First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Honestly, I'm gona head to my local store for some first hand advice tomorrow. But for everyone else, your opinion would be very much appreciated, so if you think you know what's going on, please let us know :).
if that siberian is a sativa she may take awhile to show trichs.
I am goin to see if I can come or with an answer for your leaf problem, I am thinking its not a deficency more like a toxicity. but I will get back to you on that.:)
maybe a manganese toxicity from what I saw if there is to much in the soil it will lockout other nute like iron or zinc. if you check that chart I have out it looks and sounds very much like I think
do you let the tap water stand for 24 hours before feeding it to the plants, this gets the chlorine out the water and makes it less harsh on the plants, by looking at the pics i would say its not nute burn, nute burn usually starts at the tips of the leaves, so what you have got is some sort of def, i have not had this problem yet so cant really diagnose for you, the leaves that are damaged wont get better, the def could of happened a while back and now its just showing up in the leaves,
sorry i cant be any more help mate, if you use your search engine and look for cannabis plant deficiency guide and then search you should find a few great guides with pics and this should help solve the problem
if that siberian is a sativa she may take awhile to show trichs.
I am goin to see if I can come or with an answer for your leaf problem, I am thinking its not a deficency more like a toxicity. but I will get back to you on that.:)
maybe a manganese toxicity from what I saw if there is to much in the soil it will lockout other nute like iron or zinc. if you check that chart I have out it looks and sounds very much like I think

I just remembered you told me this before about the sativas. Late bloomers ey? Well, I hope that's the case, because she does have very obvious sativa traits. As for the leaves, I checked out the chart, and any yellow or brown spot looks the same to me lol, so it was hard to narrow down for a noob. But anyway, I went to the local store today and described my problem. They seemed pretty sure it was calmag. I picked some up and hopefully things won't progress too much. I ignored it and let it be on the blueberry and I think it took a toll on growth and flowering. That blueberry took a lot of hits haha.
do you let the tap water stand for 24 hours before feeding it to the plants, this gets the chlorine out the water and makes it less harsh on the plants, by looking at the pics i would say its not nute burn, nute burn usually starts at the tips of the leaves, so what you have got is some sort of def, i have not had this problem yet so cant really diagnose for you, the leaves that are damaged wont get better, the def could of happened a while back and now its just showing up in the leaves,
sorry i cant be any more help mate, if you use your search engine and look for cannabis plant deficiency guide and then search you should find a few great guides with pics and this should help solve the problem

That's almost exactly the advice I got from the store :). Thanks for your input man. You and fishcake have been really helpful all the way through. As soon as I said the yellowing was more from the middle of the leaf and random spots, they said it wasn't nute burn, then narrowed down to cal/mag.
And yes, I do let the water stand for 24 hours before watering, I also have an airstone that I use before watering, just because it's here and I can use it, I don't know if that really makes a difference.
sounds like you got some good advice at the store then mate, the damaged leaves wont recover they will just die over time, but at least if you have found the problem then the new growth will be ok, plus the plants bounce back pretty quick so im sure in a couple of days you will be back to normal and the plant will have no more problems,
I don't think there's a chance you lose anything buddy. The bud is already there so WORST case scenario is a less than ideal early harvest. Still a harvest :). I remember that if purple is not in the genetics, then it's an obvious deficiency in the plant. I can't remember which deficiency exactly but it's textbook def-. If you're on the last 2 weeks and flushing, that's cool, you're supposed so see all the deficiencies as you approach harvest, that should be promising for a good smoke without any of that fertilizer build up in your buds. Pics?

:hug: tons of fluffy hugs :)

Hey everybody, I've been away for a couple of days, life took over for a change and I was quite busy.
Some updates I have:
-I'm beginning the switch to HID instead of LED/CFL. I purchased what I need and I think I'll flip over to HID in 3 weeks or so. I want to harvest 3 girls before the switch to compare quality.
-Diva was busy being flushed for a few days now and she's loaded with right around 10% amber. Saying 10% is kinda BS from me because I'm not focusing and counting on a screen. I just look, and I see abundant ambers everywhere I look. My rough estimate is 10%. She's getting 2 days of darkness and harvest on saturday :yahoo:
-I'm planning to start regular seeds very soon in hopes of getting some clones in 2 months or so. I have 2 seed sets, and I only want to do one of them. I want my next grow to be one strain only. I'm choosing between GreenHouse's Super Lemon Haze and Barney's "Lucy", most probably going with Lucy because of her indica nature.
-All the other girls are doing good. I hope the calmag helps my mini-problem. It's not that serious, but still, sick leaves make me sad :( lol.

And finally, thank you all for everything! I love having you all with me for the ride. Thanks for being here, and cheers :grinjoint:!
I'll be following up on my subscribed threads now, looks like I missed a lot in 2 days :tokin:
Thanks! I posted pics on my journal. Check em out when you can.

I took a look.. can't say much man, what did you decide to do? My noob advice would be just let her ride it out.. She barely has 10 days left. You wouldn't want to be feeding at this moment anyway right? Just give her molasses a couple more times, then flush for a few days and you're good man.. Your plants look great, I love the frostiness on #1.
Please do :)
I saw a lot of great reviews about this strain. I'm a huge fan of SSH, so I'm guessing I'll love a citrusy touch with that lol!
I also saw a lot of reviews with the summary of: Not easy to grow, one of the best smoke they ever had.
So I guess she's a little bitchy to grow, but I think many pure sativas are so... definitely worth it when you harvest tho :)
Last picture of Diva before she goes into 2 days of darkness before the chop. She's around 10% amber, this is day 58 of 20/4. The advertised finishing time is 45 days, but all the trichs were clear, they changed during the last 2 weeks. She also gained much more mass during these 2 weeks.

Yeah I'm just doing molasses from here on out with the Auto#1. The other three got some cal/mag, molasses and 1/2 strength Big Bloom. Took a sample from Auto#1 last night. Drying now at 46% RH in the dark. Will any light leakage cause issues? Ill tell ya Smokes this is a new one for me. I have not had much experience this far into growing. At first I just cut the bud off and trimmed like a newb! Then I am sitting wondering why my buds look lame! I went with a close shave on her and now I feel better! Our grows are so similar! Give Dp's DWC set up a shot. Real easy to do for one experiment.

This is so exciting!! :)
I think I'm going to try DP's DWC. It looks simple and effective.
About the light leakage, I'm not too sure. I think the whole point is to kill the "plant" taste that's associated with chlorophyl. I think a little bit of indirect light won't be a big deal. I hope someone gives a better answer because I need it too lol :grinjoint: I'm planning to dry inside the tent, and trying to figure out a way of blocking light but not air from my drying net. I'm thinking panda film with holes in it covering the net but I'm not sure if that would be effective.
Not a bad thought. When I put my tent in Ill still have 2 ft of space outside of the tent. Gonna use that space when I go 12/12 with the DWC set up. Ill veg more plants on the side. The DWC cost was so low to get started.
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