First Time Grower - 3 Auto Strains

Here's a close up:


What does this look like? I'm seeing about 60% cloudy and 40% clear. Is that correct? I think I'm stil having difficulty telling which is milky and which is clear :(.
I would say thats about right. the trichs on the right side of that surgar leaf still looks clear. and it almost looks like at the top you may have a little amber goin on there.
I would check her every day because once she starts showin milky she changes faster and faster maybe by the end of next week sense you say you are having fox tails starting. she gonna make you very happy indeed
Hey guys I have a stupid question lol. What is fox tailing??? Also what is a sugar leaf lol??? Both of these are terms I have not heard before lol. And that is an awesome close up of your girl. I love using my magnifier to check her out!!! Thanks for the advice
fox tailing is when the cola starts to grow a split on the very top like a snakes tounge.
a surgar leaf is the little leaves that grow out of the buds like spikes as aposed to a fan leaf that grows by itself off a stem
Helpful as usual fish cake :) I'm checking on her trichs every day. Can't wait :grinjoint:
Foxtailing looks like you main cola is growing little horns lol. And sugar leaves.. mm.. as soon as the trichs start developing on your plant you'll know why they're called sugar leaves. Cheers buddy pluto
So all the clear ones disappeared overnight lol? The plant is at all milky all over the plant, and some ambers on the top of the main canopy. Here's some close ups from the mid-part and side branches:


I'd say about 5% amber on the top of the main cola.
I'm preparing my drying net :).. I'm trying to think of a way to dry inside the tent. My thoughts are hang the drying net from the top (only using one disc from it). Then somehow cover the net with panda film with holes in it to allow some air movement but restrict hopefully over 90% of the light? any suggestions or tips on how to do this?
PS: I can't dry outside my tent. I need the odor to be sucked by the carbon filter.
nice pics, if it was me id be starting my flush around now, then it will be slightly over 10%amber, just depends when the last nute feed was

That's exactly what I'm planning to do. Her last feeding was a small dose of bloom on the 13th. Her last good (full strength) feeding was on the 10th. She no longer has any fan leaves. I'm planning to start flushing because it looks like less than a week on this one :).
yep she will chage real fast now! nice pics too. you can still add molasses with the water during your flush! wont hurt a thing sept make your buds nice and sticky:)
i agree, the trichs will start changing very quick now, plus im told you dont really need to flush with a soil grow, you can just give plain water for the last 2 weeks and let the plant use all the nutes in the soil up, i have stopped giving mine nutes as i think my soil had got a bit hot with nutes, and even after 10 days the plants still looks healthy and not in need of any nutes, seems i should of been giving bpn every 3rd feed, i was giving bpn with every feed as you are able to do this, but i dont think my plants where using all the nutes up between waterings, so ill see how it goes, plus 2 of the plants are not far off done, so i wont be giving them any nutes at all now, but ive not got any yellow leaves or any light green leaves, everything looks healthy even after all this time, the plants in smaller pots needed nutes as the leaves started to go on the light side, but the plants in the big pots still look like their getting plenty of nutes
I guess that's a great thing about BPN, even if you overfeed a little bit, the plants won't burn that easy, they just take what they need. I think that's exactly what I need to stop this feeding madness lol. Feeding is really confusing me. My plants always exhibit this extreme claw leaf effect at some points. I should upload a couple of pictures to see what you guys think :-S.. I did some research, and there's all sorts of reasons, pH, too much N, too little N, P&K lockout.. I don't know.. I just want to switch to BPN to stop this madness.
damn, ive not had nothing like that on my plants yet, i only stopped the bpn when i was reading a few things about nutes, and it said when the plants show their stressed by to much nutes then this means the plants been stressed for a while, the leaves going yellow is the plant saying enough is enough, but they was still getting to much nutes up till this point, its suppose to stunt growth and stuff like that, so now im going to go by the way the plant looks, we can tell when they want nutes and none of my plants have done this since i started using bpn, but its been a while since the last feed and the plants still look a nice dark green, the only plants i keep on top of the nutes with is the dwc set ups, but these need the nutes as they have no soil for the roots to feed off, so i keep on top of the nutes with these, but even then i give them the nutes then when i empty the res ill give it a day with no nutes so it uses up everything in the roots, then i change it back for nutes again, this method seems to work well with dwc grows,

so now ill give my plants bpn every 3rd watering unless i see signs of needing any nutes, now i have got a few grows under my belt i can now start to tell when the plants need something extra, like the plants in the smaller pots, these needed nutes so got some today, the leaves started to go light green at the top of the plant, so this was telling me they need some nutes, so i gave them a feed this morning and now they look nice and green again, its quicker for them to recover from lack of nutes than it is to recover from to much, plus burned leaves dont ever recover,
Now I see what you mean by the claw effect. I see it on my Siberian and The Pine Apple Punch. Funny how both also show signs of Cal/mag def. Both have the purple streaking on the stems. The Siberian has completely purple side branches. Im going to run Molasses up till harvest on all 4. The nutes im stopping on the Auto#1 and HighJack Automatic. There both within a week or two from harvest. The Auto#1 may be sooner. The other two have more time to go. Maybe 3 weeks or so? So Ill feed two more times then stop with them.
LIKEI SAID BEFORE, those fans have done their job. you aint goin to smoke those no how. At least I dont.

I had to, and you know what? Ruby's leaves are as good as some of the stuff I am able to buy here :)
That's exactly what I'm planning to do. Her last feeding was a small dose of bloom on the 13th. Her last good (full strength) feeding was on the 10th. She no longer has any fan leaves. I'm planning to start flushing because it looks like less than a week on this one .

How exciting!! :cheer:

You are doing soooooo well, very very proud of my friend :hug:
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