Those are some nice looking sprouts. I found one seed on my Sour Diesel plant from 2018. I planted it the following year just so see what would happen. It sprouted and grew into a nice female. I just left it in a 2 gallon pot so it didn't get huge, but it produced some very nice smoke that was very similar to its mother plant. Got about 4 oz from it.

Maybe a little droopy, but certainly looking beautiful!

I've got a little experiment going with some seeds from my son's last year grow. I had it under lights (about 19 hrs/day) for the first several weeks, and I put it outside full time last week (about 14 hrs/day of light). It still hasn't shown its sex yet either.

Looks dark and rich. :thumb:
I'm scared to see what's going to happen in the next moth or so. I'll probably have 20 little pots on the deck sunning with the big girls. Harvest will be a nightmare. Hahaha. The only problem will be finding room for them on the deck where they can get some sun and not be too overshadowed by the big girls. I'll probably have to make a shelf at the edge of the balcony or something.

The good news is the the SFBay rocks for growing!
So, this is odd. Every year that I have been growing my EV strain, I have had at least one plant that has turned out with this odd leaf formation. Unfortunately, all of them have turned out to be male. they've all grown strong and heathy, just an odd leaf structure. Not sure what will happen with this one, but if anyone has ever seen the type of leaf, let me know.
The good news is the the SFBay rocks for growing!
they've all grown strong and heathy, just an odd leaf structure. Not sure what will happen with this one, but if anyone has ever seen the type of leaf, let me know.
I've had that a couple times on some seedlings (plants were female). They've always grown out of it, and I've never found out what caused it. I suspect that it was soil that was too rich for the seedling to handle at that early age, but have never confirmed that to be the case. :hmmmm:

I've had that a couple times on some seedlings (plants were female). They've always grown out of it, and I've never found out what caused it. I suspect that it was soil that was too rich for the seedling to handle at that early age, but have never confirmed that to be the case. :hmmmm:
This is a pic of #8 that I just took. I think I may be seeing the first signs of a female!
Not a whole lot going on today.

The outdoor plants continue to just grow and grow. And I have some first signs of #8 being female I think.

#1 and the Do Si Dos are the biggest ones so far. I have a feeling these two are going to be the best of the bunch.

Then there is the indoor grow. As I figured I would, I have planted more of the sprouted seeds. As of this morning, there are three that have sprouted. I just looked and there are a few more that have sprouted, but I have not take pics of them yet. Maybe in the morning I will. It's hard to see the sprout in the 4th pic, but it's there if you look closely. This little 5x5 tent may be full pretty soon.

Seed Day!
So I took a little break from work today to harvest the seeds from one of the pollinated EV #1 plants. Not too bad I think. I'm not sure how many I have here, but probably around a couple hundred. I sill have three larger plants to deseed, but this will do for now.


Wow, those are looking great! Gonna smell amazing come September. :drool:

Nice haul on the seeds. Was the pollination intentional or accidental?
The seeds were intentional. I had one male and about 7 other plants in the same tent. Unfortunately 3 of the plants were of unknown sex. Those 3 ended up being male, do I disposed of them because I only wanted the females to be pollinated by one male so I will know what they are next year when I plant them. Once I got the tent down to one male and four #1 females I just let them grow together. I harvested the females the weekend before last and started pulling the seeds yesterday. I still have three more to go. I'll get to them eventually.
Beautiful garden @HayStack

It looks like you will be set for seeds for some time.

I currently have a lot of them, with more coming. Hopefully that will last me for a few years. The strain is really good.
Hi all,
It's been a while since I've had the time to post something worth while. But here are a few pics of what's going on. Everything is coming along fine. But I have a little yellowing going on with a couple of my plants. One of the Do Si Dos and #8 are yellowing. At first I thought it was over watering, so I backed off a bit. Then I thought it was a lack of nitrogen so I started giving them a bit more than the others.

The fist pic is the Do si dos. You can see the yellowing.
And this is #8. You can see the yellowing there as well.
It's kind of weird, but I'm still gonna keep giving them a bit more nutrients. I also bought a little cal mag to start adding to the feeding as well. That's the one thing that is missing from Jacks 20 20 20. So maybe that will help a bit.

Other than that, it's all good and all of the plants are growing well.

The buds are finally starting to show themselves as well.

Looking great, Haystack!
I also bought a little cal mag to start adding to the feeding as well. That's the one thing that is missing from Jacks 20 20 20. So maybe that will help a bit.
Does Jacks 20 20 20 contain any iron? If not, an iron supplement could help, or maybe a dash of SuperThrive (vitamin tonic).
The buds are finally starting to show themselves as well.
Your plants are looking about the same stage of flowering as mine are. :thumb:
Do you ever have issues with caterpillars? I struggle with them every year once the plants are in mid flower.
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