Emmy Finally Goes Auto, Convinced Because Of Its Name!

Yes! this thread is a masters class in autoflowers as well as tons of comparative info for photos. Welcome to 420 Merlunie, hope we see you post a grow journal! Tag me if you do!
A veritable codex of knowledge! Not this grow as I found this forum a little late but the next one for sure. This is my first time anyways so I wanted to get kinda a ‘noob’ run just to prove to myself I wouldn’t instantly kill anything.
A veritable codex of knowledge! Not this grow as I found this forum a little late but the next one for sure. This is my first time anyways so I wanted to get kinda a ‘noob’ run just to prove to myself I wouldn’t instantly kill anything.
Indeed! This entire forum is loaded with knowledge and receipts to back it up too. Thanks for the reply and looking very forward to seeing your next grow!

Though, if you want you can get your pics timelined together, some descriptions of whats going on and get it caught up to where you are now in a few posts. If youd like some extra eyes o_O and encouragement :cheer: , for your noob run!
Understandble to want to wait as well though! Tag me either way please :thumb:
Today is day 86 above ground and day 53 of bloom. Today for the first time I am seeing amber at the very top. It isn't everywhere yet, but it is there. If I were anxious to get this done, I could easily pull today and feel good about it. But there are still at least 2 colas that still have 1 or 2 white pistils. We are not yet done. I am going to wait at least a couple of more days.

The plant droughted itself over the last 10 days. It simply was not using the water and I refused to add to the problem. Finally today she was light enough that I could justify watering, so I did. It is my belief that she will take this last drink in order to finish out very quickly now.

The buds are rock hard and quite large. The trichomes are packed in there very thickly and certainly adding a lot to the weight. They look like they are going to be potent and if the test bud about a week ago is any indication of the quality, this bud is going to be 1 or 2 hit pot and I will have to revise everything I have ever thought and said about Autos.

I will get some microscope shots tomorrow. Harvest will likely be on Thursday or Friday.

Yer waaaay ahead of me Em!!! I will show this just for fun and to show the extremes I am going to now!!!!

I figured the trichs were not a numerous as I think they should be so I thought what the hell - Screw It!!! Inch anna half wood screw seems like over kill but... As feeble as this poor little bonsai is I can't do much harm now. Anybody know how quickly they respond to trauma and send out trichs???

Yours look great, Em!!
Isn't that a myth?

Have you tried, cutting the head off a chicken and dancing naked around them and chanting while under a full moon, as recommended in this thread?

Piercing the stem a week before harvest?

I have done this before so that probably was the reason that he shared that with us here. No, its not a myth. My favorite is a dry wall screw. Lots of things work, like reducing the intensity and duration of the lights to help them ripen is not a myth. Lowering the temperature or using ice water for their waterings can also affect things and is not a myth. Some people slash the main stem and others jam loud heavy metal music at them, other simply yell and act mad at the plants. There are many many ways to convince the plant to give it up and end, and every time I think that one of these bizarre things might be a myth, someone tries it and it works. Now I'm going to have to try the naked chicken dance too. :rofl:
Lots of things work, like reducing the intensity and duration of the lights to help them ripen is not a myth. Lowering the temperature or using ice water for their waterings can also affect things and is not a myth. Some people slash the main stem...

Yeah, I have heard other methods of stress, starving, reducing watering, etc.

I've also heard of rusty nails in the soil to increase iron but that's another story...

I wouldn't do it until the very end.
I'm pretty close - I was actually going to harvest today, no white pistils for about a week now and a few ambers but then I got to thinkin' that this one was a good one to experiment with - not much to lose!!
I had to leave for a few days and got to visit some large farm grows (3000 + plants), Id just seen this post and was telling everyone already. If these products work and are affordable they are a game changer.
I am very excited to be able to review this product and this will be happening very soon. We are within days of harvest and it is about time to open the boxes to read the directions, to see just when in the drying/curing process we are going to do this test.

I have a little bit of additional information that I am allowed to give out. One of the founders of @Plantchek , is one of us, an expert grower and he is the real deal. Philippe Lucas, PhD, is the real OG — an “Éminence Grise” with more than 20 years of experience advocating for safe, legal access to cannabis for patients and consumers.
From the company draft promo:

We aim to provide high-quality
tech and accurate testing solutions that
any cannabis consumer or cultivator can
afford and find easy to use.”
The lab-verified and patented kits are
indeed easy to use, and with just a few
simple steps, not unlike testing the pH
levels of a pool or hot-tub, customers can
test the potency of cannabis products
ranging from 4-96 percent THC or CBD.
“We believe that knowledge is power,”
says Lucas. “Whether it’s cultivators
trying to determine peak harvest times or
working to assess the CBD content of new
varietals, patients wanting to know the
mgs per mL of THC or CBD in their stove-
top oil, or cannabis aficionados wanting
bragging rights for producing the most
potent products, Plantchek is here to help
you get to Know Your Cannabis.”
Today is day 86 above ground and day 53 of bloom. Today for the first time I am seeing amber at the very top. It isn't everywhere yet, but it is there. If I were anxious to get this done, I could easily pull today and feel good about it. But there are still at least 2 colas that still have 1 or 2 white pistils. We are not yet done. I am going to wait at least a couple of more days.

The plant droughted itself over the last 10 days. It simply was not using the water and I refused to add to the problem. Finally today she was light enough that I could justify watering, so I did. It is my belief that she will take this last drink in order to finish out very quickly now.

The buds are rock hard and quite large. The trichomes are packed in there very thickly and certainly adding a lot to the weight. They look like they are going to be potent and if the test bud about a week ago is any indication of the quality, this bud is going to be 1 or 2 hit pot and I will have to revise everything I have ever thought and said about Autos.

I will get some microscope shots tomorrow. Harvest will likely be on Thursday or Friday.

Great work Em I always look forward to your results.
I am very excited to be able to review this product and this will be happening very soon. We are within days of harvest and it is about time to open the boxes to read the directions, to see just when in the drying/curing process we are going to do this test.

I have a little bit of additional information that I am allowed to give out. One of the founders of @Plantchek , is one of us, an expert grower and he is the real deal. Philippe Lucas, PhD, is the real OG — an “Éminence Grise” with more than 20 years of experience advocating for safe, legal access to cannabis for patients and consumers.
From the company draft promo:

We aim to provide high-quality
tech and accurate testing solutions that
any cannabis consumer or cultivator can
afford and find easy to use.”
The lab-verified and patented kits are
indeed easy to use, and with just a few
simple steps, not unlike testing the pH
levels of a pool or hot-tub, customers can
test the potency of cannabis products
ranging from 4-96 percent THC or CBD.
“We believe that knowledge is power,”
says Lucas. “Whether it’s cultivators
trying to determine peak harvest times or
working to assess the CBD content of new
varietals, patients wanting to know the
mgs per mL of THC or CBD in their stove-
top oil, or cannabis aficionados wanting
bragging rights for producing the most
potent products, Plantchek is here to help
you get to Know Your Cannabis.”
Thanks so much! I was checking around their posts yesterday actually. Went to website to see how it works and how they get a more accurate read etc.

Very cool to just figure out how a grower is doing potency wise at home and really could be a game changer as far as accountability for THC/CBD potency claims etc. Putting some power back into hands of consumers and home growers. Even large farm growers like the friends I was hanging out with could benefit by using this to spot check buds and to inform techniques. Sorry lol, you know all that and more! ;)

Yeah totally excited about this! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :thumb:
Thanks so much! I was checking around their posts yesterday actually. Went to website to see how it works and how they get a more accurate read etc.

Very cool to just figure out how a grower is doing potency wise at home and really could be a game changer as far as accountability for THC/CBD potency claims etc. Putting some power back into hands of consumers and home growers. Even large farm growers like the friends I was hanging out with could benefit by using this to spot check buds and to inform techniques. Sorry lol, you know all that and more! ;)

Yeah totally excited about this! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :thumb:
What is the cost of this product?
What is the cost of this product?
it looks like they are available now from their website. The individual kits with 3 tests in them are $47.95 plus shipping and a bundle of both cbd and thc kits, 6 total tests is $85.95 plus shipping. There are bulk prices available for distributors. For $15.98 per test, I will be testing every plant I harvest from now on. I may not worry about the cbd content, but I will definitely be testing for THC.

More info on the testing itself:
I will be able to test as soon as I harvest the product. It takes a 1/2 gram sample size, and the sample is decarboxylated using heat, before the test. I will be documenting the use of the products as soon as I harvest, either tomorrow night or Friday night, depending on my helper's availability.
it looks like they are available now from their website. The individual kits with 3 tests in them are $47.95 plus shipping and a bundle of both cbd and thc kits, 6 total tests is $85.95 plus shipping. There are bulk prices available for distributors. For $15.98 per test, I will be testing every plant I harvest from now on. I may not worry about the cbd content, but I will definitely be testing for THC.

More info on the testing itself:
I will be able to test as soon as I harvest the product. It takes a 1/2 gram sample size, and the sample is decarboxylated using heat, before the test. I will be documenting the use of the products as soon as I harvest, either tomorrow night or Friday night, depending on my helper's availability.
Can’t wait to see the results Em I was looking at those as well until I saw that I needed to decarb
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