First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

I just went back and looked at your cool tube. Im gonna take your advice on that. Still not 100% on my tent,light,fan decision. Im leaning now toward a tent and fan then incorporating a couple of 400 watt CFL's under hoods. I can get two complete set ups cheap. Ill have to wait on the MH and HPS. Yes I did take the girls out to the hair dresser. Man I think I really fuc__d up there. I cut back some of the yellowing fan leaves on the flowers. Long stem are fine but I did some real short stem stuff and they could have supported more flowering as they swell up. The girls don't seem to be stressed but how would I know there are few fan leaves! My thinking was partly based on BassMans thread. He does a second strip day 41 in flowering. Now we both know that does not apply to autos. So I kind of took a risk and experimented a bit. Should not have done that to all 4!! My wife walked in and freaked!! I should listen to her sometimes. I explained the whole deal to her and she was like " you need to do more research before taking risks!" Well hell, no one succeeds without some form of risk! The lessons that we learn are form things we often regret! Yes the Siberian is finally starting to put on trichs. How is yours? The strain info claims she will look like a Russian winter at maturity but she sure is slow now.

Thanks for letting me rant on your thread. I rarely write this much!
Man I kept clipping the sickly or burnt leaves, till I ended up with a complete defoliation by day 50 lol.. They really are rather sensitive. If this soil medium is "forgiving", I don't even want to think about hydro for now shit.. annyway, I say yay to the tent and fan bro. Your lights seem to be doing a great job + you can always upgrade the lights sometime down the road. I saw a lot of good defoliation guides, but as you said, we both know that's a no no with autos in general. My next grow will be regulars alongside autos. I haven't figured out everything yet, but I'm ordering some beans and we'll see how it goes from there :).. I noticed you mention herbie's a few times, how was your experience with this site? as a US customer I mean..
My siberian.. ohh my siberian.. lol.. I don't know what to say my friend, she's jam packed with pistils. Very, and I mean VERY, little trichome development, I can literally count them on one or two sugar leaves on the main canopy :laughtwo: She looks very different that yours I'll tell you that. It's her week 9 these days, and still no trich or bud mass development, but then again she was shocked and stressed so I'm letting her go till day 80 to see if she turns around. My blueberry sure did. While her buds are small and didn't gain much weight, they're covered in trichomes and they stink of blueberry sweetness.. Please feel free to ramble as much as you want, I always learn most my stuff from random comments and observations lol.. Cheers buddy :grinjoint:
I'm hoping my defoliation of Ruby wasn't too much as well Spring, eek! :blushsmile:

I love coming here, you guys are always such fun and I love watching your crazy autos. Mine are definitely crazy! :) Love em, definitely fun like you say Smokey.

The autos will be cool every day all day!!

I'm getting nervous! Lizzie is starting to go nuts so will have to attempt some LST at the weekend... gulp ... :blushsmile:
Fluffy I think defoliating is good for ruby :) just not too good for autos. 420fied pulled a very nice grow (well, multiple ones lol) with defoliating at day 21&45 of flowering. All your girls look beautiful! I told you you're gona love your autos :) crazy little plants
i would not remove leaves on an auto unless they had to be taken off, all the autos ive grown flower at around 2 weeks and then slowly get bigger while flowering, they dont have the stretch none autos do, so i would not do anything to them, this is why im breeding autos at the moment to try and get a good auto that yields well every time,

the only thing i have done to autos is some lst to bring the main cola down lower than the side branches, this gave the plant a huge boost and turned the lower branches into main colas and this did increase yield, i have removed leaves but not like i do on my non auto plants, so i remove any that are blocking light getting to a bud site, but i try and tie them out the way or use pipe cleaners and pull the branches in different directions just to make sure i am getting full light in the whole of the plant.

im crossing autos that i know only produce a small yield with big hitting none auto plants, by doing this i can compare the results and see if what im doing is working, it will take some back crossing and it will take a while, but hopefully ill get their in the end
Hey there donpaul, I have to say, many of my autos stretched during week 4 and 5. It was obvious and fast (overnight) growth during those weeks. Some of my strains are exactly how you describe autos, they just start flowering really small and grow along as they do. But the majority did exhibit an obvious stretch. I'd say it's strain-dependent. My garden is so unorganized it's torturing my ocd lol. 7 plants, 7 different strains, not one of them is the same size/shape as the other :laughtwo:
thanks for the info, ive got a few auto strains that i bought from herbies, im averaging 20g dry per auto, but i have seen autos yield over 4oz per plant, so im working with these autos to try and increase yield, so im crossing an auto with a bit hitting none auto, then only 1/4 of the seeds from this will be auto, so ill grow them out and find out the auto ones, then get the best male and fem and cross them and this will then give me 100% auto seeds, then i can work on yields and see if its improved it or not, im trying purples as well so got some interesting crosses going on, just gives me something to play around with while my big plants are flowering.

the other option is to go 12-12 from seed with none auto strains, i do these in 2ltr dwc hempies, and instead of going 12-12 from seed i give 1 week under 24-0 then go 12-12 from then on, this gives me a 9 week turn around with between 20g and 28g dry per plant, plus it dont take up much space as its a 2ltr pop bottle with a res, so i could fit loads in, even doing 10 would get me around 200g of dry bud and this would be every 9 weeks, but i could start 10 then start another 10 4 weeks later, this would give me a regular harvest, so im trying to find out if i get more bud from my big plants or more from the dwc 2ltr's, the 2ltrs are quick to grow so i need to work out how much bud i get off the big plants that have vegged for 4 weeks, and then flowered, so if i yield more with the dwc's over a shorter time then ill go down that round,

i also will be doing autos in a 2ltr dwc as well, i dont lolly pop as it affects yield, you might end up with 1 big bud but i found i got a bigger yield when i did not lolly pop my 2ltr grows
thanks for the info, ive got a few auto strains that i bought from herbies, im averaging 20g dry per auto, but i have seen autos yield over 4oz per plant, so im working with these autos to try and increase yield, so im crossing an auto with a bit hitting none auto, then only 1/4 of the seeds from this will be auto, so ill grow them out and find out the auto ones, then get the best male and fem and cross them and this will then give me 100% auto seeds, then i can work on yields and see if its improved it or not, im trying purples as well so got some interesting crosses going on, just gives me something to play around with while my big plants are flowering.

the other option is to go 12-12 from seed with none auto strains, i do these in 2ltr dwc hempies, and instead of going 12-12 from seed i give 1 week under 24-0 then go 12-12 from then on, this gives me a 9 week turn around with between 20g and 28g dry per plant, plus it dont take up much space as its a 2ltr pop bottle with a res, so i could fit loads in, even doing 10 would get me around 200g of dry bud and this would be every 9 weeks, but i could start 10 then start another 10 4 weeks later, this would give me a regular harvest, so im trying to find out if i get more bud from my big plants or more from the dwc 2ltr's, the 2ltrs are quick to grow so i need to work out how much bud i get off the big plants that have vegged for 4 weeks, and then flowered, so if i yield more with the dwc's over a shorter time then ill go down that round,

i also will be doing autos in a 2ltr dwc as well, i dont lolly pop as it affects yield, you might end up with 1 big bud but i found i got a bigger yield when i did not lolly pop my 2ltr grows
Yep, you told me about your little breeding project, I think it's f'ing awesome paul. It really is cool that you have the patience to go around playing with plants and "mating them" trying to find your own personalized strain. Most others will just sayy mehh, I'll buy some seeds for a better yielding auto, but not you, you're making a custom made strain :) that's brilliant regardless of the results lol! I hope you do get to your goal, and "genetically" speaking, your first cross will definitely have a portion of offspring that will contain the traits you're looking for (auto+yield). The trick is to find these offspring and crossing them together. By the sounds of it, you got your genetics101 down so I'm really looking forward to see how this goes with you buddy :grinjoint:
As for the 2L dwc, that's so cool! it's very space efficient too.. If I can get a single cola to give 20g on 12/12 from seed, I'd have 20 or 30 of these 2L bad boys right next to each other :) That's what I'm planning to do next. Not a dwc, but rather a simpler hempy setup, a little SOG inspired by 420fied. I'm planning to start working on some mothers before my autos finish (since vegging a mom takes the same photoperiod as autos :) ) and hopefully I'll collect some cuttings and make my mini SOG (probably no more that 20 2L's).
Good luck with plant porn my friend :laughtwo: I have a decent background in genetics and I have high hopes for your little project. Just be very picky while choosing your best female and male auto from your first cross. Then one back cross will stabilize your genotypes. Then rises a project of hopefully stabilizing a phenotype, and that's when you proudly call the strain Purple Don Automatic.
Cheers :grinjoint:
I feel bad when there's something wrong and I can't figure it out. This feeding thing is much more tricky than I though. I'm afraid I can't even tell the difference between deficiencies and nute burn! Unless the deficiency was textbook and looked exactly like a picture I see only, I have no way of telling lol.. situation is sad because I'll do anything to help them out, if only I knew what was wrong :(..
Any thoughts guys? This is on flash babylon, she's being fed 1/4 and 1/2 strength nutes in an alternating fashion.

I just acquired some herbs and my man says it's "girl scout cookies". Anybody come across this strain? Because I think I'm in love :)
It's insanely sticky and full of resin, the smoke is amazing, and the high is beyond amazing. I need to google this and get some beans, I hope it's not a street name for some other strain. Seriously, some of the best bud I've ever smoked, and I've smoked some good bud :tokin:
But it always keeps progressing until it takes out all the fan leaves. It always starts with the biggest fan leaves :(. Did you narrow it down to cal/mag for sure? I feed tap water and I would imagine a lot of dissolved metal ions in tap water. I mean, the definition of tap water is hard water, as in, contains a lot Ca and Mg :laughtwo: confusing! If you did narrow it down to calmag, then I think I'm gonna apply some foliar calmag just to save some of the fan leaves.
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