GreenSmurf is Back with White Widow - DWC

Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Hey lab your making me feel at home when you use the word wicked. Yeah I get brilliant moments like that when I get medicated. I turn into mcguiver and want to construct things.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

I was thinking of making a cone/cones (kinda like the one you see on dogs.) and tape around the branches. the pollen would naturally fall filling up the cone. once I see enough I could clip the branch below the cone and store for future use.

I'll see if I can make one and get a pic up today. I was thinking of using either paper or maybe wax paper. Any thoughts?
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

I'll see if I can make one and get a pic up today. I was thinking of using either paper or maybe wax paper. Any thoughts?

One of each? This is an experiment isn't it?

I predict that sticky pollen would catch in a high quality paper with "tooth" but should slide nice on cheap glossy paper.
I further predict that wax paper light have a static electric qualities that make the pollen stick, even though the surface is sick.
I have NO BASIS fir predicting static electricity excerpt that soil seem to cling to wax paper more than I would expect from looking at it.

My guess is whichever paper picks up less soil should do best with sticky pollen.

Again, just thinking of how I should experiment in your situation. I don't have any nearby pollen this time if year :(

Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Hi Greensmurf!
I like your cone idea. Do you have any freezer wrap or parchment paper? That might be good to make a cone from. I have used waxed paper, last week on a male plant. I was able to crease it and the pollen came off with a light tapping on the end into a container.
Just be sure that where it's wrapped around the plant is sealed up so you don't lose all of your pollen out the opening. I've read where people place a bag over the branch while tilted and shake the pollen into it, and then use that bag over the female plant branch to shake the pollen onto the buds. I haven't tried that method myself.
I collected pollen off the last male plant for about a week, they don't all open at the same time. I just lightly tapped the branches over a long square tupperware container. I will be interested to see the cone idea. :thumb: There will be lots of pollen on the leaves, so don't forget to tap those into whatever container you use. :thumb:
Lester has given some great info on storing pollen and the length of time for storing. Let it dry out before placing it in the fridge, as he said. I put a couple of grains of rice in a small seed jar and put the pollen in there, the rice would soak up any moisture. Problem is some of the pollen stuck to the rice. LOL
When you remove it from the refrigerator, put it in a cool dry place for a bit so no condensation happens.
I'll pop in again soon.
Isn't this fun?
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Thanks for stopping by Cannafan! I appreciate your expertise.

Im tending to the girls now changing out their res. after that I'm going into the boys room. I must admit I've been very good about not going in before I'm fully done looking at the girls.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

I'm finding it difficult to make a proper cone without shading other sites. Also if I planned for this ahead of time I could have manicured the plant better.

Here's a pic of the whole male plant
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

How long does it take for a cutting to fully grow and get ready for flower? I know the answer varies on how big you want the plant but an average time? 1 month, 2?

this all depends on the growing conditions. no pests, hydro with co2 and hid. proper humidity/temps. best case, 3 weeks in my experience.

Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

this all depends on the growing conditions. no pests, hydro with co2 and hid. proper humidity/temps. best case, 3 weeks in my experience.


Thanks this will be helpful on my next round. After I clean out this new cabinet I'm using for my male widow I'm going to use it as a veg room for cuttings and seedlings. I don't want to over crowd my flower room so I'm thinking 2 plant rotation every 4 weeks. I will have a good selection to choose from. My regular seed collection has White Widow, Wonder Woman, Ice, Medusa, Crystal, Bubblelicious, and Fem collection has New York Power Diesel. I also have 30 random freebies no idea of strain but came from nirvana with my purchases along the way. After this current grow and pollinating experiment I will have some new crosses added to my seed collection as well.

But next round I'm going to grow two Bubblelicious that will go into flower and 1 fem New York Power Diesel that will be a mother for cuttings. I'm going to lst the NY in a circle around the lid of a container and take cuttings for my bubble cloner. This info on time frames helps me plan my veg room and cloner accordingly.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

It took me about two weeks give or take, to get a root to show on my cuttings during that time which I expected I didn't see any growth.
So I imagine from that point, i would give her 3-4 weeks time for her to get a new healthy root system and have enough growth to throw into flower.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Today I did a little lst to medusa and the male widow I'm going to give the girls some time to readjust before I take pictures.

Yes I plan on changing and cleaning up before going back to the ladies. This this the hardest part when growing a male. One has to be extra careful not to accidentally pollinate their whole crop.

The male is doing just fine.. I haven't put any new nutrients only using ph water at this point. I thought by now I would be seeing pollen but it's taking some time. I think he is healing from all the bends and snaps he received. Ice still hasn't shown hairs yet but also no sign of balls either. Medusa has a few tiny hairs here and there and widow is showing more and more each day.

Pics will be up in a couple hrs.

In the meantime
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

So here's the update as promised. My widow needs a little more lst work but my knees were in pain and needed a break. Medusa has already perked up and I did a little rearranging of her branches. In a couple more days I'll have to readjust again. I think 3 plants are to much to grow in here. Although next grow I'm going to top real early to see if that helps out with space issues.



Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Wow this pollen sure is fine grain. It reminds me of yellow chalk dust. These sacs are opening fast within a couple hrs about 10 more opened up. So I tapped a couple of them to test my collection method and it's a lot easier than I thought I take a container and tap the pollen sac with a small screwdriver. The pollen just drops without distribing the other sacs.

Here is a pic to show what I got off 3 sacs.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Any idea on How much should I collect if I plan to pollinate about 5 branches? From what I read not much is needed. I want to get started on the work needed for the veg room as soon as I can.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

ill take everything off of it that I can better have too much than not enough
since your already growing it out get as much out of it you can
just my thoughts
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Lester in your pic that you put up it looked like you had a couple grams worth. On cannafans it looked like a couple grains.

For the container I showed, I was originally planning to get enough to lightly coat the bottom until I couldn't see through it. Kinda like an old picture frame that hasn't been dusted if forever.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Well I agree with Cronic, you need as much as you possibly can get regardless. You won't want to run out of pollen.

Yeah, I was able to collect a decent bit of pollen off the 2 plants because I had created a canopy for them and really maximized yield that way.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Sounds good to me. I'm down with collecting as much as I can as well. But please correct me if I'm wrong. Don't these pollen sacks keep refilling? and the male will keep giving off pollen until I stop/chop

To rephrase is there an end cycle for the male?
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Once that individual pollen sack has given up its pollen, it dies. New pollen sacks will make new pollen. The male gametes are formed inside a nested pollen sack that is closed from the environment during their formation. It doesn't release pollen, close back up, and form more pollen and release it, it would take less energy to form a whole new pollen sack. But yeah, you'll be surprised how much they can stack on given the chance.

There is an end cycle, after all, it is a living entity. :passitleft:
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