First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

hahah, spreading fluffiness as you roam the journals ! That's hilarious because my hair does that too when it's humid

Awwwwh! That's cute. You get Fluffy squished for that :hug: Although I probably would laugh at you in humid conditions, but its OK, I provide plenty of material for others' amusement so you will get your own back tenfold :)

I think here is the first time Fluffiness has been truly appreciated, other than Mr Fluffy of course, so I never mind sharing as long as everyone else still wants me :blushsmile:

I do have some funny images in my head now of you though Smokey :laugh:
Still needs some fine trimming, but here's what diva produced :)

Wooooo hooooooo!!!!

iSmokes ROCKS!!!!

:cheer: :goodjob: :high-five: :yahoo: :slide: :party: :hippy::allgood:

Sorry, I got a bit carried away. You should see me at Christmas! :bigblush:

I am so very proud of you and excited for you my darling. Never doubt your ability, intelligence or the fact you will just fit in wherever you go because you are AWESOME.

:love: :hug: :love:
Trimming is NOT fun :)

ya see I like trimming, you get to hold and love each bud put some tunes on smoke a little trim a little good stuff! I have my brother come over and its a party:party:
nice harvest Ismokes:cheer: heck I think the worst part is just chopping them down wondering if it was too soon
ya see I like trimming, you get to hold and love each bud put some tunes on smoke a little trim a little good stuff! I have my brother come over and its a party

I would love to have a party like that, I will have to invite you all round when it's my girls' turn :yahoo: :yummy:
I would love to have a party like that, I will have to invite you all round when it's my girls' turn :yahoo: :yummy:

goin to sharpen my sissors now! gots me all excited:passitleft::party::yahoo:
goin to sharpen my sissors now! gots me all excited

Ooh please be careful darling, Fluffy aint so good with blood and random digits being found in the foliage :laugh:

I can see some mischief making ahead of us soon, is it harvest yet?! Is it?!! :)
Ooh please be careful darling, Fluffy aint so good with blood and random digits being found in the foliage :laugh:

I can see some mischief making ahead of us soon, is it harvest yet?! Is it?!! :)

He HE I will Pm 420 girl and have her ready for the debotchery:thumb:
dont you worry your fluffy big heart I will take the fall! throw myself on the handgrenade for you Mrs Muppetous

Awwwwh! Love ya FC! :love:

In that case you will get proper fussed in recovery :)
very nice mate, i got to agree i hate trimming, its a right pain, i have done 4 plants in as many days and its the worse job ever, i hate been sticky but i have found the best was it to make sure i hold the branch by the stem and this means im not touching any buds and stops me getting all sticky and damaging the trichs on the buds, so i got a pretty good method worked out,

i start off slow and find myself getting a bit more aggresive towards the end of the plant, but the results make it all worth while and im left with a big stash of bud to keep me going till my next harvest in a month or more
Here's the net I'm using to dry the buds. They're drying in the closet slowly, still very "green".
It's an extension to a 5-level dryer. I figured I don't need more than 1 level so I just bought the extension :)


Here's a bud up close, still very green and spongy.


and here's exactly 2 bowls of bubble hash that came out of the very little trim Diva had and some of the popcorn on the bottom, I know, silly 2 bowls, still worth the process :)

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