First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Hey everyone I have a question. With this molasses do I get the food grade stuff of is there a special gardening molasses?? And when would I start adding it to my girl. I don't really even feed right now. Just plain water.
People usually start with a little molasses during flowering, and then increase a little bit towards the end and before the final week flush. It's the regular edible molasses, just make sure it's unsulphured (i.e unprocessed). Organic sugar extracts. For some reason a lot of people go with the brand Grandma's. I didn't put a lot of thought into it and just picked up a jar of Grandma's :).
yes I would get the food grade molasses, mostly that if I can eat it then it sure aint going to hurt me later when i consume my bud.
also I use it in veg and flower as it helps build good bacteria in your soil.
I use briar rabbit brand and have used grandmas. now I have to look because I dont remember who said but grandmas has 1% sodium in it and frankly I never read either bottle other then making sure that it said it was unsulphered. so I will get back to you folks on the salt thing.
and thank you spring for the reps:thanks:
Cool ill have to pick up a bottle today. I can give her the molasses even though I haven't introduced ferts yet? And I'm starting flowering in 2 days with my triple diesel. She has at least 10 bud sites on her. I'm so excited to see the next part of the process. It's one thing to see a bunch of pics on here and another to get to see/touch/smell for your self lol. Thanks for the info guys!!!
ok so I looked at both brands and they both contain 1% sodium. I have not had a salt lock up yet so it must not be that big of deal.
but the brer rabbit brand claims 8% calcium and mag. where grandma's claims only 2%. both are high in K so that great for flower time and also big in the carb dept. so if I had the choice between the 2 brer rabbit would be mine:)
Cool ill have to pick up a bottle today. I can give her the molasses even though I haven't introduced ferts yet? And I'm starting flowering in 2 days with my triple diesel. She has at least 10 bud sites on her. I'm so excited to see the next part of the process. It's one thing to see a bunch of pics on here and another to get to see/touch/smell for your self lol. Thanks for the info guys!!!

yes it is! I can sit my room till my eyes hurt. and after 3 weeks in flower you are going to pee yourself with excitement :)
Fish or ISmokes,
Can I use molasses up till harvest? One of my girls is probably 2 weeks till harvest maybe less.

oh yeah I would go double on the dose maybe 2Tbs per gallon of water or even 3:)
I think you will notice a big differencewith how frosty and sticky she gets
Did 2 tbs per gallon last night. Ill up it to 3 next watering. Would cal/mag make a diffirence this late in the game for the near harvest girl? The others are closer to 3 to 4 weeks out

I think there is enough cal mag in the molasses
Hopefully they will show some improvement soon. The sugar leaves look ok but some of the fans are looking rough

LIKEI SAID BEFORE, those fans have done their job. you aint goin to smoke those no how. At least I dont.
Here's a close up:


What does this look like? I'm seeing about 60% cloudy and 40% clear. Is that correct? I think I'm stil having difficulty telling which is milky and which is clear :(.
You're great help man, I'd like to see a noob's point of view as well haha! So I guess me n you have the same idea of what's clear and what's cloudy. Now we'll see if our skills are failing us or not with some experienced answer. I could have taken a better pictures, but I was holding both the lens and the iphone on top of each other, and focus was very sensitive lol. Took me 2 minutes to take this one :laughtwo:
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