GreenSmurf is Back with White Widow - DWC

it comes down to potency of the butter and how hot you actually heat up your fat. I try to keep my butter below 200 degrees F, this way there are no cannabinoids that "burn" off cause of the fat being too hot. I usually cook my butter for anywhere from 1 hour to 4 hours, depending how much butter i am making and how much of a couchlock effect i am going for with my baked goods.. Larger batches require longer cooking times to ensure all the trichomes have been absorbed into the fat.

read up on people who use a crock pot to make their butter. They stew it all day sometimes. It also brings out the flavour profile much more when you cook it longer, as long as its on a low heat setting and doesn't go above 220F and you burn it.

Burned butter is terrible butter. It will still get you high, but you will just want to pass out after you've eaten your whole fridge up. and it will make everything you cook with it, taste burnt

Thanks GreenThumb J.

I do more edibles than smokes- mostly brownies from already been vaporized.

The wife really wants to do butter. I'll see if I can round up a liquid thermometer and test the crockpots for that magical 180-200 range.
After reading about the benefits of ingesting mj for people with crohn's, I figured I'd try making some edibles. With butter I can use it with almost any recipe.

The first thing I want to try is monkey bread.

* 2 sticks of butter (1 cup)
* Bundt Cake Pan (feel free to use dorky shapes)
* Cinnamon // 2-3 teaspoons
* 3 cans of Buttermilk Biscuits (the non-flaky ones)
* Sugar! // 1 cup
Thanks GreenThumb J.

I do more edibles than smokes- mostly brownies from already been vaporized.

The wife really wants to do butter. I'll see if I can round up a liquid thermometer and test the crockpots for that magical 180-200 range.

Any time friend. Already-been vaped stuff is alright, and it WILL make cannabutter, albeit to a much lesser potency and degraded flavour profile. I find for optimal flavour and maximum potency, properly cured buds work the best. However, not everyone can afford to either use their harvest they waited 4 months for to make butter, or buy a few zips of high grade buds to use to make butter when they could smoke it right away and have the instant effects. however, the effects, the intensity as well as the duration are all different when ingesting cannabis compared to combustion, so take your pick between smoking and eating, and decide what you like better.. or choose a nice balance of the two.

If you noticed, i have brought up flavour of cannabutter a few times. I do this because I do this for a living.. cook food and such and i think flavour is very important in truly enjoying edibles made with cannabutter. Its not just about the effects! The tastier your edible, the more active your brain is in enjoying that great flavour and the more receptive you will be to the cannabinoids you are ingesting (nothing to back this up at all, just personal experience) I have loads of experience with food and flavours, as well as i'm a hobbyist baker in my very limited spare time, and usually only by request (the GF). Properly made cannabutter i find it has a very nutty.. roasted sort of taste to it, and when used in many recipes, it can actually enhance the flavour of whatever it is you are baking and make it taste so much better. My REGULAR peanut butter cookies are to die for. i actually sell them to my friends who want good munchie foods after they have lit up, and they always tell me that the cookies i make with the cannabutter, taste noticeably different, and much better with a more distinct nut flavour. Almost like roasted almonds. Sure you are getting high, but you can sure make your time eating that cookie much better by making some really good tasting butter. Just dont make the cookies too good without having a batch of regular cookies lying around for munchies. Let me tell you, i know they look good, and you think you could get away with eating another half a cookie... HALF A COOKIE ALWAYS TURNS INTO THE WHOLE COOKIE!!! DONT DO IT!! With some high quality cannabutter you are guaranteed to knock em dead with some killer tasting cookies/cupcakes/nanaimo bars/truffles... whatever your heart desires.

After reading about the benefits of ingesting mj for people with crohn's, I figured I'd try making some edibles. With butter I can use it with almost any recipe.

The first thing I want to try is monkey bread.

* 2 sticks of butter (1 cup)
* Bundt Cake Pan (feel free to use dorky shapes)
* Cinnamon // 2-3 teaspoons
* 3 cans of Buttermilk Biscuits (the non-flaky ones)
* Sugar! // 1 cup

That sounds amazing. Please post a pic if you do make this!! Remember what i mentioned about dose strengths. Always test your cannabutter before applying to any recipes, as you may make something that gets you stoned to the bajesus!
After reading about the benefits of ingesting mj for people with crohn's, I figured I'd try making some edibles. With butter I can use it with almost any recipe.

The first thing I want to try is monkey bread.

* 2 sticks of butter (1 cup)
* Bundt Cake Pan (feel free to use dorky shapes)
* Cinnamon // 2-3 teaspoons
* 3 cans of Buttermilk Biscuits (the non-flaky ones)
* Sugar! // 1 cup

I actually made a 4? layer red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting, which was also made with cannabutter, for a friend for her birthday, for about 4 people. I didn't hear from them for a solid 4 days before they told me the caked kicked their ass every time they had a piece. Thats a WIN in my book!

I have some pictures kicking around.. i will do some searching tomorrow as its my day off and try to post them either here or on my journal, or on one of the more related forums. I gotta set up my new 8'x8' tent tomorrow too, so its gona be a busy day for GreenThumb!
yea you can save abv and use it for cooking may take more tho
but if your growing your own and always have readily available then why keep the abv cook with good fresh stuff
i agree chronic. If you want good cannabutter, even buying good quality buds is worth it in the end too.. the butter will get you so stoned you forget where the hell you are!
Glad they didnt yet .. else I would have missed this .. gonna read this from start to end and gain some experience in the proces :) Thanks for this journal!
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

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