Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

Thought: might you move the auto to the bloom tent for part of her day to let her take advantage of either the morning or evening red light treatment? By moving it around you could take advantage of one end of that, no?
I'm not sure what I would gain. Other than at the beginning of the day, the light patterns do not match up so the only usable red portion of the day would be the morning. This morning trigger light is meant to reduce stretching, but that didn't seem to be a problem, and at this stage of the grow, I am not sure that the plant could even respond to that light. The logistics of the whole idea is what makes me say that no, this isn't going to happen. I would have to get up there after 1am when the light shut down for the evening and move her to the bloom room for the 6am sunrise. Then, to get back to the 19 hour day, she would have to be moved back to Veg Room #2 before 6pm when the bloom room shuts down. I should maybe buy another red light and put it in the veg room. That seems like a more doable plan.
Every day she gets more beautiful. I am only starting to see a few ambers at the top, but still there are white pistils and still most of the trichomes are cloudy. We are at day 79.








I want to marry her.:circle-of-love::love::kiss::dreamy::dreamy::dreamy:
That's one end of the spectrum, have you looked into UV light?

UV-B in the last few weeks to get your plants producing more oil to protect themselves, brings out more terpenes, etc.

Yes, I did some early experiments with UV. We were finding that too much UV degrades trichomes, but that by providing some for several hours around the noon hour increased trichomes. I want to buy a UV strip that I can experiment with, but that project has been pushed down the road a little as I concentrate on the red lights.
We were finding that too much UV degrades trichomes but that by providing some for several hours around the noon hour increased trichomes.

It may be in one of the vids above but they say you're supposed to pulse it, switching it on and off for certain lengths of time and only really necessary in the last part of the grow. There's also a specific range of UV, in the UV-B spectrum of course. The Migro one is 310nm, not sure what other UV lights may be, I've heard of people using terrarium lights, etc.

Here she is tonight, a little bit closer to harvest. Today she got watered too. Here are some pictures from my cellular device and one with the real camera.




Looking sweet as usual, very nice Em.
"Garden Song"
Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe and a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row, someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below, 'til the rain comes tumbling down
Pulling weeds and picking stones, man is made of dreams and bones
Feel the need to grow my own 'cause the time is close at hand
Grain for grain, sun and rain, find my way in nature's chain
Tune my body and my brain to the music of the land
Plant your rows straight and long, temper than with prayer and song
Mother Earth will make you strong if you give her love and care
Old crow watching hungrily, from his perch in yonder tree
In my garden I'm as free as that feathered thief up there
Inch by inch, row by row, gonna make this garden grow
All it takes is a rake and a hoe and a piece of fertile ground
Inch by inch, row by row, someone bless these seeds I sow
Someone warm them from below, 'til the rain comes tumbling down
John Denver, 1979

Each day we get a little closer. I still can not find amber anywhere near the top and can only find it near the bottom of the buds and lower down on the plant. She keeps swelling and packing on the weight. I suspect that this plant is going to be nearly lethal by the time she gets done. We are at day 81 today.


what does that far-red light imitate, in nature?

I just watched this clip last night, some great info from Shane.
It passes through the leaf better than colours lower in the spectrum, reaching lower leaves but also triggers the plant to grow taller which can result in gangly looking plants. There's pros and cons and better suited to some plants than others.
Causes cell expansion, larger leaves hence good for lettuce spinach, however plants can stretch too much when far red > 5%, reducing the density of your grow.
Can be used to control flowering of long day plants, not useful for flowering of short day plants (Cannabis)
The sun does produce far red but it's counterbalanced by the blues.

I do describe what I am doing somewhere in the journals and the advanced search should be able to find where I first start talking about it.

Tried that but the search feature here isn't that good, showing results for both far and red... needle in a haystack.

I just watched this clip last night, some great info from Shane.
It passes through the leaf better than colours lower in the spectrum, reaching lower leaves but also triggers the plant to grow taller which can result in gangly looking plants. There's pros and cons and more suited to some plants than others.
Causes cell expansion, larger leaves hence good for lettuce spinach, however plants can stretch too much when far red > 5%, reducing the density of your grow.
Can be used to control flowering of long day plants, not useful for flowering of short day plants (Cannabis)
The sun does produce far red but it's counterbalanced by the blues.

Hi J!
My studies center in on cannabis, so I don't know anything about the red response on any of the cash crops. It seems that in several areas, Shane's conclusions are the opposite of mine as well as many others who have used trigger lights in tents and greenhouses for many decades. His study and also Bruce Bugbee's do not even consider the manner in which I am using the red lights, so I can easily see why they have not seen the same benefits that I have. They are both using too much far red light, adding it as a supplemental full time light, and they have not looked into the use of the lights for only 10 minutes at the start and end of the light cycle as I am doing. Their experiments have results all over the place depending on the variety of the plant so their only conclusion from that is that far red is more suited to some plants rather than others.

My experiment using these "trigger lights" is showing consistent results every time with our plant, and I find far red very beneficial to the growing of cannabis if used correctly. As a nod to Bugbee, I have been running my far red for 3 hours around the noon hour because he said it added to photosynthesis, but I am now going to stop doing that based on Shane's work showing that to be detrimental.

So thank you for providing the clip describing his work, but for the most part this data and that provided by Dr. Bruce, have nothing to do with what I am doing here. Of course I am not doing it here with my Auto plant, but am doing it in my bloom room which is running a 12/12 cycle. You can find more discussion in that grow journal on this subject.

I believe that if you compare their work and mine, you will be forced to come to the conclusion that there are further studies needed regarding using Deep Red and Far Red lights as "trigger lights", for 10 minutes before the lights come on and for 10 minutes after they go off. I am certainly not advocating that someone should be running these lights full time. Therefore, I am not interested in the part of the sun's light spectrum or that of commercial lights that includes the deep and far reds, because I can see why it is detrimental to have this light on full time. I am investigating the twice a day phenomenon that is caused by refraction of the sun's light at the horizon as the sun is going down and coming up, which is displayed as a momentary bright display of these reds down low in the sky.

The current published studies on far red are not as current as my work in a little attic grow operation in central Missouri, and how could they be since my public experiment is still ongoing. Some day, academia will catch up with us here, but for now I call apples and oranges, but still, I am glad that they have investigated this and concluded that full time far red is probably harmful to the grow process. Following from their work, growers like me have been able to add to the knowledge that we currently have on this subject. All it took was me investing $100 in the experiment that I am still running, which is now confirming that trigger lights DO work. If Dr. Bruce and Shane would like to follow up on my studies, please have them join us here at 420Magazine, the premier cannabis awareness site in the world, where they can easily see my consistent results and then build on that in their much better equipped grow rooms. I would like to see similar studies on UV light... maybe they could take the lead on that, before I get a chance to. :love:
As a nod to Bugbee, I have been running my far red for 3 hours around the noon hour because he said it added to photosynthesis but I am now going to stop doing that based on Shane's work showing that to be detrimental.

I'm glad the clip was of help.

I would like to see similar studies on UV light... maybe they could take the lead on that, before I get a chance to. :love:

They have indeed done studies on UV light, see vids posted above. ;)

Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

Shane also sells a 310 UVB light, I like that he's constantly researching, tailoring his product specific to the cannabis market and constantly improving his lights.

I'm glad the clip was of help.

They have indeed done studies on UV light, see vids posted above. ;)

Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

Shane also sells a 310 UVB light, I like that he's constantly researching, tailoring his product specific to the cannabis market and constantly improving his lights.

I have problems with most videos because of my disability. Shane was pretty good at looking right at the camera, but he must have a non American accent, because it is a little difficult to lip read his every word. I had to have someone else watch the video to fill in gaps for me when he wasn't on screen and where I couldn't figure out what he was saying. So I don't watch a lot of videos and generally hate YouTube, except like here, where I had to watch in order not to be rude to someone truly trying to understand. How is he advocating the use of the UVB? I watched a very serious set of experimenters years ago who were using reptile lights, and they concluded that UV in excess of a couple hours around noon, was detrimental to trichomes. Have you seen anything being done in this regard?
I have problems with most videos because of my disability. Shane was pretty good at looking right at the camera, but he must have a non American accent

Sorry to hear that, yes it's an Irish accent. Bugbee & Professor Runkle feature in the clips.
There are links below the clips to more UV research.

How is he advocating the use of the UVB?
Small amounts
best quality at the moment is from fluorescents
reptile bulbs do not produce UVB in the same quantity/ratio as you don't want to sunburn your reptiles
Apply it in bursts, toward the last 2-3 weeks of flowering, increases the secondary metabolytes (flavour/colour compounds/terpenes) and plant ruggedness

Pulsed UV far more effective than steady state, steady state produced UV blocking pigments in the cuticle.
On one day, off the next day

The vids below provided more info on how to use:

His 310 UVB light is quite intense so he sets the fluoro tube 40cm (16/18 inches in the old scale) above and perpendicular to his LED bars, the UV light being 60cm (2 feet or so) above the plant canopy.
Don't spend time under the lamp you will get a sunburn so switch it off when working in the grow room.
Timing and dosage, he recommends:
Last 3 weeks of flowering for photos, last 2 weeks for autos to stimulate oil production which in effect does slow down growth in terms of mass, you have a trade-off of energy going into flavinoid production rather than growth.
A couple of hours per light cycle of flowering, unfortunately he doesn't mention what part of the light cycle (start, finish, midday or intermittent throughout).

Dutch Passion, one of the worlds oldest seedbank companies, has tested the MIGRO UVB to determine the effect on terpene levels.
They ran a controlled test in a side by side grow, one side with UVB, one without. There was a 19% increase in terpene levels under the UVB fixture, some terpenes increasing by almost 50%.
Increased terpenes mean increased flavour and smell. Research also indicates increased terpene levels can lead to a more complex and satisfying effect when consumed.

Link to the full Dutch passion blog post here:
How to increase terpene levels in cannabis plants

Everything you need to know about terpenes:

Everything you need to know about terpenes

We enjoyed a test bud the other night...
Wow! This is going to be fire 🔥!
As soon as it is possible I'm going to check out a new product from a new sponsor, @Plantchek , and I should be able to tell you the THC and CBD content right away!

I had to leave for a few days and got to visit some large farm grows (3000 + plants), Id just seen this post and was telling everyone already. If these products work and are affordable they are a game changer.
Good lord just went through this whole thread. I found this place looking for grow pictures of auto flower strains just for my own reference because I’m a first time grower. This is amazing. Really well done
Yes! this thread is a masters class in autoflowers as well as tons of comparative info for photos. Welcome to 420 Merlunie, hope we see you post a grow journal! Tag me if you do!
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