First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains


one of her side branches

Babylon next to AK. They're the same age, same soil, same pot size lol.

Big Devil

showing pistils

And B.Lee
Blueberry: Leaves look very unhealthy on many parts of the plant. She suffered a lot with the N-toxicity. But I noticed she's been packing on with trichomes allll over. Really glad to see her finally come around. Smelling like fresh blue berry'sh flowers too :grinjoint:

Trans Siberian

Some side branches (most of her side branches are almost as high as the main cola), a LOT of pistils everywhere, one of her side branches is the size of Diva lol. But no sign of any trichomes at all. A liiiitttle bit on the very top and that's about it. Being at day 52 now, this is worrisome.

Flash Babylon

Group Photo
Wow! The Diva looks killer. Lots of color. With all those fresh pistils I think she still has some maturing to do. Where are the trichs at today with color? The Blueberry did get toxic! It is easier to tell now. She does not seem lost though. Your Siberian looks better than the pic I posted! Those side branches are gonna big a big help to your overall yield. Must be the molasses ( LOL ). They look bigger than the main! I thought that my Auto#1 was close to done like any day now but she is showing thicker buds and new pistils.
hmm.. that's reassuring with the siberian.. late bloomer I guess. If the seedbank advertises 10 weeks, that must mean it's a 12 weeker. Hopefully the trichs will kick in soon. Mine only looks better in pictures lol, she has no bud mass at all, it's just white hair covering the stems. I guess if she goes to day 85-90 she might surprise us afterall! :)
Diva's trichs are at mostly clear, with a good amount of milky too.. I'd say 75/25. From previous growers, I noticed it took them about 2 weeks from where I'm at right now to get to 20% amber. What's puzzling is more than half of the pistils turned orange, and now new white pistils are showing up, bigger than an average pistil. But the yellowing leaves continued, she almost has no fan leaves left. Just the spiky leaves within the buds and right under them. That's a little confusing but not much I can do now. I'll give her molasses for a week, then flush for a week. That's the plan.
you dont need those fan leaves aymore so dont sweat it. just let that lady suck all the green out of them.
the surgar leaves will keep her goin till you are ready to harvest and wiil commit every bit of nutes to the flowers. making the swell and leaving you with some tasty meds:)
Thank you so much everybody :)!!!
According to previous growers, Diva goes down any day between 60 and 65 if you're going for a good 1/5th amber. That means she should be down by halloween. I'm just taking these numbers as reference, she'll get chopped when I see the trichs turning amber. She lost all the fan leaves, her last feeding (strictly bloom) was 3 days ago, getting molasses for a week, then straight water for her last week. This is so exciting :yahoo: cheers
thats groovy Ismokes and even if you need a few more days your good:)
Fish Cake always there with the reassuring advice :) cheers man :grinjoint:
I kind of worried about the fan leaves starting to drop earlier than usual (around day 40), now day 51 and not a single fan leaf is there. She looks so naked. Sugar leaves are mostly light green and some of them actually beginning to yellow up slowly.
Is it normal to have new pistils still growing? Almost half the plant turned orange but some have new white pistils lol.
well she will keep spitin flowers for a while so now its more up to the trichs. if you feel like you are close. stick her in the dark for 2 days and the pistils will wrap tight and the resin will build. that is what I would do so you do what you think and not as I say:)
"You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to fish cake again." Doesn't this negate the proper usage of reps lol?
Thanks man, good tip about the darkness. I'll just put her in my closet for a couple of days before the end :)
I have done it before with good results. seems to freak em out and gets rid of any extra cloriphill that woud make your smoke taste like chit. again thats me:)
oh reps are cool but thats no biggie. I just want everyone to have a good smoke! me included :)
My pots dry really fast because they're fabric and it's 2Gal pots not 3. I have to water every other day. Diva asked for water almost everyday for 2 weeks during full on bloom. Babylon asked for water everyday during her insane stretch too. But mostly it's every other day.
Man that molasses emm.. I'm not sure if it was the molasses or simply genetics that triggered it, but coincidentally, diva gained a very rich and sweet aroma after starting molasses. Now that may simply be genetics and the flowers are maturing, or could be the molasses helping, either way I'm lovin it! lol :grinjoint:
I noticed a lot of experienced growers recommend it, and the lovely lady at the gardening shop I go to swears by it. She's very experienced. Judging by the quality of her product, I'm going by every piece of advice she gives me LOL. It's that sticky icky stinky kind of bud.
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