GreenSmurf is Back with White Widow - DWC

Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

This is why I love this site and my growing buds! I learn something new every day. That is exactly what I thought it did. When looking at it and seeing it hanging there it looked like it could close up and reopen. Thought of it like a flower in the a.m.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Here is a little update as the collection process has begun. My idea of taping catalog sheets together is working out good. Also I'm trying to get in there twice a day to collect pollen. I store it underneath the plant with the lid on top but not secure.




Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

yes! be careful going between the boys room and the girls room. you could very easily pollinate a girl without knowing it.


Yup I make sure I'm done with the females before I open up the male cabinet. If by chance I need to go into the females again I change clothes and wipe down all skin and hair with a wet face cloth. The cabinets are across the room from one another so what I've been doing is after checking on the males I spray water through a spray bottle in a fine mist around the male cabinet and in the air. There is no circulation in the boys room right now so I like to think it's staying contained. I also use different cameras.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Wow! That appears to be a good amount of pollen! :bravo:


I think I should have enough for at least two full branches in that container. If I use the paint method just tapping the brush in the container and then over the hairs. What do you guys think?

I'm going to have 3-4 containers varied in amounts. One for this grow and a couple for next grow and longer storage to test viability length.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

I have one packaged up and ready to go into the fridge. I already have what I need for this grow and more! I will collect more until the weekend, then clean out the cabinet. I figured it would be better to have multiple containers Incase one does not take.

Next adventure starts in just two weeks!

I'm going to do a perpetual grow journal for 1 NYPD Female Mom. It's my first mother growing cloning adventure! I tested and succeeded in clipping and rooting in my home made bubble cloner on this grow so.... I thought it would be the best strain to use for a mom since I have less of those seeds. It would be a while for a flowering NYPD plant which leads me to...

My bubblelicious! I can't wait for this strain! I'm going to grow 2 regular seeds I'm hoping for both females but if a male comes up I might have to make a new cabinet! :goof::goof: (Just do tell the wife) :shhh::shhh:
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Hope you made sure the pollen was dry and the container is COMPLETELY airtight. Moisture can ruin it.
I think you should have enough to pollinate quite a bit of flowers. Paint brush could work, either that or a q-tip. Doesn't take a lot of pollen to initiate the reaction. I think I've seen some people who put a bag over the bud after they pollinate, but I haven't looked into it that deep.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Sure did Relaxed! Thanks for looking out!

I also have a couple grains of rice in the container as well. It's airtight alright! I used a sheet of plastic wrap creating the airtight seal and taped it to the side of the container. I then secured the top over the wrap and placed inside a ziplock baggie. I now have a second container holding about the same amount and that will be stored the same way for the freezer. I'm going to do at least one more container tomorrow then I'm cutting him down.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Today I said good bye to the male widow. This experiment was fun and I wouldn't mind another male grow in the future. I now have 4 containers of pollen. I have 2 in fridge and 2 in freezer. I wiped down the cabinet with a water and bleach mixture and will be working on getting the cabinet ready for new babies.

My ladies are doing great. All ladies are now showing their pistols begging for the pollen I collected. My female widow is in desprate need of LST but I wanted to get the male chopped down before I take her out to work on her.

Here's a little update.

Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Here is how I packaged the pollen up.


If I was to pollinate this now would it stop growing and only produce a few seeds or would it grow and make many seeds?
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

I'm going to wait 2 more weeks and see where they are at that point. It will then be around week 4 and from what I read it takes about 5 weeks for fully developed seeds. My plants take around 8-10 weeks of flower time.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

A plant is ready to pollinate 2 weeks after the clusters of female flowers first appear. If you pollinate too early, it may not work. Wait until the female flowers are well established, but still all while hairs are showing.

A branch that is well pollinated should show signs of visible seed production in 2 weeks, with ripe seeds splitting the calyxes by 3-6 weeks. One pollinated branch can create hundreds of seeds, so it should not be necessary to pollinate more than one or two branches in many cases.

When crossing two different varieties, a third variety of plant will be created. If you know what characteristics your looking for in a new strain, you will need several plants to choose from in order to have the best chance of finding all the qualities desired. Sometimes, if the two plants bred had dominant genes for certain characteristics, it will be impossible to get the plant you want from one single cross. In this case, it is necessary to interbreed two plants from the same batch of resultant seeds from the initial cross. In this fashion, recesive genes will become available, and the plant character you desire may only be possible in this manner.

Usually, it is desirable only to cross two strains that are very different. In this manner, one usually arrives at what is refered to as "hybrid vigor". In other words, often the best strains are created by taking two very different strains and mating them. Less robust plants may be the result of interbreeding, since it opens up recesive gene traits that may lead to reduced potency.

Hybrid offspring will all be very different from each other. Each plant grown from the same batch of seeds collected from the same plant, will be different. It is then necessary to try each plant separately and decide it is individual merits for yourself. If you find one that seems to be head and shoulders above the rest in terms of early flowering, high yield and get buzz, that is the plant to clone and continue breeding.
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