Looking great, Haystack!

Does Jacks 20 20 20 contain any iron? If not, an iron supplement could help, or maybe a dash of SuperThrive (vitamin tonic).

Your plants are looking about the same stage of flowering as mine are. :thumb:
Do you ever have issues with caterpillars? I struggle with them every year once the plants are in mid flower.
Hey Beez,
Jacks 20 20 20 does have iron. The only thing really missing is calcium. So I bought some cal-mag at my local hydro store.

Here is what is in Jacks 20 20 20.

I also just read your post about coming back to caterpillars in your grow. It sucks that yours seem to have invade so fast. They are a problem around here too and I get them every year. So I did the first season spray of BT last night. I'll probably start spraying once a week or so for a while.
Hola NorCal Neighbor!

Your outdoor gals are looking terrific!

Here comes the smoke again!

I alternate between weekly spraying of BT and spinosad - keeps em guessing.
Hey neighbor, it's always nice to see someone in the Bay Area! and thanks for taking a look at my girls. So far they are looking great. A couple of them are a little malnourished, but nothing a little nutrients won't fix
It does look like the smoke is becoming an annual thing now. The good news is that it looks like it does not affect the plants at all. I had a fine harvest last year. The only problem was that there was a lot of ash on the buds. But, it was nothing a good bud wash didn't fix.
Thanks for the spraying tip. I was always the guy who just plucked them out of the buds before they do any harm. But since I started growing more plants the las few year, it's really hard to keep up with them. So spraying it is.
I also just read your post about coming back to caterpillars in your grow. It sucks that yours seem to have invade so fast. They are a problem around here too and I get them every year. So I did the first season spray of BT last night. I'll probably start spraying once a week or so for a while.
Fortunately they haven't touched my large photo period plants yet. They were attracted to my auto that was in full bloom.
I was always the guy who just plucked them out of the buds before they do any harm.
Same here, but after my kids moved out a couple seasons ago (they helped with the hunting and plucking), it's just too much work for me to stay on top of. I sprayed last year for the first time and will probably be spraying regularly this year too, but I'm attempting to build a moth-proof shelter for the plants at night. I'll have pics once that's accomplished.
Fortunately they haven't touched my large photo period plants yet. They were attracted to my auto that was in full bloom.

Same here, but after my kids moved out a couple seasons ago (they helped with the hunting and plucking), it's just too much work for me to stay on top of. I sprayed last year for the first time and will probably be spraying regularly this year too, but I'm attempting to build a moth-proof shelter for the plants at night. I'll have pics once that's accomplished.
what you have experienced with the caterpillars and what I have experience with the yellowing of a couple plants are just minor setbacks in this years grows. When harvest time comes, we will be more than happy with what we bring in. Just keep spraying for those damn caterpillars and you'll be fine. I can't wait to see how your grow comes out!
What an amazing day it's turning out to be. It's in the low to mid 70's here. Perfect for growing some nice weed! It was a bit smoky from the fires that are over 100 miles away. But the winds have shifted back to normal and all the smoke is blowing back to the east! It's not perfect yet, but it's a lot better than yesterday.
The girls are doing great this morning, just sitting out there soaking up the sun.

The yellowing I was seeing is slowly starting to turn back to green. I think it's possible that I didn't treat the soil in two of the pots where the yellowing is occurring. I must have gotten distracted by something, then came back to the pots and just missed adding the amendments I added to the other pots. Oh well, at least it's getting better now. You can really see the green coming back!

#8 is getting happier everyday now. Although I'm curious to see how this will flower. It's so tall and branchy with the nodes so far apart. I've never seen an EV plant grow like this before.

#1 is most excellent at this point and may very well be my best harvest in this grow.

The other #1 is doing great as well. Not quite as big as the others, but it's full with lots of bud sites.

The big Do Si Dos is still recovering from the yellowing, but it's coming back strong.

I have a feeling #9 is a male. It's not 100% conclusive yet. But it looks like there are some tiny pollen pods forming. I may be cutting it down sometime this week. It's actually kind of better that way. Less to harvest in the fall.

The other Do Si Dos is doing very well and getting bushier everyday. Can't wait to see how this one comes out.

And the other #1 is doing well too. Because it's up against the fence on my deck, it doesn't get quite as much direct sunlight for the first few hours in the morning. But it seems happy just where it is.
Such a beautiful day indeed!
Looks like it will be for a while. Forecast says upper 70's to low 80's all week. Perfect growing weather. I guess it's time to water everyday for a while. I think My feeding schedule will be
1.) Superthrive Monday
2.) CalMag Tuesday
3.) Jacks Classic 20 20 20 Wednesday
4.) Plain water Thursday, Friday
Then I'll just start the whole cycle over again and continue that way unless weather or the plants start changing.
The girls are doing great this morning, just sitting out there soaking up the sun.
Your plants are looking awesome! It's getting very crowded on your deck now, must be difficult to get to some of those plants for watering. :high-five:
The yellowing I was seeing is slowly starting to turn back to green.
Definitely looks much better. Glad you got that turned around.
I think it's possible that I didn't treat the soil in two of the pots where the yellowing is occurring. I must have gotten distracted by something,
Your plants are looking awesome! It's getting very crowded on your deck now, must be difficult to get to some of those plants for watering. :high-five:

Definitely looks much better. Glad you got that turned around.

Welp, I have some bad news to report today. #9 is done. He started growing some pollen pods. So before it got out of hand, I gave him the chop yesterday.

Just look at those ugly pods. Yuck!

I started by chopping his head off, then slowly worked all the way down to the bottom.

Here is is in his final resting place, in the compost pot.

Looking super, Haystack! :yummy: :thumb:

Good riddance to male cannabis!

I love this time - when they are all about expressing their femaleness.

Thanks man. I'm still working it and there is still a way to go. Still having a bit of yellowing on two of the plants, but they are growing just as fast as the others, so I'm not gonna worry about it too much.
So, I took a few pics this evening. All is well except for a little yellowing on #8 and the big Do Si Dos, but they are still growing just fine. Not really sure what the problem is though. I'm down to just six plants now because I pulled the one male. But I think I like it a little better that way. More room on that little deck helps a lot when trying to get around the plants. The first couple years I grew on the deck, I only had four pots going. I may end up going back to just four at a time, it's much easier that way and less time to harvest.

I had to stand on a chair to get these pics, but I figured some pics that look a little different would be cool.

The smaller #1 is looking good

#8 is starting to come back from the yellowing finally, but down below, it's still pretty yellow.

The big #1 is doing really good

This is the bigger Do Si Dos. It's still yellowing and I'm starting to think that it's just over watered. Oike a said a couple posts ago. I think I may have missed turning the soil over and treating the soil like I did the others. So maybe the soil is just too compact and holding a lot of water. That's just a guess, but Judging by the looks of the leaves, I think that may be the problem I'll just let it dry out for a couple days and see what happens. Since all the other plants are doing so well and I give them all the same amount of water and nutrients, I'm kind of stumped on this one.

This is the other Do Si Dos, and it's doing great. No problems at all.

And lastly, the other #1 is doing well also.
Looking great, Haystack! :thumb:

If cutting back on the watering doesn't help the Do Si Dos, you might try giving that one a big flush to pull out whatever it is that it's not liking, then follow up with a feed.
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