First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Good info! Looks like we have the same stuff going on though my rust spots a re a bit less noticeable. The Siberian looks just like mine. I keep finding every other day she will have droopy leaves. Any thoughts?
soil to wet or to dry?
root bound?
how often do you water again?
do you have a fox farm feeding schedual?

I do, but I'm not following anything it says. Well, sometimes I look and divide their numbers by 4. These autos are rather sensitive man.
I do, but I'm not following anything it says. Well, sometimes I look and divide their numbers by 4. These autos are rather sensitive man.

have never grown an auto so I wont be much help then:)
ISmokes go check out the pics and video I posted on Soys journall. Two autos that yielded over 4oz's and 12.5 oz's. You'll have to get to the end of the vid to see the yield.

1st Time Grow White Widow & Seedmakers Autoblue

That's just insane lol! I never thought an auto could pull that off. I was shocked to see XLr8's Big Bang a couple of weeks ago too. VERY Impressive.
Diva putting on some sugar.. emmm.. sugar..

Fairplay mate set up sounds spot on I like the idea of having 3 different types of lights to have on the plants Ill be checking in to see how it all goes, Im halfway through my first real grow and Its so satisfying seeing them grow. Good luck, DD
Fairplay mate set up sounds spot on I like the idea of having 3 different types of lights to have on the plants Ill be checking in to see how it all goes, Im halfway through my first real grow and Its so satisfying seeing them grow. Good luck, DD

:welcome: DD, thanks man, I actually ditched the HID after a couple of weeks and went for a 600W LED and around 650W of CFL lol. I'm going to see how this combo goes but I'm almost sure I'm switching to just HID for my next grow. The lights seem to be doing a great job, but it's just a bit too messy for me. One bulb to rule them all for my next grow :). I'm gona hop and check out your journal.. Again, welcome aboard man and thanks for joining.. :grinjoint:
The Diva looks bright and full of suga!

I can't wait, it feels like a new adventure every time I see progress lol! I've never seen an actual flowering plant before so I'm very vigilant of ANY CHANGES that take place :laughtwo:
Siberian is looking a bit better, not too good, but looks like recovery to me. Hopefully she'll perk up again. About 20% of her leaves (which is like 10 leaves or so) are back in a horizontal position rather than straight droopy so that's some good signs I guess : ).
Watching the older sisters flower and dealing with burns and flushes got my mind off the younger sisters. I just water them and make sure they're getting their fair share of lights without looking into details. I was so surprised today when I pulled them out one by one and just looked at them. Awesome growth going on. Flash Babylon is as crazy as the siberian was at that age. Just insane bushiness and side branching. AK is very petit. Just skinny with 6 leaves total, but overall very healthy looking. B. Lee is doing great too! A close second after Flash Babylon. All 3 younger sisters are officially forming pistils all over. I'll be following your footsteps with feeding the younger sisters Spring. I'm holding off till after week 5.
The tent changed everything. It's just excellent, I highly recommend this same one, even the size a littttle short of 3x5x7. Exact dimensions are 4'11" x 2'7" x 6'7". It holds up very well with the heavy carbon filter, fan, lights, everything. Every detail in it is good quality built to last. They have all sorts of sizes if this is a little big. I'm not sure if they're a sponsor or not, but hell, it's a grow lab. The one I have is an 80L. I guess they'll just delete my comment if this brand is not a sponsor.
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