First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

All this talk about autos lol. Yall two really make autos popular. Im starting to see everyone grow and talk about autos. It does makes since to have a couple in your grow tent. Like you said Smoke have something to tie you over until the main harvest. I would like to see the max you can do with an auto? As far as topping and all types of stress training including the amount of nutes you can pump into it to greater the yield!
Unfortunately you'd be disappointed down that road Wiz. It's preferred not to top or supercrop, and they're rather sensitive to nutes :). I think the only common manipulation with autos is a little LST and that's about it. They're limited by a certain age they can grow to, so any topping or supercropping will result in a "recovery period", this recovery period is kind of lost from flowering period or veg'ing period and the plant will still finish in X days. So it's best to let them be, or maybe a little LST to enhance light penetration to get those side branches up and big. At least that's what I've read almost everywhere about autos :)
So pretty much its about finding the true veg and flowering time. No one has measured this yet or atleast tryd to? does auto show pre flowers? If so I would go by the time the plant gets mature. And you can tell that by topping and when the tops grow back theyll either still be equal or one will be raised higher above the nod. So pretty much a slanted nod will show shes mature. I guess thats when I would know its time for flowering. I would have to grow one my self and keep a close eye on it to see the behaviors.
Hey guys here are a few pics of what I use for my cigars. The humidors are cheap. I paid 30 for the one that has a glass top and 25 for the enclosed one. They are lined with cedar which is why I never thought to use them. I know that the cedar layers itself in the wrapper of a cigar. You can get bigger humidors than this for 100 bucks. They could easily store a pound. I use the liquid gel to keep my humidity at 70%. I need to calibrate the hygrometers because they have been off since moving to this new house. The liquid gel jar was like 5 bucks. The puck type are 2 a piece. They basically have a type of rock-wool in them to regulate RH. Keeps my enclosed humidor at a steady 60%. I want it lower too cure I thought 40% to 50% RH? If My hygrometers are true than I should be fine with curing as is. Got to test em.


Very nice spring; a fellow cigar enthusiast!

They use cedar for humidors as it's very good at retaining and releasing water to maintain a uniform humidity within the humidor (one of the reasons you need to season them when new). 40-50% is quite dry though spring and it might be a little low to cure properly; my understanding is you want some moisture retained to help with the curing process and to stop the bud becoming too dry and brittle. i've read somewhere that 65% is a good target so between 60-70% should be fine.

Whether to dry or cure in the humidor, I think it would be better to dry the bud first to as near the RH you want as possible, and then put it in the humidor. If it goes in too wet then the humidity will stay very high for quite a long time and whilst the bud may dry very slowly you could also risk mould. I hung mine until the stems just snapped then put them in the jar. The RH was still too high at 75%/80% so I left the lid open for a couple of days turning the buds regularly, and then sealed the jar up when it got to 70%.

And thanks everyone for the reps - I really appreciate it!
GK good info man :) I was thinking there must be something to fit the description of the puck you're talking about and there you go! Thanks for the tip. Good info on drying.
I checked on the blueberry nugs and they're drying real nice. The closet smells lovely :) I turned them around on the net and I'll give them 2 more days. I just checked out the nug of the month thread. I've never ventured to that part of the site. It's awesome having a thread of pretty nugs to vote for lol!! :tokin: I noticed the contest is open till the 15th. If blueberry dries in 2 days I'll add her :) :slide:

This is the sort of thing:

Puck Beads Medium Humidifier— up to 75 cigars
Yep, she's an auto. Automax to be specific. There's so many seeds, every bud in the plant is pollinated lol. I'm definitely going to let her finish for some seeds :). I'm just hoping my friend can take her back to avoid the risk of screwing up my garden. If not, I'll have to figure out a way to let her grow. Maybe isolate her with one of the LED panels I got and let her finish by herself. Will the seeds all be auto :)?

if it selfpollinated it can only be an auto fem. but the seeds may be unstable. but this is just my guess about the stability
Hope they will all be stable autos! Just ordered a Dutch Passion Think Different Auto, and an Auto Disiel.
There is a ton of info on Auto's. It would be wrong of me to name another forum here but there are two that I know of fully dedicated too auto's. Private breeders, and tons of knowledge. Many auto experts hardly acknowledge a veg period. They show sex within a week or so and pre flowers by week 3 to 5. My Auto#1 gave 48 grams at 61 days. I'm am hoping my auto bomb and Big bang auto will yield at least 2 oz's each. They are both capable of 4 ounces in good conditions. So if all goes well I will be harvesting my Auto Bomb and Big Bang when my new auto's are 2 weeks old.
Spot on spring! Autos barely veg, I've seen pistils on plants ridiculously small (3 sets of leaves). If you top at week 2 or 3 you wouldn't be cutting "new growth", you'll be cutting preflowers lol. Fast little buggers these autos. Sadly though some have weak phenos. Go with the popular autos it's better. I ventured and bought a lot of autos that don't even have reviews on them. I have some finishing with barely 5g's on them. They're cute, and the bud looks like top notch quality, but we're not really looking for cute when they take space in a tent. I'd much rather have a 2oz yielder in its space lol!
Oh how I love this talk about autos, how cool! Honestly, you and Spring really are doing justice for autos. :thumb:

I'm interested to hear what you say about the strains, to make sure that you get stable and well known strains. Hopefully I will be OK, I've got Buddha White Dwarf, Green House Big Bang, World of Seeds NL x Big Bud, Dutch Passion Polar Light and a Royal AK.

I'm going to go for an all auto grow in DonPaul's DWC Hempies ;) Hopefully be able to get 4 plants in my space doing that.
FLUFFY! It's not the same without you :)
I'll hop on to your journal to see the update :grinjoint: So you're joining the darkside and starting autos ey :)? They're great for you! Up until 3 weeks the plants stay rather small, so make sure you start seeds 3 weeks before you harvest your current grow. We don't want any time wasted :thumb:
Hows it goin over here? Just coming pass to check out the new grows!

Everything is great man :). I'm planning on chopping the siberian any day now. I'll include a full update with the chop :).
All my plants should finish before November ends so I'm expecting a chop every other day - next week.
Hey everyone i have some questions with my grow. i just updated my journal and if you could check out my new post that would be great. and ismokes your buds look awesome. im going to need some assistance when it comes to trimming and manicuring my bud lol. thanks again and good growing!!!!

Outragedpluto's Journal
Awwwh! Fluffy Hugs my darling :hug:

I had better get my bum in gear and properly think about the grow then! I've been trying but the Universe keeps throwing things at me which unfortunately calls me away from the much more important task of researching for the next grow so I can be all set up. Grrrrrr. I have all these plans in my head but need some time to sit down at the computer with no distractions to do it. So what happens? My laptop does the same things again (Service Pack I think) and I am in Safe Mode With Networking - not pleasing on the eye. Then after the debacle of the gremlins stealing my phone twice in a week, it now turns out the provider for my new iPhone contract has totally messed up and taken my money but not processed the order! Arrrrrrrrgh!

I don't like being a frazzled Fluff. It's not me. Fluffy should not be Frazzled. The Universe needs to leave me alone.

:bigblush: Sorry for the ramble my darling :bigblush:

The point I am trying to make is that I need to decide now what I am doing with the next grow because I gotta get the seeds planted! Oh and the drying box, and I need to go back through my journal and take all the useful information to put in a document...

You have a fabulous day my friend and will see you soon! :ciao:

FLUFFY! It's not the same without you
I'll hop on to your journal to see the update So you're joining the darkside and starting autos ey ? They're great for you! Up until 3 weeks the plants stay rather small, so make sure you start seeds 3 weeks before you harvest your current grow. We don't want any time wasted
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