First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

do you have a warrant? NO, well get the hell off my property then! and Oh have a nice day:)
well this is my first time growing the Bluemoon. I will say I think you can accidently clone it if it broke off and fell on top of the dirt.
and I have smoked it and IT WAS GOOD.
if you were going to do a scrog thats the plant to choose.
you may wish to try an afghan cush it all indica and I have heard nothing but good things about it. also maybe A lucy.wich is called something else I cant name here but it has to do with trippin.
but if I thought more about it the critical sensi start was a very easy grow and gave a very very fine high and a nice yield. I would most surely grow that again if I had the chance and wasnt sure about a grow
33 3/4" x 28 5/8" x 8 1/2"

Fits perfect in my tent but be careful it's big. In a 3x5 area I can barely fit any other light, maybe one 300wLED panel if I squeeze it in. But the reflector and carbon filter pretty much filled up a 3x5.
herbies sends 3 free seeds even if you only buy 1 seed, you will always get 2 regular seeds and 1 fem or fem auto, plus if your regular customer then herbie really looks after you,
Here's the siberian being flushed for a harvest about a week from now. She put on some weight, not as much as I hoped for but will definitely be over 1.5oz. She made it! after all the chaos, she made it lol! Here's some pics of the plant and her side branches.

I think this is around day 72.
Is there anything I can do to cure/reverse the bleaching on the leaves? Or should I just ignore it and stay away from the LED's until week 3 or so?
6500k floresents help with led lighting and they dont bleach out. i use led and 6500k lighting for seed thru veg and switch to 3000k or 2700k floresents the first 2/3 of flowering [shit load of the clear crytalls] and add a good 600 watt incandesent[for flowering] during the last stage for its mid day lighting they really finish huge and good then all dark the last 3 days and all water the last 2 weeks.
sea of green method works really really good if all the same auto flowering strains.[find your fav].
for soil i use a plastic pot with a smart pot on the outside[for evep cooling the roots] and do an air bubbler resivour recirculation drip system on timer.
the led and flouresents come on first and shut off last and in the middle 5 hrs i have the 600w on with them for alot of light.12 flowering stage. during the seed stage 20 on floresents and 16 hrs of led in the middle then when veg is going good 18 hrs for both. when i see good sex showing on the plants[if not autoflower] i go to 3 days dark then 12hrs for the first 2/3 of flowering. then finish like above. then when i have less then 10% clear and 70 % milky the rest dark crystals i pick no matter how full they get.[old school trick ] if you like yours to have really long legs on the high [for sativa crossed autos] for indica crossed autos i let 50% crystals go dark. the old fat lady that almost everyone dose is most of the time not the best high you can get and ya lose time on how long your high all my stuff and i have grown about 90% of whats out there has 3 to 8 times the time of your high and way better stone then what most are works for all non autos as well.
KNOW YOUR STRAIN.... ALSO i do a long cure/drying method about 21days to 30days humidity controlled 40 to 55 % and lots of air flow when needed. and the shit is CANDY TO THE GODS. i never let it dry too soon or stay wet to long. and i never use heat[bad bad bad]
when the stems snap like a tooth pick it is ready. i leave the leaf on and only clip in stages as they dry crispy i just tlc them .
have fun with the autoflowering stuff you can get 1/2 oz to 2 oz per plant all manicured sea of green 3 months per crop. about 3 to 5 oz per cubic foot. more with some strains. i have a 3 x 3 pan in a 4 x 4 area and i get 25 to 30 oz of dry wieght all bud.25 1 gallon pots. my buds are 18 to 24 inches solid mass of buds. for 16 cubic feet. i take the top 12 inches off and finish the bottoms for another 2 weeks. i use max grow chem for veg with super thrive[another old school trick] then switch to all fox farm products. and super thrive :) and i flush with sledge hammer thru all stages as i am simi hydro/simi soil system. i get the hydro yeild with the soil taste [soil gives a better flavor] i use sunshine #4. each pot on the bottom has 2 inches of the clay beeds soil to the top on a drip system resivoir recic system. i have an air stone in the res and i keep ph between 6.5 and 6.8 i use city tap water and it airs for 3 days before going into res. i adjust with ph down after nutrients are added and i use the dry ph down [alot more for your money] the res is a 25 gallon res.
well this is my first time growing the Bluemoon. I will say I think you can accidently clone it if it broke off and fell on top of the dirt.
and I have smoked it and IT WAS GOOD.
if you were going to do a scrog thats the plant to choose.
you may wish to try an afghan cush it all indica and I have heard nothing but good things about it. also maybe A lucy.wich is called something else I cant name here but it has to do with trippin.
but if I thought more about it the critical sensi start was a very easy grow and gave a very very fine high and a nice yield. I would most surely grow that again if I had the chance and wasnt sure about a grow

thank you for the Rep iSmokes hope lucy does you proud:)
Thanks for the info gairbud! That is a very neat setup you have there. So you go SOG from seed to flower in 1Gal pots. That's very interesting. I'm surprised with your lighting plans, 600W incandescent for late flowering? I heard incandescent was the worst option to go with when it comes to horticulture. Whatever works tho bro :) :welcome:
And :thanks:
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