First Ever Closet Grow Using a 300 Watt CFL - a Bit of Skill and a Lot of Luck!

Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

You can safely take those yellowing sickly leaves OFF the plant...won't affect them if you don't get carried away...I don't leve sick looking ones on my plants, if more look that way after I remove them, I have other problems I need to deal with...:cheesygrinsmiley: There is a link somewhere with pics of leaves and the possible symtoms causing the problems

Hey dude, The affected leaves don't seem to be getting any worse. I really don't like doing any pruning as I've read that it could affect bud size, growth etc so I'll just leave them to see how they get on. Thanks for your thought my friend.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

have you been feeding them?if you have how much?

Hey jon, I watered them yesterday along with a kind-of transplant that thankfully went ok. I used a small teaspoon of grow to the 4-5 litres of water that I used. God knows if this is too little or too much or not needed. However this is the first feed they have had ever.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Hiya Dude!

As far as transplanting and flowering, it's up to you. The longer you let them veg, the taller they get when they flower. Plan on them getting 2-3 times taller when they flower, so it's really about how much height you have. But, you can transition to flower at any period now that they are perking up so nicely. If it were me, I'd consider transplanting to final pot size in the next week or so, then give them another week after transplant before you flower (or more depending on your height constraints).

That's just my 2 cents - sorry for getting a little behind, I'm subbed to 50 plus active journals or so -- get's to be hard to keep up with at times. They look great - the lighter green is good, and yes the lights really accentuate it and make it look even lighter than it is, but it's normal good and healthy. :)


Hi dude. I'll tell you where I'm up to.

Yesterday when I was watering the smallest plant (which is 1 week younger); I noticed that the medium would not allow the water to pass through, almost not at all.

To enlighten you as to why this may be (and don't think i'm trying to teach my grandma to suck eggs); When I transplanted into the pots that they are in now I didn't actually have enough soil, so the smallest plant got a mix of John Innes Seedling soil and John Innes number 2.

I've noticed that the seedling soil contains an awful lot of sand which (I'm hoping) explains the problem that has occurred in the watering. Does this sound right now that I have explained things a bit.

This could also be why it (the smallest) has signs of nute deff??

I was going to wait around another week or 2 until final transplant (financial issues :() but I wanted to try and solve the problems that have arisen since birth before they get to their final resting place.

Anyway so, with the problem that I had with the youngster I decided (before thinking) to transplant the smallest baby into the 12 litre bucket that I have been using to hold the water in.

However, due to money issues and time of year, I didn't happen to have to hand any John Innes Number 2 (which is obvious since I haven't bought any since I last ran out).

So, the little one ended up getting re-potted into 70% seedling soil, 15% vermiculite and 15% perlite which has really pissed me off, due to the fact the nutes will be all over the place and the roots will be thinking what the f**k etc etc...

Checked it this morning and it looks as right as rain so the sooner the better that I can get it re-potted into some proper medium the better it's going to get.

I know you lot over the water don't tend to use soil that has the nutes in already but in your professional opinions would you suggest I re-pot into John Innes number 2 or 3. They are in number 2 right now and the number 3 is meant for flowering, does this mean that the nute balance would be different (the packets tell you fuck all information about nutes)

Many many thanks, peace brother.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Looking really good Newbie!

Didnt see any questions mate and like we say we all subbed everywhere! :) You girls look good now. Some good advice of the other growers as well, you'l do good. I'd leave them burn;t leaves on for one more week as they got a bit of burn and I would let them leaves take the rest. But all is healthy as any so do as you please my friend. Looks healthy!

Hey my friend, the questions in question (lol) were kind of contained amongst pics and other stuff.

They were as follows,

1. Is run off at pH 7-8 good, bad or ugly?
2. By looking at the size of the plants and knowing they are 8 and 9 weeks into veg, when do you think would be a good time to transplant and then when to flower.
3. Is everyone feeling the love?
They have pretty much been answered now except for the pH run off one, I'm a bit concerned having to add nasty chemicals to my water to reduce the pH so I'm just wondering (now that I have a brita filter jug which lowers the pH to 7) do I still need to pH down my water and is the run off ok at the pH I quoted, many thanks, peace.
Much green love to you.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

I am a noobie, my most prized plant shows the same yellowing n burning to a crisp on the lower leaves however it only happens to to leaves at a time. At first I assumed the Ph was off, after checkin it I see that is not the case, WHAT DO U BELIEVE TO BE THE CAUSE OF YOUR YELLOWING LOWER LEAF TIPS? NUTEBURN ?? I apologise if its seems as if im rambling but im cumn down from the Wake & Bake n I will be devasted if I loose this plant it is by far one of the best looking n smellin plants i ever come across it is a OG stain n grows short much like the pre 98 bubba.

Hi stonercj, I believe (in my noob opinion) it to be a nute lock out (in my plants, not all plants) I think it was because of the soil mix that I used for them.
Because I ran out of my Proper soil I had to use Seedling soil (JUST FOR SEEDS!) which contain little or no nutes at all.

This is my opinion as to why my leaves are looking like that. Your soil mix needs to be light and fluffy for good drainage and nute uptake.
Which I knew already, I just didn't have the resources (MONEY) to rectify the situation immediately. MY BAD :(

Wishing you all the green luck in the universe my friend, I really hope your success will be my success!!!!!!!
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

You could add a top dressing of dolomite lime, that will keep your pH in a more neutral zone. But unless they showing lock out there might not be much of a problem. I know you can use white vinegar instead of chems. But i'd go with the dolomite lime which will also aid in cal mag uptake.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!


Here's a table of the nutes available at different ph levels. 7s not really to bad , just try to lower it a bit.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

in no soil guy Newbie But Im pretty sure you want your ph around 6.2-6.8 for soil bro.this could very well be whats causing the yellowing on your leaves.I would definetly get a second opinion lol..but im pretty sure your ph is the problem:)

Exactly what Jon said, get everything in the proper order, and a plant can do nothing BUT grow!
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Looking good !!!:cheer:If my seeds will ever sprout , maybe I'll have some similar pics to post soon

Hi dude thanks for taking your time to post here, I wish you nothing but green success, you will do fine. If I can grow ANYONE can :)
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

You could add a top dressing of dolomite lime, that will keep your pH in a more neutral zone. But unless they showing lock out there might not be much of a problem. I know you can use white vinegar instead of chems. But i'd go with the dolomite lime which will also aid in cal mag uptake.

Hi JCB, thanks for your post. I'm using pH 6.8 water, I should have been more precise when explaining this in previous posts but the run off I'm getting is between 7.5 and 7.9 and so do I need to adjust the water going in to get the run off to be lower. What I mean is; is the soil run-off pH the important one that needs to be 6.8? This is what's confusing me, peace bro.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

And plus, the largest plant has no signs of anything wrong with it whatsoever, which is the most confusing thing, unless I messed up the soil mix when transplanting the first time, oh well.

Ooh I nearly forgot, pics!!!!!!

I've posted the pics separately in case people want to comment on them individually. Peace.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

What I would do doobie; is I would Ph the soil, adjust that if necessary, then I would Ph the water and adjust that if necessary. Your runoff will be good if both soil and water are good. I used to Ph the shit out of everything I used, once I found good soil, and was lucky enough to have balanced water the Ph came out perfect every time and I haven't done it since. My studies tell me that 6.2 to 7 Ph is good. Organic growing takes away alot of Ph issues as a healthy, living soil will adjust the Ph by itself through natural processes. Hope this helped. Your plants are lookin good doob! They just want to grow quickly now, keep it simple!
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

yep what mcloadie said and jbc about adding some garden lime to your soil. but for the most part your young ladies look very happy so if it aint broke dont fix it:)
reps comming at you
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

What I would do doobie; is I would Ph the soil, adjust that if necessary, then I would Ph the water and adjust that if necessary. Your runoff will be good if both soil and water are good. I used to Ph the shit out of everything I used, once I found good soil, and was lucky enough to have balanced water the Ph came out perfect every time and I haven't done it since. My studies tell me that 6.2 to 7 Ph is good. Organic growing takes away alot of Ph issues as a healthy, living soil will adjust the Ph by itself through natural processes. Hope this helped. Your plants are lookin good doob! They just want to grow quickly now, keep it simple!

Hi dude, what do you mean by "pH the soil". I thought I was doing it organic lol. Thank-you for your support bro.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

yep what mcloadie said and jbc about adding some garden lime to your soil. but for the most part your young ladies look very happy so if it aint broke dont fix it:)
reps comming at you

Hey dude, I hope you are well.
I may add some lime but I don't really have experience with it and I guess once it's been added you can't really take it away.
I'm wondering if I adjust the pH of the water to around 6.0 then water; surely the run off will read less than the 7.5-7.9 readings I've been getting? Is this what mcloadie meant by "pH the soil"? Peace bro.
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