Hey all,
Sorry, I've been a little out of touch with the 420 forum for a while. But I'm back again with a little update.

Everything seems to be going well. I definitely have a little nutrient problem. Lot's of purpling on the leaves. With one of the Do Si Dos doing it the most. I just order some Jacks Bloom Booster 10-30-20. It's a little lower in Nitrogen, but higher in phosphorus. Since the leaves are turning purple so fast, I figured it would help to have a little more phosphorus in the mix. The yellowing has seemed to stop, but I've been feeding them like crazy too.

I've also sprayed a couple times with BT, in hopes of keeping those annoying caterpillars under control. So far I have none, but this is the time that they usually start to pop up in the buds. Crossing my fingers.

This is #8. It's the oddest looking plant ever. It's about 7' tall, but super skinny. I thought it was going to be male, but its actually a female.

This is one of the #1's that is doing quite well.

And another #1 it's also doing quite well.

This is one of the two Do Si Dos. It's doing very well and still drinking a lot of water and nutrients.

This is the Do Si Dos that has been giving me a headache. Although it is big and the buds are the biggest on any plant so far. But it's still yellowing a little bit and turning purple rapidly. Hopefully the new nutes that will be here this weekend will help. It's definitely a little low on P. I'll be hitting it with 10-30-20 this weekend!

Actually all of the plants seem to be purpling up, but this one is the doing it the most.

And finally the big girl #1. Doing well and getting bigger everyday.

It looks like everyone else is having great outdoor grows too. I'll be making comments on them.
Your plants are looking great so far, with the exception of the Do Si Dos. Very curious about that plant, why it's purpling up so much, and in general just looks hungry. I hope you get it straightened out.
I’ve been thinking about your purpling issue - the Jack’s 20-20-20 you were using has plenty of P, so it must be getting locked out somehow. That Jack’s uses a high proportion of urea (which is converted to ammonium by microbes) and ammonium for its nitrogen. When the plant takes up ammonium, it releases a H+ into the soil. Over time, this results in the soil pH becoming more acidic - possibly to the point where it negatively affects uptake of P. A good 3x volume flush - followed by a nitrate-heavy fertilizer, might set things straight.
A good 3x volume flush - followed by a nitrate-heavy fertilizer, might set things straight.
Good suggestion Felipe. A flush just might help reset things. :thumb:
How did it all turn out the HayStack.
Hey man, I have not seen you in a while. I'll be posting some here in the next couple days. But this years harvest was not my best by far. I came down with Covid on the weekend I was supposed to start harvesting. I was up at my cabin at the time and I just stayed there for two weeks until I was better. I had my looking out for the plants while I was gone. Only problem was we started getting rain about the time I started heading home, but it was a lot of rain and tons of wind too. By the time I started harvesting, both of the Do Si Dos were just about blown to hell and drenched with rain. The good news was that I didn't need to bud wash. I figured since they had a solid week of wind and rain, that would suffice.

Unfortunately, I have not really been on this site since I got over Covid. I just got really busy with work and didn't feel like posting anything here. I was too burned out from work everyday. Although the bout with Covid was not that bad, it did make me really tired all the time. I got it back in October and it's only been the last couple weeks that my energy really started feeling 100% again. But I guess that's a lot better than what some have experienced.

I ended up with about 5 lbs total. It wasn't as much as I was expecting, but it was ok and it still tastes pretty good and it's just as stoney as ever.
Here is a pic of the jarring. I'll post more later.
I’ve been thinking about your purpling issue - the Jack’s 20-20-20 you were using has plenty of P, so it must be getting locked out somehow. That Jack’s uses a high proportion of urea (which is converted to ammonium by microbes) and ammonium for its nitrogen. When the plant takes up ammonium, it releases a H+ into the soil. Over time, this results in the soil pH becoming more acidic - possibly to the point where it negatively affects uptake of P. A good 3x volume flush - followed by a nitrate-heavy fertilizer, might set things straight.
I think you are right. Shortly after you wrote this I enhanced my nutrients with Superthrive, Cal Mag and Recharge. It helped a little bit, but the summer grow was too far into flowering to really make a visible difference. I am doing an indoor grow right now and here are a couple pics with the added nutrients.

Needless to say, Jacks works pretty well, but it definitely needs some help in flower.
Thanks for the update!

Those are some really nice looking colas! :yummy:
What strain are you currently growing?
there are 4 plants in 2 gallon buckets. They are Enchanted Violence Just like the ones I grew outdoors this summer. These were actually the mother plants that I kept chopping down to make more clones. I figured since the summer growing season is done, I might as well flower these so I can get prepared for next year. These should be done flowering in late January.
So I'm going to do a little catch up on this thread since I was absent for a while.
I think my last post on the outdoor grow was on the 1st of September. So here are a few pics from the 6th of September. The buds were getting fatter by the day. But the caterpillar's we're starting to invade. On this day I probably plucked half a dozen of them off the plants. I thought I would try being a little more organic with the caterpillar killer so I used BT. It didn't work out so well, so I think I'll go back to sevin next year.
The good news is the buds were definitely swelling up.

So now we move all the way to the 19th of October. This was after I returned from my COVID filled cabin sleep filled vacation.

A big storm had rolled through with lots of rain and tons of wind. A few of the heavier branches broke, but my son tied them up good enough to last through harvest. But you can tell by the following pics just how wind and rain battered plants look. I live on a crest of a hill and the wind blows pretty hard up here. Surprisingly the enchanted violence plants withstood the wind much better than the Do Si Dos did. The first two pics are the Do Si Dos.

I ended up taking a few hours off from work that morning to harvest one of the enchanted violence plants.

Yeah, the cats are atrocious in our area! I start weekly treatments right after stretch and bud set in August - alternating between spinosad and BT. I still pick a few off.
@BeezLuiz built a moth-resistant shelter that seemed to work pretty well for him.

That was some storm! I returned from Spain a few days after it blew through and had stuff scattered all over my saturated backyard. The local rain gauge indicated that we got 8 inches in 3 days - which is more than we received all last winter! I’m not surprised that you had damage - considering your location.
Yeah, the cats are atrocious in our area! I start weekly treatments right after stretch and bud set in August - alternating between spinosad and BT. I still pick a few off.
@BeezLuiz built a moth-resistant shelter that seemed to work pretty well for him.

That was some storm! I returned from Spain a few days after it blew through and had stuff scattered all over my saturated backyard. The local rain gauge indicated that we got 8 inches in 3 days - which is more than we received all last winter! I’m not surprised that you had damage - considering your location.
The only good thing about that storm is that it was a no labor bud washing.
So, I'm a little over a month into flower now and I have also added another nutrient to the mix. Yesterday I went to my hydro store and bought a quart or Terpniator. I've never used it before, but I'm hoping it will work as advertised. Maybe I'll get a little more Rosin when I press. If anyone has any experience with Terpinatior, I'd like to hear how it turned out for you.

The plants are doing great and really starting to fill in. I was out of town for the weekend and was pleasantly surprised by the growth when I got home. Since this is being done indoors, I won't be having some of the issues I had with the summer grow. Another 4-6 weeks and it will be harvest time!

I haven’t used it but they are a sponsor (and also local to us - Sebastopol) so your purchase is appreciated. It’s potassium sulfate and it won’t hurt unless you are really pushing the EC with your other components. From a few older leaves in the photos, it looks like a bit more potassium would be a good thing. Buds are looking terrific!
I haven’t used it but they are a sponsor (and also local to us - Sebastopol) so your purchase is appreciated. It’s potassium sulfate and it won’t hurt unless you are really pushing the EC with your other components. From a few older leaves in the photos, it looks like a bit more potassium would be a good thing. Buds are looking terrific!
That's great. I didn't know they were nearby until you told me. I'm always happy to support a local company.

I can't wait to see if it works well. I'm not doing a side by side test. But I've grown Enchanted Violence enough time both indoor and outdoor, so I think I'll know if there is a difference by the look, taste and how well it presses.
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