First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

great pics mate, some very nice looking buds, reps for the pepsi, im a pepsi man myself, think the other brand tastes a bit watery, the reps are for the amazing plant, you got some very nice buds come harvest time.
great pics mate, some very nice looking buds, reps for the pepsi, im a pepsi man myself, think the other brand tastes a bit watery, the reps are for the amazing plant, you got some very nice buds come harvest time.

Thanks mate, all you guys had a part in this :)
Pepsi all the way man! lol
I was worried about her not gaining any weight, but she finally did. Still waiting for that yummy swelling. No sign of calyxes (sp?) swelling so far.. just bud and pistils. She lost all her leaves (there was A LOT) halfway through flowering, but I'm going to keep her in the tent till week 12 or so. I'll be watching the trichs during this time but I have a good feeling this is 2 weeks +.
Our Siberians are a bit different. I'm gonna take a pic of mine in a few minutes. Remember I stripped her 4 weeks ago. Yours looks healthy.

She looks rather nice after losing all the leaves. I'm hoping the swelling will start real soon. She packed all the trichs during the last 10 days or 2 weeks. She was so "green" for the first 8 weeks lol, late bloomer I guess. Fish Cake called it earlier, I think he's right, she'll go 12 weeks easy.
I pulled out big devil for an inspection and I noticed I really like its uniform pheno. So I took a couple of pictures and then went ahead and took pictures of everything for an update lol. Here goes:

Big Devil




Flash Babylon

Here's the rescue, Automax:


B. Lee


This last picture is of a side project for practicing topping and LST. She's a regular (not an auto). I though I topped her but apparently I FIM'd her because 4 tops came out instead of 2. Anyway, I'm not going to include her in this auto journal, but I just wanted to show you guys the leaves on this indica! She's barely 6 or 7 inches tall lol.

thems all some sexy bitches:)
Germination update:
All seeds germed, some better than others. The 2 autos and one lucy germinated properly. 2 lucies has the cracked seed still on them and had to be removed after they popped above the ground. 2 other lucies were kind of confusing because they had the whole seed one them, not even cracked. I had to carefully break the shells and remove them. Hopefully they'll all grow.
YEP, I can confirm that so far 100% germination rate.
I will probably add some updates on the auto purple cheese and diva on this journal but not lucy. Lucy will be a side project that will veg for 2 months without a journal. I'll start a new journal when I take my cuttings and root them (probably 3 months from now :)). This journal is almost over, I'm expecting to harvest all the girls by the first week of december. The plan is to do a classic SOG of about 25 cuttings, and then have the momas by their side in flower as well since I have no way of keeping them in veg. That way I'm hoping to flower around 25 cutting (straight to 12/12), surrounded by 4 medium sized momas. If the plan works out I'll be pulling a nice harvest and I'll take a break from growing for a few months :). Then again, nothing ever goes according to plan lol, we'll see :).
Wow thats exactly what I was doing. Im getting all my cuttings to catch up atleast with in a months time before I put all of them into flower. Ill be starting a new journal in the mean time though when my new beans arrive. Ive been vegging for 2 months so far with 2 of them, one was a male though. So my second female was only veg for a week. All of my cuttings ill veg for a month then I will put all of them in flower. I dont want my second grow to interrupt with my first
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