GreenSmurf is Back with White Widow - DWC

Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Great News Nice update Nice roots too :thumb:
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Happy Easter weekend everyone.

The Easter bunny will be sending me some great beans. Just ordered Crystal, New York Power Diesel, and Bubblelicious.

Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Today I ended up building another cabinet a small 2x2x4 box. It's big enough for 1 full size plant which I will place the male inside. I will be attempting to harvest pollen from the widow to save and use on this grow.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Good solution to your problem man. Wish I had suggested it.

It was suggested once before on a previous grow but had no room. We'll I was lazy and didn't want to make room. I had to clean and reorganize the basement. I can use it as a veg room afterward and once I clean it down from the pollen that would be inside.

Happy 420
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Here's today's update. Medusa has some crazy stretch.

Female widow.



Male widow. I super cropped the hell outta him.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

everythings nice and green even the boy :thumb:
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

The men's room is still far from finished. I plan on placing a white shower curtain on the inside surface of the men's room. making clean up afterwards easier also giving me the reflection I need. I also need to put in some air intake/exhaust. Maybe also get a smaller bucket to shorten the height of the plant.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

I stripped down ice and medusa last night I need to do the same for widow but don't know where to begin. She's all over the place.




Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Great Update Smurf :high-five:

Thanks Chronic

:yahoo: I'm excited to get pollinating. The boy is showing the fastest growth, only a couple more days now til I see some pollen drop.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

I'm a virgin when growing a male so any input here would be good. Or if you know of anyone send them my way please.

I imagine I will have a lot of pollen here so I would like to open this up to all and any ideas on the different uses and storage methods.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Yeah let's do a run down here. You have male pollen sacks that (if not open already) will be opening very soon, it appears the plants are completely vertically oriented, so a supercrop might be tough.

So the only option is to tediously collect the pollen. You'll need to collect as much pollen as possible from the pollen sacks, sometimes if they requires picking them off and squeezing them downward so the "mouth" releases the pollen out of the plant material. In this case you would get some pollen on your fingers, the pollen is so slippery it appears to be "slimy", yet it is a particulated powder. The less tedious method is , like I have mentioned, to super crop the branch and let the sacks open naturally and drop their pollen onto a collection paper. The other way is to cut the branches put them into water and then bend them over a plate (similar method just micro vs. macro version), when they open naturally rather than being harvested, they produce the best, most viable pollen, so forcing them open isn't the best idea.

Storage methods... the pollen does not stay viable for a very long time. You want to let the pollen dry out initially, and then store it in an air tight container, either in the freezer or the fridge. The pollen should be viable for 2-3 months if stored in a stable manner.

A rule of thumb for pollinating a cola would be that you want to ensure the plant has enough time to form mature seeds, so pollinating a plant at the 4-5th week of flower would not be too uncommon, since it may take an additional 4-5 weeks to full ripen the seeds from pollination point.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Thanks relaxed.

The male is cropped and I've been tapping the branches and waiting to see if pollen drops. I thought this is when I would collect. Am I right? I thought it had a longer storage life than that. I thought I could put into multiple small containers in the freezer and use on future grows.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

It doesn't last forever, I have tried storing it for too long, and ended up that it became unviable. My pollination went unsuccessful. You will see the pollen dropping off everywhere, you will see little splashes of it on the lower leaves and whatnot, they really open up and let it go during the dark cycle, you can see when the male flower opens up that it has released it, so yeah you can additionally tap it out when it's half way open. From the pictures it did not look like a lot of male flowers, so it is to be expected it will be hard to recover a large amount of pollen, although very little is needed for pollination, there is always some waste during the collection process because the pollen sticks to things so very well.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Sorry to hear it didn't work for you. But thanks for letting me know! That pic is just a close up but there are about 5 more groups like that. I've picked off one sack and all I got was a green liquid mush not powder. Still to early?
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Yeah, when it drops open naturally you'll see the yellow powder everywhere.

You will want to collect the yellow powder, and not any green plant material.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

I was thinking of making a cone/cones (kinda like the one you see on dogs.) and tape around the branches. the pollen would naturally fall filling up the cone. once I see enough I could clip the branch below the cone and store for future use.
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