First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

How do you guys feed nutrients? I was wondering about the amount of solution you add to each pot. We always mention concentration in tsp/gal, but we never talked about volumes. I think that was my mistake lol :). I treated nutes exactly like watering. I would only feed once a week (water about 3 times a week). But I would run the nute solution until it drains just like I do on my regular watering.
I was reading another thread and I think he mentioned he uses 1 gallon of nute solution for every 5 plants he has (he's also using FF trio in 3gal FFOF).

well if maybe they are like JTG's plants you might use a gallon of nutes for 5 plants. LOL
but I use ff and I use the other kind I cant remember and the grow big and the tiger bloom.
the grow big I use 2 capfulls and the tiger bloom 1 capfull per gallon of water and feed them all the same if they are in flower, Oh and a couple tbs of molasses everyother watering. and I just water from the bottom so the 2 girls will take 2 gallons almost. that lasts me about 4 days. what ever water doesnt git used then feeds my chilli:)
i dont mean a gallon of nutes, i mean a gallon in total, a gallon of water plus the nutes, damn if i used a gallon of nutes it would be a very expensive hobby indeed,

ive never had any issues with nute burn and bpn, ive even given higher doses than stated and still had no problems, i only start my autos on 1/4 strength due to what i read, for all i know they may be able to take bpn at the strength in the bpn feed guide, ill give it a try with my next autos, ill go full strength from week 1 and see how it does, i was only going on what i read, but ive always worked up from 1/4 strength, so ill give it a try at full strength, ill be ordering some autos on wed.

so i use about a litre of nute mix per plant, my plants are in 3 gallon pots, plus i got my dwc 2ltr pots and these hold a litre and 1/4 so this is always given at full strength and not had any problems, ill be trying autos in a dwc set up.

so dont give the plants a gallon of nutes, i was meaning that i mix a gallon in total of water and nutes, the bpn feeding guide uses gallon, so it will say something like add 10ml of grow, 10ml of micro, 10ml of bloom and 4ml of bloom booster to a gallon of water, i make sure the tap water has been standing for 24 hours to remove chlorine, then its good to go, but bpn works great and i start using it as soon as my seedlings are growing their first set of leaves, corey told me this is why he designed his feeding guide, so we can feed the plants from that age, so the bpn feeding guide tells you how much of each to add to a gallon of water an a weekly basis, so you slowly add more depending on the age of the plants
Agreed. I use 2 gallons every 4 days for all 4 of my girls.. So each gets around a half gallon every 4 days. I did the same as DP. Watered too fast and it just came out the bottom! I go around the edges first then work my way in. basically now that I am using nutes I give each gallon the same amount. I do let it sit for 24 hours opened for chlorine removal before nutes!
Diva with some bud porn:
She's smelling incredible, very sweet blueberry aroma combined with a touch of sour citrusy smells. Her leaves are all turning from green to yellow gradually. Is this the "normal" yellowing that is at the end of flowering?

Here's Flash Babylon, she's been mad stretching the last week. She's already taller than Diva that's about to finish in a couple weeks lol. She just started putting on pistils all over ready to bloom.


Here's AK auto, petite, funny to look at to be honest lol. She's just too small to be flowering:


Big Devil

Here's Blueberry, she's not doing so well, but looks like she's gona ride it through and finish. She crumbled up on herself after the N-tox, everything on her felt to soft, the stems, leaves, flowers, everything felt like there's was a lot of water inside. I don't know if this makes sense lol. She's starting to smell like actual blueberries, I never thought the aroma would really be this close to real blueberries :)!
After she kinda crumbled up, I had to LST all of her side branches just to allow air to pass through the plant. I think it's helping. The leaves still look sick (K-def), but she was fed, and now her flowers seem to have skipped to the finishing phase and forgot to put on some weight. I might be making hash out of the whole plant if she doesn't give chunky buds.


Here's B.Lee, very bushy, lots of side branches. I'm hoping for a stretch any day now:


Finally the Siberian:
She's significantly bigger than any other plant in the garden. She does not look too good, but it looks like a little bit of recovery to me. There's so many bud sites it's ridiculous. If she decides to put some weight on those buds, it's going to be a big yielding auto. Mine suffered a lot with feeding/flushing. I have high hopes for Spring's Siberian.

The Diva looks great!!!! Damn she looks just like my Auto#1 with respect to flowering style. The Siberian is actually better looking than mine. Your ahead with days so maybe she will put on some weight. Man your grow is doing well. I know how you feel about the smaller girls! The diva will be done in two weeks? Thats were I feel my Auto#1 will be done as well. That will be day 55 for me. Is that possible?
Thanks Spring, you always keep me positive about the grow. Seed bank says 45 days, and most grows I saw online chopped around day 60 on their Divas. She's yellowing up from the bottom upwards, I don't know. Doesn't look like she has any deficiencies, flowers are smelling really good and hairs are turning from white to orange overnight. I can only guess she's finishing in 2 weeks, otherwise I'm in trouble and she's dying lol. Being a new grower is very confusing. I love your auto #1, she seems like a fast one to me. Did you look at other journals or you tube grows with auto #1? That should give you an idea.
Diva will be 60 days old on the 26th, which is when most past growers chopped. That's 12 days :yahoo:
I'll be doing one last feeding of half strength tiger bloom, half strength big bloom, and 2 tsp molasses tomorrow. Then I'll flush for 10 days. I hope this goes well. I was so anxious about how much I'll yield off the first 3 and everything, but now I really don't care, I just can't wait to smoke bud that I actually grew :) :grinjoint:
annnnnd after a good watering, the siberian's problem reveals itself, look at this salt build up!!!


Poor thing, her roots must be suffering, here's what I'm doing right now, 4 gallons of water being pumped with oxygen with 6 tsp of Florakleen, hoping this flush will revive the roots a little bit..

Hello my friend

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading through the last few pages. I am so impressed with your girls! I think AK is adorable, weird and kooky but so cute. Like you say, far too small to be flowering but awwwh!

I'm glad you've put in some pics of the younger plants as well, helps me compare with The Twins. I was worrying about them not developing properly (well, Annie in particular) but we will see what happens. I think it's a case of wait and see a lot of the time isn't it?

I've learned so much from your journal and Spring's journal, and to all the heavy hitters who have helped along the way so thank you my darling. It was you guys who "convinced" me to pop The Twins and start the auto experiment. I am badly itching to get another couple of plants going. I might have a look at a weeny tent in the future, who knows.

Extremely well done, and thank you for all the great photos and for encouraging and supporting me. Your comment on your last rep to me in particular made me want to give you a really huge squish, and sentiments like that are just what I need right now.

Can't wait to see more ;)

:love: :hug: :love:
yeah the leaves will yellow and die as they near harvest. totaly natural so dont feed her any more. let her use all that green up and your buds will be as sweet as Fluffy:)
yeah the leaves will yellow and die as they near harvest. totaly natural so dont feed her any more. let her use all that green up and your buds will be as sweet as Fluffy:)

:bigblush: :hug:
yeah the leaves will yellow and die as they near harvest. totaly natural so dont feed her any more. let her use all that green up and your buds will be as sweet as Fluffy:)

lol I can only hope so :grinjoint:
Hello my friend

I've thoroughly enjoyed reading through the last few pages. I am so impressed with your girls! I think AK is adorable, weird and kooky but so cute. Like you say, far too small to be flowering but awwwh!

I'm glad you've put in some pics of the younger plants as well, helps me compare with The Twins. I was worrying about them not developing properly (well, Annie in particular) but we will see what happens. I think it's a case of wait and see a lot of the time isn't it?

I've learned so much from your journal and Spring's journal, and to all the heavy hitters who have helped along the way so thank you my darling. It was you guys who "convinced" me to pop The Twins and start the auto experiment. I am badly itching to get another couple of plants going. I might have a look at a weeny tent in the future, who knows.

Extremely well done, and thank you for all the great photos and for encouraging and supporting me. Your comment on your last rep to me in particular made me want to give you a really huge squish, and sentiments like that are just what I need right now.

Can't wait to see more ;)

:love: :hug: :love:

I hope you're feeling well and fluffy again! Your girls look great, Ruby looks awesome preparing to flower :)
About the autos, don't worry about a thing, they all look small (sometimes a little weak) in the begining. They even show sex before they actually start to grow. From my very limited experience with a few autos, week 4 is auto madness. My Flash Babylon doubled in size in one week. I woke up to a whole new set of leaves today lol! She's now taller than Diva. This strain actually has many good traits, if the bud is good, I think I'll get some more Babylon beans :)
I'll be posting much more photos of the younger ones. I just don't post much the first 3 weeks because they all look pretty much the same. It's so cool having other plants to compare to :)
i had to go back a page to see the other plant, looks great, the yellow leaves is just the end of the flowering phase, but i have not been getting this with none of my plants, so this time ill flush a lot earlier and see how it goes, i think my soil is still to hot at harvest, i may even start feeding bpn every 2nd or 3rd feed to try and get the plant to use up everything in the soil, i think my soil is to hot with bpn
i had to go back a page to see the other plant, looks great, the yellow leaves is just the end of the flowering phase, but i have not been getting this with none of my plants, so this time ill flush a lot earlier and see how it goes, i think my soil is still to hot at harvest, i may even start feeding bpn every 2nd or 3rd feed to try and get the plant to use up everything in the soil, i think my soil is to hot with bpn

I havent had perfect grows but I do only feed every other water and dont fret to much if the leaves look a little pale.
you all can load down the nutes and get huge colas but I get enough of some kick arse smoke that tastes good too.
I think that James would agree with letting her go naked even with 3 weeks left will give some more then satisfactory smoke:)
that said I will still pump the molasses and some superthrive:)
ive been reading a lot mate about the nutes, and from what i can tell we have been giving them to much nutes, the plants are nute stressed long before they start turning the leaves yellow, so i wonder if this is why my growth has not been as good as it can be, maybe my soil is to hot, im cutting the feeds down to every other feed or every 3rd feed,, maybe this is why my leaves dont start to die at the end of flower, i think i been giving them to much nutes, so ill cut it down and see what happens, i can tell when they need nutes but its hard to tell that their getting to much until we see problems with the leaves, i know with hydro the most these plants can max out at is 1800ppm, but i dont have a tester to check any run off or i dont even know if you can test the ec of soil with nutes in it, chances are you can, but ill need to buy an ec meter for my dwc grows,
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