First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Thanks for posting the info. Good idea with the extension! So they see light? I dried that sample from the Auto#1 and it was in light most of the time. Still smells a bit home grown so maybe this is from drying to early. Let me know if the smell changes at all. Some hash is better than no hash!
No they don't see much light. Maybe 2-3 times a day from an incandescent in the closet, but just for a minute. I first started by covering this net with some panda film in an attempt to dry inside the tent hanging from the top. I was trying to get some airflow but no light, and I wasn't sure about it. So finally I just bought ONA (not the good pure ONA, walmart pet section odor absorber), and tossed it in the closet with the little net hanging. I think it's working well enough. :)
On another note, I just quick dried a bud :grinjoint: I know I know.. I promised myself I would wait for the fine cannabis to dry and cure slowly lol, but I guess it's just like I promise myself I'll quit cigarettes everyday :). I used the "steam" drying method. It's listed under the How To threads >> go to how to quick dry. It's very decent :) I'm very high right now, and to think I actually grew this just feels amazing :)! I've never quick dried anything before so I can't really recommend this steam method over another. I can say it works tho :grinjoint:
No they don't see much light. Maybe 2-3 times a day from an incandescent in the closet, but just for a minute. I first started by covering this net with some panda film in an attempt to dry inside the tent hanging from the top. I was trying to get some airflow but no light, and I wasn't sure about it. So finally I just bought ONA (not the good pure ONA, walmart pet section odor absorber), and tossed it in the closet with the little net hanging. I think it's working well enough.
On another note, I just quick dried a bud I know I know.. I promised myself I would wait for the fine cannabis to dry and cure slowly lol, but I guess it's just like I promise myself I'll quit cigarettes everyday . I used the "steam" drying method. It's listed under the How To threads >> go to how to quick dry. It's very decent I'm very high right now, and to think I actually grew this just feels amazing ! I've never quick dried anything before so I can't really recommend this steam method over another. I can say it works tho

Ooh, ooh, look look look! :cheer:

Now you listen to me my friend, we may have helped (god knows how I did, all I seem to bring with me is :loopy: :laugh:) but you actually did it. I am so very very proud of you and you are going to get very Fluffy Squished. So be prepared :hug:

And I am so loving the fact you have tried something now from your very first grow, don't you dare apologise for that! Anyway, it will teach you about how things are at different stages from the harvest, I do genuinely think it is important to test these things yourself and not just take someone else's word for it (and it sounds good when you are actually being a very impatient big kid :laugh:).

And I can't help but agree, aint the homegrown awesome? I was in pain and dry and no sign of anything so I "tested my defoliation studying in practice" and gave Ruby her haircut... dried the leaves, smoked em and was more flat on my bum with a silly grin on my face than most of the stuff I can source here. I stopped worrying so much about what her harvest will be like right then and there :)

Ooh, ooh, look look look! :cheer:

Now you listen to me my friend, we may have helped (god knows how I did, all I seem to bring with me is :loopy: :laugh:) but you actually did it. I am so very very proud of you and you are going to get very Fluffy Squished. So be prepared :hug:

And I am so loving the fact you have tried something now from your very first grow, don't you dare apologise for that! Anyway, it will teach you about how things are at different stages from the harvest, I do genuinely think it is important to test these things yourself and not just take someone else's word for it (and it sounds good when you are actually being a very impatient big kid :laugh:).

And I can't help but agree, aint the homegrown awesome? I was in pain and dry and no sign of anything so I "tested my defoliation studying in practice" and gave Ruby her haircut... dried the leaves, smoked em and was more flat on my bum with a silly grin on my face than most of the stuff I can source here. I stopped worrying so much about what her harvest will be like right then and there :)


hahaha at :loopy: << This is only a part of what you bring, and it always gives me a good dose of smiles :)
Leaves you say? I love how ruby is looking with those thick preflowers! The whole clan looks great :grinjoint:
That's very true about trying things yourself. I guess I'll learn exactly how different express drying is from regular. Thank you so much for the compliments :) Cheers :tokin:
aint nothin like having a taste of your toil and for sure its going to be a great suprize that you have made something that for the most part destroys any crap you can get off the street. well done my freind and when she is all cured you will have a wonderfull smoke for all of us:goodjob:
Awesome, that reminds me of my first harvest! What a sense of accomplishment, to be able to smoke some amazing buds that you know you have nurtured from a tiny seed to the beautiful buds the are now!! Your now a self sufficient cannabis smoker!! Congrats!!!!!! Keep it up
Hey ismokes your ladies are looking awesome. Congrats on the harvest. I can't wait until I get to cut mine down and smoke her. And thanks to you my next adventure is going to be autos. They defiantly seem the way to go for personal bud. Keep up the great work!!!!
Awesome, that reminds me of my first harvest! What a sense of accomplishment, to be able to smoke some amazing buds that you know you have nurtured from a tiny seed to the beautiful buds the are now!! Your now a self sufficient cannabis smoker!! Congrats!!!!!! Keep it up

Thanks a lot man :) sure feels great to finally become self sufficient :grinjoint:
Stay safe from sandy NEP :)
Hey ismokes your ladies are looking awesome. Congrats on the harvest. I can't wait until I get to cut mine down and smoke her. And thanks to you my next adventure is going to be autos. They defiantly seem the way to go for personal bud. Keep up the great work!!!!

Thanks pluto :thanks:
I'm really glad you're doing autos for your next grow. They're great if you're looking to keep a small garden harvesting every other week. I love how they take the same lights throughout the grow, I always have seedlings growing next to flowering plants lol. Keeps a nice cycle going without the need for another grow space (veg/flower).
These 3 all sprouted on the same day.
B. Lee




Flash Babylon
Trans Siberian started yellowing about 3 days ago, she's at day 63 now. Her buds are big but not that mature. Still wondering whether this will finish with good nugs or all going into hash. Either way I'm happy :).


Big Devil


And finally here's Blueberry, should be getting chopped in a week or so. Fan leaves also started yellowing a few days after I stopped feeding. Her buds are not big, but very mature > tons of trichs and a beautiful aroma. Sick leaves remained the same, but the signs stopped as soon as I got her on a good feeding schedule.

So Diva's dry weight was a little under an ounce. Right over 26 was the number. I believe the samples I took suggest that Diva produced an even oz. Very impressive for a plant that's barely 1 foot lol :)!
I kept the buds hanging in that net and now would be 4.75 days. I went by the "wait till the stem snaps" method. The buds feel pretty dry on the outside and they bounce back when I press on them. They smoke great :)! The fresh "green" smell mostly went away with drying but I can still smell it a little bit. I'm hoping the curing process will take care of that? anyway, I just jarred them, and I'll be doing the regular burping the jar thing.
Great news!! Good for you man! An Oz works well for an Auto! Hoping to get that as well from the A#1. I feel ya on the green smell. I can tell that drying in low RH and waiting for the best time helps the smell go away. I have read in several threads that the spongy effect is a good sign for moving to a jar. I too hope that curing gets rid of the rest!
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