GreenSmurf is Back with White Widow - DWC

Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Chronic Weekend to you Smurf :thumb:
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Ok smurf I think I have everything I hope if not I will get it. Here is the nutes that I got. B-52 1L $0.00
Overdrive 1L $0.00
Big Bud Liquid 1L $0.00
Voodoo Juice 1L $0.00
Advanced Nutrients - SensiBloom A– 1 L
Advanced Nutrients - SensiBloom B– 1 L
Advanced Nutrients – SensiGrow A– 1 L
Advanced Nutrients – SensiGrow B– 1 L
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Just got my mh/hps 200-400w hood back from my supply store. Well, I got a new replacement hood . which is even better! Just in time for me to switch to mh. I will switch today and update with new pics.

I checked on the twins the other day and noticed #1 got a little too hot under the cfl. I raised the light but the damage was done. A leaf had a burnt spot on it, so I too a blade and made a simple cut. Because of the high temps it hasnt grown as well as #2 has grown. well there are still no roots out of the #2's net pot yet. I planted kinda high in the pot so i imagine there must be a good root supply in the hydroton that i cant see yet.



Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Hey Smurf Hope your having a Great Tokerday Man :thumb:
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

stealthgrow said:
Hi GS.
The seedlings are looking alright, a little yellowish but they will be fine)

Yeah temps were getting too hot. I spent some time fixing the intake and exhaust fans and was able to drop temps 10°
I germinated another white widow and a white rhino incase these two didnt make it. a couple days ago i placed them in water
and they were just placed in rockwool last night. They are now in the cabinet and I expect them to berak ground mid week.
Today my seed order came in and now I wish I waited because I could have planeted my ice and medusa. Well those strains
will have to wait a couple of months. pic update in a couple days
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

So a few changes to update you all on. Widow 1 & 2 are going strong added ice and Medusa to the mix and here is the family in their new homes.






Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Hey Smurf Great Update Have a Great Week man
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Thanks guys. Im thinking about 2 more weeks of veg. I will be taking cuttings from the widows and topping them soon.
im trying to think of ways I could slow them down to let the others catch up.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

your topping will slow it down i like to super crop to let branches catch up that might slow it down enough too
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

looks fishy but dont make any premature judgements
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

I actually need a male widow to use as a cross with and use to extend my widow seed bank.
So if I have a male widow it would actually work out great. With a female widow, ice & medusa in the box.

Or would it be better to light poison the females and get some fem seeds of each.
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Looks like they are coming along nicely Smurf :thumb:
Re: GreenSmurf is back with - White Widow - DWC.

Comin along nicely Smurf :thumb:
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