First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

It might be cool but that doesn't mean I want to eat it though, does it? :blalol:

I tell you what, we will come to a compromise. I will acknowledge it's cool status and make it cups of tea, but eat it, I will not! :laugh:

(P.S. Poor Smokey will come back to his journal and wonder what the hell is going on. You and I should not be let loose without a responsible adult present FC, look at the mess we made! :) )

UhOH going to sneak out the back way now:slide:
and thak you for the reps
hope you can keep Pat to the end:)
Sorry I missed some of the excitement! Been moving non stop the past few days. The tent looks fucking great!! Good Job on the set up. Fluffy was cool to get some help your way and the help was veteran status!!

Thanks a lot man, I'm glad you like the new setup :)
Puffing on some fine concentrates for tonight:

hahah, this is too funny with the cucumber debate!

I'm just glad we weren't banned for being a bit too boisterous in your absence. You have to watch that Fish Cake you know, he's a bad influence :) I am Angel Fluff :angel:
Puffing on some fine concentrates for tonight:

Been a long time since I've had any concentrates, let alone any good ones. This looks just like soft brown sugar. How does it smoke?
i'm just glad we weren't banned for being a bit too boisterous in your absence. You have to watch that fish cake you know, he's a bad influence :) i am angel fluff :angel:
thats right
thats right

And proud of it eh buggerlugs? (that's an affectionately cheeky term by the way :) )

It's OK, I like having someone to hide my mischief behind ;)
And proud of it eh buggerlugs? (that's an affectionately cheeky term by the way :) )

It's OK, I like having someone to hide my mischief behind ;)
well Fluffy you got a big behind to hide your mischief from:)
(hope that sounds right)
well Fluffy you got a big behind to hide your mischief from:)
(hope that sounds right)

I'm trying to work out whether that means I've got a big behind or whether you have?! :hmmmm: :laugh:
I'm trying to work out whether that means I've got a big behind or whether you have?! :hmmmm: :laugh:

UUM i mean aa uhh not your behind Uhh well you UMM I mean UMM aaa you know what I mean dont you?
I was Umm just umm sayin that Iaa imm I
am here for you!:)
(trying to look innocent holding the bat next to the broken window)
UUM i mean aa uhh not your behind Uhh well you UMM I mean UMM aaa you know what I mean dont you?
I was Umm just umm sayin that Iaa imm I
am here for you!:)
(trying to look innocent holding the bat next to the broken window)

Well, now you see FC this is where you have cunningly diverted attention from the fact you were possibly saying I've got a big bottom by totally confusing me so I have no idea whether you said it or I did? Said what, huh?!!!

"Ke?" :rollingeyes:

What were we talking about anyway? And look, we've done it again to poor Smokey! :bigblush: :laughtwo:
Well, now you see FC this is where you have cunningly diverted attention from the fact you were possibly saying I've got a big bottom by totally confusing me so I have no idea whether you said it or I did? Said what, huh?!!!

"Ke?" :rollingeyes:

What were we talking about anyway? And look, we've done it again to poor Smokey! :bigblush: :laughtwo:

this is where fish cake sneaks out the back way...ssshhhh:slide:
hahaha, my first bong hit of mixed up OG and some hash and I see this.. too funny :)
It's actually a bit lighter in color than the picture, so I wasn't expecting that good of a smoke. But it smoked excellent! I'm very biased because I just love concentrates in all their shapes and forms lol! This was your regular hash extracted with those bubbles bags. Brown'sh, but with an evident green hue. The better hash I've smoked was much darker in color, a lot stickier, and made you cough your lungs out. Trust me, you wouldn't mind coughing your lungs out for that. This was lighter in color, and not quite as oily, but it smoked smooth and maintained a great high. I guess I just have a thing for hash because it was my first smoke lol. I actually smoked hash for a whole year before being introduced to bud :laughtwo: weird huh?
ok I have some updates about the 3 older sisters, some good, some bad.

Diva: She's putting some weight on the flowers. The little buds on the top are filling out all the space on the canopy. It's turning into one big bud all the way through. I'm really excited about her. Not a single pollen sack was found ever since that one day. However, her bottom leaves (about 6 of them) yellowed up overnight :(! I just did my morning peek, and the bottom of the plant was straight yellow. Uniform yellowing throughout, and FAST. My diagnosis was nitrogen deficiency. So I went ahead and fed her some grow big because I've been taking it really easy with the nutes. I'm hoping this will help. I clipped all the yellow leaves away, she's looking really good without them (no sign of damage on anything else). Any input on this would be much appreciated. I have no idea what I'm doing lol.

Blueberry: This one was kind of paused for a week. I'd notice growth on all of them, except for her. She developed the claw shaped leaves. And is very green in color, literally blue green. She got very droopy. After 2 minutes of research I figured it's nitrogen toxicity and other nutes are locked up. It was textbook N-tox. I gave her a good flush with 2 gallons of dechlorinated water containing 3 tsps of FloraKleen (spelling?). She perked up within 12 hours :yahoo:. Now she has spiked up leaves (still dark green, but much more lively). And she's actually showing flowering signs (stretching overnight). Her flowers are back to life, and all in all she's looking great again.

Siberian: Looked very droopy and kind of paused growth. While I noticed obvious growth on others almost day by day, the Siberian has been the same for almost a week. She has the claw leaves, but no dark green colors anywhere. It's more of the opposite, lighter green color. Almost faint yellow'sh light green color. Even her newest leaves at the canopy'sh (1 inch stretch starting the canopy-to-be) had the claw effect and lacked darker green color. She did suffer nuteburn, but she was flushed right after that. Lately I flushed her again with the blueberry, and with 3 gallons of dechlorinated water with 4 tsps of FloraKleen. But she has not responded in any way. I hate to see her like that, just paused, and generally looking unhealthy. :helpsmilie:

From my first 3 plants I learned a very important lesson in feeding autoflowers. Wait for the deficiency to feed. They just don't like it, and they don't hesitate in letting you know how much they hate it. Nuting them felt like nuking them every single time. My other plants with no nutrients whatsoever (in FFOF) look so much healthier and overall better. They are younger, but they're looking better than their older sisters in foliage and side-branching. The one point where my plants started suffering and problems started "appearing" was when I started feeding. Very little was changed other than the feeding. Being (almost) the only variable, I'm gona have to blame it on my eagerness to juice up my plants. Lesson learned :)! Nuteburn is one of these things that you think happens to everyone else you read about but not yourself, naaa, I won't overfeed, that guy obviously overdid it LOL!!

Cheers everybody! I hope this helps anybody in any way. I know I talked a lot, I just wanted to make sure I included details. I'm sure anybody with a sick plant would appreciate the details lol.
Found this, I hope it helps somebody like it's helping me. Well at least I think it's helping me, I'll see how this diagnosis chart works out.

Yellowing of Younger leaves............. Fe, Mn.
Yellowing of Middle leaves................ Mo.
Yellowing of Older leaves................. N, K, Mg, Zn.
Yellowing Between veins................. Mg, Mn.
Old leaves drop................................ N.
Leaf Curl Over.................................. Mg.
Leaf Curl Under................................ K, Cu, Over Fert.
Leaf tips burn, Younger leaves........ B.
Leaf tips burn, Older leaves............. N, Zn.
Young leaves wrinkle and curl.......... K, Zn, B, Mo.
Dead areas in the leaves................. K, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn.
Leaf growth stunted........................ N, P.
Dark green/purplish leaves and stems......... P.
Pale green leaf color..................................... N, Mo.
Leaf Spotting.......................................... ...... Zn.
Spindly........................................... ............... N.
Soft stems............................................. ....... N, K.
Hard/brittle stems........................................ P, K.
Growing tips die........................................... K.
Stunted root growth.................................... P.
Wilting........................................... ............... Cu.
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