First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Hey everyone I have a question. When it comes to trimming fan leaves during flowering what's the rule of thumb on what to take off and how much. I have slowly been trimming the big fan leaves off as the bud sites start to produce more leaves them selves. The big leaves shade the lower bud site a lot and I know that the more light the better bud lol.
personaly if it is absolutley in the way and there is no place to tuck it then off she goes.
If its yellowing or dead off she goes. like my scrog if its under the screen off she goes.
but for the most part for me, if its green it stays:)
hahah @ FC! You're just great to have around my friend :)
I usually tuck the leaves under the budsites pluto. I try my best to tuck it in and eventually it "learns" to stay there. I only chop leaves if they're sick (almost dead) or very stubborn and won't get out of the way. Most of them usually learn to stay under the bud site after a few tucks. Good luck.
Hey everyone I have a question. When it comes to trimming fan leaves during flowering what's the rule of thumb on what to take off and how much. I have slowly been trimming the big fan leaves off as the bud sites start to produce more leaves them selves. The big leaves shade the lower bud site a lot and I know that the more light the better bud lol.

Nice question! I am by far no expert but I did try this to 3 of my girls in flower twice! If the fan can be tucked I would do that. But if not cut it!! My autos handled the trim with little ill effect. The Trans Siberian auto slowed flower growth for a week or so. Fat buds can be had on those lower branches so weigh the options!
I have very good news :) well, for me they're excellent news :yahoo:

I spent hours switching the whole setup to HID (hps). After all was done, I was literally terrified from temps worrying that if it doesn't work, I'll have to switch everything back. It's a 600W so I was really afraid of the heat. It's even BETTER than what I had!!! The temps DROPPED to 72 with 600W HPS. I'm so happy right now :party:
My ocd can finally rest in peace with ONE light in the whole tent, I was itching every time I see 10 wires crossed all over. I'll update with pics and go around my subscribed threads later on. Right now it's time for a fatty from Diva to relax after this work.
New Light setup:


If anyone is interested, here are the specs:
Ballast: Phantom 600W
Reflector: Quantum Massive << it really is massive.
Bulb: Plantmax 600W << would anybody like to comment on this? It's one third the price of an "elite" bulb. I was reading everything about the bulbs and they're almost identical except for 5,000 Lumens. The bulbs over $100 shine 95,000 and Plantmax give 90,000 at $30. Any thoughts? Do the expensive bulbs really make that much of a difference?
I would buy 2 of the cheaper and have a spare for what the difference ithat said I got a 400w hps at HD just incase and it no where compares to the grow bulb that I got for the setup. the Hd bulb is 2"shorter. and I aint sure about the actual spectrum. but then again I really havent used it yet:)
but that hood is sweet. I think that would help my grow a lot.
but that hood is sweet. I think that would help my grow a lot.

I actually snatched it from a store that was going out of business :). The guy got a good job in the islands and was moving within 2 weeks. He sold almost everything at 50% off. :slide:
That's exactly what I was thinking with the bulbs. I can buy a spare bulb + buy another pulse start MH600, all for the price of one hortilux. Nicy try hortilux, nice try.. lol
now just hold on a minute, I think that its a great deal for the money, BUUUTTT as I said before there is a noticeble difference betwwen the 2 bulbs I have construction. the grow bulb that came with my ballast is longer and it is an actual grow bulb. I purchesed the other as a back up and I cant say for sure if they are anywhere equal.
I guess is what I am saying is you can go to big lots and get a screwdriver and it may work 2 times and then the handle falls off. or I can go to snap on and get a quality tool that will last my lifetime.
the hortilux bulb has a purpose use and its not just for seeing where you are going. but like both screwdrivers they will work
does this make sense or should I burn one and get back to you:)
Thanks Wiz I'm glad you're on board :) :welcome:
I know what you mean Fish, the plantmax (while cheap), are still designed for horticulture and have that elongated shape for optimal efficiency while horizontal. I've seen the HD ones before, they look shorter and more round.
So we have a new girl in the family. I just rescued a plant from a friend who was about to cut her down. He was growing just this one girl and got some unexpected long-term guests. She's an Automax strain at week 4 or 5 I believe. I'll add her to the next picture update.
She looks very healthy, except for a few pollen sacks!! I'm guessing the autoflowering market still has a lot of unstable genetics. This can't be a coincidence. I did the same thing that was done to diva and babylon, sprayed water, clipped the nuts (about 8 of them). Only difference is this one will stay isolated under her own lights in a different room for a couple of days until I confirm that the sacks are not coming back. In my very humble and limited experience, if nuts don't grow back in a day or two, they never come back. At least that's what happened with my 2 previous hermies.
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