First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Found this, I hope it helps somebody like it's helping me. Well at least I think it's helping me, I'll see how this diagnosis chart works out.

Yellowing of Younger leaves............. Fe, Mn.
Yellowing of Middle leaves................ Mo.
Yellowing of Older leaves................. N, K, Mg, Zn.
Yellowing Between veins................. Mg, Mn.
Old leaves drop................................ N.
Leaf Curl Over.................................. Mg.
Leaf Curl Under................................ K, Cu, Over Fert.
Leaf tips burn, Younger leaves........ B.
Leaf tips burn, Older leaves............. N, Zn.
Young leaves wrinkle and curl.......... K, Zn, B, Mo.
Dead areas in the leaves................. K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn.
Leaf growth stunted........................ N, P.
Dark green/purplish leaves and stems......... P.
Pale green leaf color..................................... N, Mo.
Leaf Spotting.......................................... ...... Zn.
Spindly........................................... ............... N.
Soft stems............................................. ....... N, K.
Hard/brittle stems........................................ P, K.
Growing tips die........................................... K.
Stunted root growth.................................... P.
Wilting........................................... ............... Cu.

If you would like a pictorial to go with this check out my blog.
glad things are looking up:)
Almost no improvement with the siberian. She's just giving up. I figured this might be nute deficiency because she was flushed twice and not fed (I figured I didn't want to overfeed her, she looked like a yielder). So in a final attempt to get the siberian up and perky again, I gave her a mild nute mixture. Hoping she'll recover from this!
Diva is full on bloom. Her bottom leaves yellowed up quick and I just picked them. I fed her after that, and besides minor nute burn (tips), she seems to be doing fine. Thos flowers are finally starting to put on some weight. I gave her 1tsp Big Bloom and 1/2 tsp Tiger Bloom yesterday.
Blueberry is officially back in business. That poor plant was paused for well over a week because of nitrogen toxicity. A good flush solved that problem a few days ago. Today she's looking great, she even stretched those few inches to start flowering.

These are the 3 older sisters, poor girls had to suffer a lot, but they taught me sooo much. The 3 younger girls are looking good. After a good lesson with nute burn, these younger ones will not be receiving anything before mid-week 5. Unless, of course, they show a deficiency beforehand.

I'll be posting pics up soon. I just wanted to keep you guys updated. Cheers :grinjoint:
Thanks for the update! Man I was ready to add nutes in a few days but now..... not sure. Every time I think about it I have you on one shoulder and DP on the other!! LOL! The FFOS has served me well and the plants don't seem to need anything. I'm watching my Siberian closely now as yours has me interested. The Auto#1 is showing trichs so maybe its time for some flower nutes?

Keep us updated!!
Any input on this would be much appreciated. I have no idea what I'm doing lol.

Cheers everybody! I hope this helps anybody in any way. I know I talked a lot, I just wanted to make sure I included details. I'm sure anybody with a sick plant would appreciate the details lol.

Oh Smokey, bless your heart! Your first line made me snort my coffee, you have just so perfectly put into words the really frazzled feeling I have most of the time :loopy:, but yes especially when it comes to our grows. I really just want to squish you now, this was very cute.

I've got to get ready for work so I've not got enough time to stop and give this proper attention now but as soon as I can I will come back. Besides, I brought two reprobates with me in OMM and FC and I'm sure they will look after you in my absence.

If they don't, they will get the avatar Fluffy! :) Rawwwwwwwr!!!

Give all the girls some Fluffy tickles and love. We will get you all through it.

I'll be back!

Thanks for the update! Man I was ready to add nutes in a few days but now..... not sure. Every time I think about it I have you on one shoulder and DP on the other!! LOL! The FFOS has served me well and the plants don't seem to need anything. I'm watching my Siberian closely now as yours has me interested. The Auto#1 is showing trichs so maybe its time for some flower nutes?

Keep us updated!!

Only one of my girls is showing trichs and that's Diva, and yes she's taking big bloom and tiger bloom. Minor nute burn, but I'm guessing she was happy to drink up most of the nutes.
damn dude, your plants at day 7-9 look nothing like mine do on day 8. how'd they grow so darn fast? or did i do somethin wrong?

great setup bro. loving the updates. keep em coming :D

You're doing good man. My strains are autoflowering and I guess they grow a bit faster than regulars. They really shock you between week 2 and 4. I just checked out your journal, subbed and watching man.
Oh Smokey, bless your heart! Your first line made me snort my coffee, you have just so perfectly put into words the really frazzled feeling I have most of the time :loopy:, but yes especially when it comes to our grows. I really just want to squish you now, this was very cute.

I've got to get ready for work so I've not got enough time to stop and give this proper attention now but as soon as I can I will come back. Besides, I brought two reprobates with me in OMM and FC and I'm sure they will look after you in my absence.

If they don't, they will get the avatar Fluffy! :) Rawwwwwwwr!!!

Give all the girls some Fluffy tickles and love. We will get you all through it.

I'll be back!


Oh fluffy, you're the sweetest! Unleashing your rawwwrrs to get me help. I'm sure you know how much I appreciate everything. I was checking on Ruby and she's looking just great! Quite the poser you have there huh :)? I can't wait to see her put those flowers on :yummy:
I'll be updating with some pictures tomorrow so the pros can have a better idea of what I'm working with.
Oh fluffy, you're the sweetest! Unleashing your rawwwrrs to get me help. I'm sure you know how much I appreciate everything. I was checking on Ruby and she's looking just great! Quite the poser you have there huh :)? I can't wait to see her put those flowers on :yummy:
I'll be updating with some pictures tomorrow so the pros can have a better idea of what I'm working with.

Well, I gotta look after my friends and it's nice to have someone to use my reeeeally scary rawwwwrs for :hug:

I honestly think you are doing a marvellous job Smokey, really I do. I think you are managing to firefight the problems so well, I've had such an easy time of it so far you will have learned far more than me, and in a way achieved more because of the various issues.

I think part of the problem is you are actually doing everything right, you were going easy on the feeding and it was still too much, no way you could have known that. I'm very much feeling that I won't even feed Lizzie & Annie unless they show a deficiency. I'd like to see how they respond with just plain soil, and if the result is good enough for me then it might just be safer.

Cheering you all on my darling!
Well, I gotta look after my friends and it's nice to have someone to use my reeeeally scary rawwwwrs for :hug:

I honestly think you are doing a marvellous job Smokey, really I do. I think you are managing to firefight the problems so well, I've had such an easy time of it so far you will have learned far more than me, and in a way achieved more because of the various issues.

I think part of the problem is you are actually doing everything right, you were going easy on the feeding and it was still too much, no way you could have known that. I'm very much feeling that I won't even feed Lizzie & Annie unless they show a deficiency. I'd like to see how they respond with just plain soil, and if the result is good enough for me then it might just be safer.

Cheering you all on my darling!

Learning as I go fluffy :), thanks for being awesome :grinjoint:

Updates coming up
Ok here's Diva putting on some weight:


This is Flash Babylon:

Big Devil:
Here's my sick Siberian :(.. She just paused growth, I gave her a good flush and nothing happened.. Then figured this might be nute deficiency because I flushed, so I fed again, and nothing :(.. I feel the transplant has done her more harm than good. Her root ball was firm and well established, then I put her in a bigger pot with fresh fluffy soil.. I could actually see her settling in the soil the first 3 or 4 waterings.. I don't know if I should just wait and see what happens or do something about it? I feel bad for her, she was the fastest and biggest gal I have.. Still the biggest btw, just droopy and sickly.

Bloody hell mate; Diva's looking good!!

Thanks man :). Her bottom leaves (about 8 of them) yellowed up overnight.. I fed her the next day and clipped all the yellow leaves. This was 3 days ago. She's looking good so far. Cheers :grinjoint:
Here's my sick Siberian :(.. She just paused growth, I gave her a good flush and nothing happened.. Then figured this might be nute deficiency because I flushed, so I fed again, and nothing :(.. I feel the transplant has done her more harm than good. Her root ball was firm and well established, then I put her in a bigger pot with fresh fluffy soil.. I could actually see her settling in the soil the first 3 or 4 waterings.. I don't know if I should just wait and see what happens or do something about it? I feel bad for her, she was the fastest and biggest gal I have.. Still the biggest btw, just droopy and sickly.


well it being an sativa I have seen alot of the same droopyness. it does look as she is lookin a little nitrogen def. so maybe a little boost is in order other then that I think she will be ok just not the super model you are exspecting. and all your others are beautifull. you never know somtimes its just kismet:)
Damn man the Diva looks awesome! The Siberian I pray comes back. I have a good feeling she will. Sounds as if you have done the flushes now do the basics and wait. Has the vertical growth stopped?

haha, I knew you'd like the diva spring! Sugar leaves everywhere too.. My camera still can't catch the sugar leaves, maybe in a few days when there's more :).. Yeh vertical growth stopped too.. I hope she'll be ok, Fish Cake's comment is reassuring me.
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