First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

I'm only planning to go straight to 12/12 with the cuttings to get single colas without side branching. That way I can stack them right next to each other. How many cuttings are you expecting from your 2 month old fem? Do you take many at a time or is it better to take 1 or 2 at a time? I'm almost done with my aerocloner. It's all finished except for drilling holes in the lid.
I'm only planning to go straight to 12/12 with the cuttings to get single colas without side branching. That way I can stack them right next to each other. How many cuttings are you expecting from your 2 month old fem? Do you take many at a time or is it better to take 1 or 2 at a time? I'm almost done with my aerocloner. It's all finished except for drilling holes in the lid.

Sounds like a plan. I wouldnt be able to try that 12/12 until next grow. I havent still pulled out my aero cloner. Im stuck between doing hydro next grow. IDK lol.

As for taking clones I usually take 6 at once. Then Ill take 6 more the following month. I want to keep 14 branches on my main plant, so I let it grow alot before I take cuttings. I think you can take from 12-20 cuttings and then let it rest a month or 2.
Good info, that helps me plan out better. Do you prefer taking cuttings from the top parts or the bottom branches? I heard arguments on both sides, and some that just don't care and look for a good "candidate" no matter where it's from.
Good info, that helps me plan out better. Do you prefer taking cuttings from the top parts or the bottom branches? I heard arguments on both sides, and some that just don't care and look for a good "candidate" no matter where it's from.

I take cuttings from where ever I feel is needed. Like all branches that dont get alot of light I take those for clones. Or Ill see a branch that is not developing as good as the others so Ill cut those for clones. Or any branches that may have stretched alot, ill take those for clones. I pretty much beautify the main plant. I take what ever I feel the plant is wasting its energy on. You can say the weakest link will be come there own strong plants. But I do say this though. Bigger clones root faster and there alot stronger then smaller cuttings.
So I pretty much cut branches instead of taking cuttings from the nodes.

Appreciate the future rep. :thumb:
Ooh Ooh! Smokey! Look at your plants! :cheer:

I am so impressed with your girls, you clearly have green fingers my friend :)

I've been really enjoying the conversation here about what you are going to do next. Very excited to hear that you are going to grow a Lucy, I have a single Lucy seed waiting for the right time to sprout. Awesome!

It's funny, you are going to photo and I am thinking of doing an all auto grow for the next one so I can get the lighting schedule onto 12/12 from the start (I understand that is best for autos?).

You and Spring are such talented new growers, I would love some advice my friends. Shall I go for an all auto and hopefully improve auto yield or two photos?


I am so pleased to see how well your grows are going my darling, you've worked really hard and definitely deserve it!

Huge Fluffy Hugs. Thank you for always sending me so much warmth and positive vibes. They really do help you know.

Ooh Ooh! Smokey! Look at your plants! :cheer:

I am so impressed with your girls, you clearly have green fingers my friend :)

I've been really enjoying the conversation here about what you are going to do next. Very excited to hear that you are going to grow a Lucy, I have a single Lucy seed waiting for the right time to sprout. Awesome!

It's funny, you are going to photo and I am thinking of doing an all auto grow for the next one so I can get the lighting schedule onto 12/12 from the start (I understand that is best for autos?).

You and Spring are such talented new growers, I would love some advice my friends. Shall I go for an all auto and hopefully improve auto yield or two photos?


I am so pleased to see how well your grows are going my darling, you've worked really hard and definitely deserve it!

Huge Fluffy Hugs. Thank you for always sending me so much warmth and positive vibes. They really do help you know.


Thank you so much dear fluffy :) I always have autos on the side :grinjoint:.. I'm going to have autos next to the vegging momas (they take same lights & times).
I would definitely recommend autos for a smaller grow cab fluff. I gave them 20/4 lighting all the way through and they seem to be doing ok. You can give them as much light as you want. I hope this journal along with Spring's will help you through your auto "plans" :).
My dog ate one of the sprouts :straightface:

Ooooo noooo silly dog. Too bad they were not old enough to have thc so she would be stoned off her butt!!! Haha maybe she would learn her lesson or want more. Lol
My dog loves pot. He found my bowl once and ate what was in it. When I was taking some microscope pictures of a couple of leaves and branches, my dog was trying his best to get the still green leaves. Unfortunately, it doesn't agree with him. So, I have to make sure I don't leave anything out where he can get it.

Just keep telling yourself that he ate a male ..... then it's ok.
haha I like the male idea :)
I had the pots out on the kitchen floor for a few minutes just for a little clean up. Then I saw my dog coming out of the kitchen with the guiltiest look on his face. I knew what happened lol. I'm just glad he only got to one, it would have sucked if I had to wait for another delivery. I have a few back up beans so I tossed a super lemon haze in its place. My dog just doesn't want me to grow 1 strain. He's looking out for me lol. :)
Just chopped Blueberry after getting 2 days of darkness. She smells amazing, so fruity and berry'sh it's surprising. They really release a lot of aroma during the chop and it was lovely. I'll update with pictures tomorrow, the buds are really frosty with a strong blue hue near the bud tops, buds are also compact and dense. Looking forward to smoking this girl!
Now it's time for some scissor and glove gooey hash and some good back cracks :laughtwo: Cheers my friends :grinjoint: I wouldn't be seeing bud if it weren't for many of you on here so :thanks: :thanks: and :Namaste:
Badddd Doggg
My dog ate one of the sprouts :straightface:
LOL Fish Cake, cool buddy you got there :) my dog would chill just like that every time, I think that's why I wasn't worried about him pulling a sprout. They get curious, it's bad when they get curious :laughtwo: give that guy some sugar for me :hug:
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