First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Thanks a lot Fish Cake, your words are very reassuring. I'll keep doing what I'm doing, and we'll see what happens :). Hopefully she's just trying to settle in her new pot.

yes sir she still hasnt got used to the new gigs yet. but she will:)
yes sir she still hasnt got used to the new gigs yet. but she will

I remembered! :phew:

Smokey, when Ruby was very young (she was still in the Light Mix) she threw a right wobbly when the pot was too small, and it took her a couple of days to settle. Now, Ruby is a hardy gal and your ladies are much more sensitive being autos, so any issues are going to be magnified.

Once she had her new pot she perked right up, and again on the last one. Your ladies might take more time to settle in, but as FC says "she will :)"
That really looks like a Mg def mate; I could be wrong but it's the yellow leaves with the green veins looks like classic Mg; is the pH ok? She definitely looks like she needs more nutes rather than less though
thank you for the reps, heck at this rate I'am going to need another computer so I can see them all:high-five:
That really looks like a Mg def mate; I could be wrong but it's the yellow leaves with the green veins looks like classic Mg; is the pH ok? She definitely looks like she needs more nutes rather than less though

I'm thinking along the line of deficiencies rather than nute burn too. I guess her next watering (tomorrow probably), will have a good cocktail in it.
The pH is fine (around 6.8) and I give her tap water (dechlorinated). So basic minerals like Mg or Ca should be very abundant in the soil. This plant is confusing me lol. She might yield mere grams, but she's teaching me tons.
Here's my sick Siberian :(.. She just paused growth, I gave her a good flush and nothing happened.. Then figured this might be nute deficiency because I flushed, so I fed again, and nothing :(.. I feel the transplant has done her more harm than good. Her root ball was firm and well established, then I put her in a bigger pot with fresh fluffy soil.. I could actually see her settling in the soil the first 3 or 4 waterings.. I don't know if I should just wait and see what happens or do something about it? I feel bad for her, she was the fastest and biggest gal I have.. Still the biggest btw, just droopy and sickly.


YIKES! Man, you go away for a couple days and BAM! Crap starts up.
Sorry to see the Siberian in such a state, Smokes.
She'll bounce back though. I agree w/ fishcake here though. Looks like some N issue. But, it's an auto. So you probably don't want to be pouring too much N at her with the faster metabolism and all. You still want her to bud up. Maybe some seaweed would be enough to kick her back in. Or maybe she just needs to chill a bit and settle in. IDK. Just wish I could do something for her. :( She will bounce back though. :thumb:
I just wanted to post a comment about mufflers. If you're interested in lowering the noise of exhaust ventilation, I found that mufflers with fiber glass on the inside rather than foam - DO WONDERS. lol! I'm not going to name brands to avoid marketing any potential "non-sponsers". Noise reduction shocked me. Well worth every penny I spent (my tent is in my bedroom).
Here's the siberian after a good feeding of Nitrogen nutes and micro nutes in Big Bloom and Grow Big. I think she's kinda recovering, keeping my hopes up, I don't care how bad her yield gets affected, I just want her to make it.

hopin she does too!
after further research I think that its a pottasium def. on your blueberry. go look at the blog and chack the chart I have looks just like that
after further research I think that its a pottasium def. on your blueberry. go look at the blog and chack the chart I have looks just like that

I got it saved on my laptop darling so hope its OK me posting it here to make it easier to see at a glance?

Here's the siberian after a good feeding of Nitrogen nutes and micro nutes in Big Bloom and Grow Big. I think she's kinda recovering, keeping my hopes up, I don't care how bad her yield gets affected, I just want her to make it.

For this Smokey... :circle-of-love:

She will make it...we are not going to fail!
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