First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Argh, Smokey, they are suffering rather aren't they? I think it just goes to show how sensitive the autos are, you were doing everything right, being careful etc and you still encounter these problems. I know you will make it though, and we will do our best to help along the way!

I think we will just be so relieved and proud even if the smoke isn't that great it will be like Christmas! :)
I got it saved on my laptop darling so hope its OK me posting it here to make it easier to see at a glance?

thank you Fluffy :circle-of-love: if I wasnt so inept at this computer thing I would have done just what you have and so Reps are in order:)
I got it saved on my laptop darling so hope its OK me posting it here to make it easier to see at a glance?

thank you Fluffy :circle-of-love: if I wasnt so inept at this computer thing I would have done just what you have and so Reps are in order:)

Awwh! :laugh:

Yes but we wouldn't have so much entertainment valueif you weren't you! Besides, that's why we make a good team cheeky chops ;)
wow I havent been called cheeky chops since my 7th grade metal shop teacher used to !
thank you sweet heart:circle-of-love:

You are welcome my darling, and you are very cheeky chops which is precisely why I like you :)

Oh cool...was your teacher English then? Cheeky is definitely an English phrase, and I remember calling an American friend cheeky chops in person once, their face was quite a picture of puzzlement, disbelief and confusion! So I decided to keep using the tactic tee hee :angel:
You are welcome my darling, and you are very cheeky chops which is precisely why I like you :)

Oh cool...was your teacher English then? Cheeky is definitely an English phrase, and I remember calling an American friend cheeky chops in person once, their face was quite a picture of puzzlement, disbelief and confusion! So I decided to keep using the tactic tee hee :angel:

I was kidding lol:)
but I had a boss from brighton and when he asked to pinch a fag I gave him the same look LOL
I was kidding lol

Oh :bigblush: but I still get points right? :)

I had a boss from brighton and when he asked to pinch a fag I gave him the same look LOL

Oh god, need to stop choking on my Frosties! :whoa:

That used to happen to me all the time! Took me ages to change a lifelong phrase so people stopped looking at me that way! :laugh:
Oh :bigblush: but I still get points right? :)

of course you get points! a lot

Oh god, need to stop choking on my Frosties! :whoa:

That used to happen to me all the time! Took me ages to change a lifelong phrase so people stopped looking at me that way! :laugh:

and please quit choking and spitting on your computer!
it must be hard to read now:thedoubletake:
and please quit choking and spitting on your computer!
it must be hard to read now

It's all good. I've got a licky dog who has demonstrated on many occasions he has no issue with sampling questionable items :) (thank goodness he's not had any of my stash yet, mine! :whoa:)
Thank you both so much! :)
Blueberry indeed looks like a mix of K&P deficiencies. It's the damn flush lol! Being inexperienced really puzzled me after the flushes. I would notice the plant loved the flush, but then I'd have no idea what to feed or when to feed ... etc
These first 3 ladies taught me so much! Diva is doing great, Siberian is hopefully bouncing back, and Blueberry just took a drink of tiger bloom (high in potassium and phosphorous).
Cheers everybody, and thank you all :grinjoint: :thanks:
It's all good. I've got a licky dog who has demonstrated on many occasions he has no issue with sampling questionable items :) (thank goodness he's not had any of my stash yet, mine! :whoa:)
I cant get mine out of my pocket. she makes it real hard to see the keyboard
and if I try to move her she growls at me:helpsmilie:
sounds like one of those gas powered remote control cars
Thank you both so much! :)
Blueberry indeed looks like a mix of K&P deficiencies. It's the damn flush lol! Being inexperienced really puzzled me after the flushes. I would notice the plant loved the flush, but then I'd have no idea what to feed or when to feed ... etc
These first 3 ladies taught me so much! Diva is doing great, Siberian is hopefully bouncing back, and Blueberry just took a drink of tiger bloom (high in potassium and phosphorous).
Cheers everybody, and thank you all :grinjoint: :thanks:

I use the same brand. glad she and you are looking up
"...beware of being the roller when there's nothing left to roll"
wise words Mr. FC wise words.. I've been there so many times..

yes sir just ask the Calistoga kid
Thank you both so much!
Blueberry indeed looks like a mix of K&P deficiencies. It's the damn flush lol! Being inexperienced really puzzled me after the flushes. I would notice the plant loved the flush, but then I'd have no idea what to feed or when to feed ... etc
These first 3 ladies taught me so much! Diva is doing great, Siberian is hopefully bouncing back, and Blueberry just took a drink of tiger bloom (high in potassium and phosphorous).
Cheers everybody, and thank you all

I'm sorry that rapscallion Fish Cake has been making it impossible for me to keep it tidy here Smokey, he does like to make a mess :) (me, Angel Fluff :angel:)

Reps when I can for this particular comment Smokey, I am so pleased you are on this journey with me because it is so reassuring to be with someone who is as new to it as me, and who often sits there going :whoa: :confused: as well!

I think you have done so well with these plants because they have thrown you curve ball after curve ball. I (almost) had a FIFO moment over a mild :)wood:) issue! The amount of knowledge you will take from this grow is going to be huge.
"...beware of being the roller when there's nothing left to roll"
wise words Mr. FC wise words.. I've been there so many times..

*sniff* I've really never had anyone to sit down and roll with! That's why I love you guys so much :hug:
I can't agree more Fluffy. I learned and am still learning so much from them! It's that vicious cycle of overfeeding/flushing that threw me off track. I had no idea what to do after flushes. The plants would show deficincies, but I wouldn't know what to feed, how much, when...
Fluffy I wished that we could smoke a fab doobie that you have rolled together
and if my sig is obscure I recomend that you both go to youtube and find the song THE GREAT SMOKE OFF by Shell Silverstien you may get a kick out of it and you will understand my Sig:circle-of-love:
I can't agree more Fluffy. I learned and am still learning so much from them! It's that vicious cycle of overfeeding/flushing that threw me off track. I had no idea what to do after flushes. The plants would show deficincies, but I wouldn't know what to feed, how much, when...

do you have a fox farm feeding schedual?
Fluffy I wished that we could smoke a fab doobie that you have rolled together
and if my sig is obscure I recomend that you both go to youtube and find the song THE GREAT SMOKE OFF by Shell Silverstien you may get a kick out of it and you will understand my Sig

I've got it playing now FC, it's fecking awesome! :thumb:
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