Dyold's Grow 1

Your lights are on during the day, Dyold? Or are they on at night?

Well at the moment they come on at 4 am to 4 pm so during the daylight winter hours.

The grow is looking amazing Dyold. ;)

Thank you SG :Namaste:

Edit ; I just talked to my friend that supplied the strain I am growing and he confirmed that it does indeed have a purple color to the plant natural like. I will still keep an eye on the possible Mag problem, will most likely just be preventative and drop a tsp per gallon of epson salts in the next feeding.
Is the grow area temp influenced by the outdoor temperature? I know the general area you're from and lived there for quite a few years. You see a pretty moderate swing from high to low ~ 10-12 degrees. Outdoors the lows right now are around 40-45, and your grow area is dropping into the high to mid 50's before the lights come on at 4:00 a.m. Lights on the space gets up to the low 80's and the outdoor high is around 50-55 degrees?

Just trying to get a sense of the overall climate of the grow area.
Is the grow area temp influenced by the outdoor temperature? I know the general area you're from and lived there for quite a few years. You see a pretty moderate swing from high to low ~ 10-12 degrees. Outdoors the lows right now are around 40-45, and your grow area is dropping into the high to mid 50's before the lights come on at 4:00 a.m. Lights on the space gets up to the low 80's and the outdoor high is around 50-55 degrees?

Just trying to get a sense of the overall climate of the grow area.

Sounds about right PeeJay. Daytime outdoor temps are 50-55 with lows in the mid to low 40's at night outdoor. Indoor temps have been reaching 82 at the max averaging 77 there about with outdoor temps of mid 50's. That would include a 8 inch fan running venting the lights, passively venting the room also. Think I just need to get a heater..
Daily update - Day 16 of Flower. Temperature dropped kinda low last night ( 25 F outdoors ) Humidity looks good. Sprayed with Growers Trust Powdery Mildew Killer today as a preventative measure.


Everything looking good, the girls seem to be enjoying the Humboldt ES Sweetener and the metaphoric sunshine and breeze.



Some Cola Porn of one of the girls in Natural light.




Looks and Smells so good. :yummy: Have fun and Enjoy. :peace:
PeeJay I was thinking about what you said about the under surface of the stem not being purple that this would indicate the purple would be a genetic disposition. The under surface area on the stems is green or close to it. I believe I will be preventative this next watering and add a tsp of Epsom Salts per gallon to the watering routine.

Just could not help myself....They are full of Stars :dreamy:



Quad Headed Beasty Cola.

Things are looking stellar Dyold, I'm subscribed, never seen a grow your size from the start before, should be interesting.
90F is a little warm for the plants but once you get the ventilation installed should make a huge difference. Lots of info on GLR lighting on the site, I've heard good things. Just search the site and you should find a couple articles or journals about it.
Good luck with your grow. :popcorn:
Neither have I seen a grow of such magnitude from start to finish. Dyold, I'm most definitely SUBBED!! +REps...Sorry, you deserve more but I can only give them out 1 at a time.

Thank you for the Sub Stealth !

I have been reading some articles here @ 420 and this is the reason I am asking active folks if they have tried this light cycle with success.

I am curious is there any time frame which you can start the GLR cycle if your have been running a 20 on / 4 off cycle?

I am starting to cut the light down by 6 minutes (notches on the timer) every other day or so I just knock another peg down.

I've never seen someone flip to flower in that way but I'm sure it won't hurt the plants, seems like a more natural way, then just one day flipping to 12/12. I personally did do the flip right from 18/6 to 12/12 but I put the girls into the dark for 36 hours before lights came back on to 12/12.
Your setup looks awesome Dyold, I wish it was fully legal in Canada... someday soon maybe.
Good luck with the grow. ;)
I'm just guessing here but isn't GLR the way Mother Nature switches to 12/12?

Dog danglies ? I don't think I have heard that expression before, my curiosity is peeked now:helpsmilie:
That's my buddy LA & he likes to invent words... :laughtwo:

It is a Pie Chart of Procrastination.



Looks and Smells so good. :yummy: Have fun and Enjoy. :peace:
Simply mouth watering!

PS Totally read everything...
He he! you lucky bugger, to have such an awesome grow with such massive girls, Then have not much to report but your splendid pics. wow life must be good buddy! Stonkingly stupendous buds my friend!

Thank you very much LA. Hope things are going well for you also.

Daily Update - Day 18 of Flower. Opened the door to find the Ladies all drooping hard and in dire need of watering, which is weird they where kinda heavy yesterday. Must be some kind of Trick ! However I do see the Treat a coming.


Watered all 29 of the Ladies today with a 1/2 tsp per gallon of FF Cha Ching as a stand alone with a single tsp of Epsom Salts per gallon dissolved into the water. Not sure if I may have a N deficiency or a perhaps PeeJay is correct in his surmise that it is a Mag deficiency. In any case I added the ES as a preventative and the Cha Ching is rated a 9 for full strength rate of 1/2 tsp per gallon. Here is a couple of natural light pics of the leafs.












I only watered with Humboldt Honey ES | Humboldt Nutrients last watering maybe I need to keep the nutrients every watering ? Any feedback is welcomed. :thumb:

Temperature and Humidity. 34 prewater. 40 1 hr post water.


Have fun and enjoy the one your with :Namaste::peace::roorrip:
Your plants are going to be eating heavily and should be fed regularly, IMO. On the other hand, Dyold, take a look at my post about flushing in my thread and mull over what I have to say. Just some food for thought. Things are looking really good. I have a small crop of healthy plants. You have a freaking herd of them!
LOL Canna. Sometimes I'm too Schmart for my own damn good and go all kinds of Rube Goldberg. Overthinking things can be a debilitating handicap!

Not being able to rotate plants to even out light, difficulty watering and NOT BEING able to flush effectively are some major downsides to the SCRoG, for sure.

Now I'm on a roll and am going to go on a flushing rant. Many growers think of a flush as something that's good in the last two weeks, or as something to do when things go drastically wrong. Not many grasp the notion that flushing is a way to prevent big problems from happening in the first place. I'm prone to analogies, and I'm going to nauseate anyone who actually reads my drivel with an analogy now.

Someone feeds me breakfast every day. Usually it's the same thing, a big bowl of Total breakfast flakes fortified with eleven different vitamins and minerals. They give me a nice big portion. I don't finish it all. The next day I'm given another nice big portion of Total. The leftover uneaten Total is still in the bowl from the day before. I eat roughly the same amount of Total as I did the day before. The amount of uneaten total in the bowl doubles. The next day I get another big serving of total dumped on top of two days worth of left-over Total... You can, I'm sure, see where we're headed...

When we mix up our nutes and feed plants growing in a container, we are dumping "Total" into a bowl. All of the eleven essential Vitamins and Minerals that aren't used by the plant stay in the bowl. Over time the concentration of some or all of the Vitamins and Minerals increases and increases. It can get quite toxic. An animal pees the extra out. Plants can't really pee. When we pee, we flush the unnecessary extra Vitamins and Minerals away. *Imagine the sound of a toilet flush*

In a container plant environment there are a bazillion bacteria and fungi living. They are breaking down organic material. Just like humans they poop and pee. Large microbiological populations commonly die off because the end up drowning in their own piss and shit.

Striving to give a container plant exactly what it needs, no more and no less, is a lofty and unrealistic goal. Some things are going to build up. Many of them are "salts." These "salts" tend to end up in the lower root zone. Salts are water soluble. They are washed to the lower root zone of our bowl containers. If you water and feed and never let any water drain from the bottom of the pot it only compounds the problem. No poop, pee, or salts get washed out at all.

Flushing is not something to do only when there is an obvious problem. It is something that should be done periodically as a prophylactic (preventative) measure. A fixed screen SCRoG makes flushing a difficult proposition, to say the least.

I have much more to say about flushing and flushing technique than I've said but I'll restrain myself unless anyone wants to talk about it more..

Great information PeeJay for sure :Namaste: I have been following this technique of flushing every 4 weeks aka monthly. I did a large 10 gallon flush of all the Ladies a couple weeks back if memory recalls. About 2 weeks to the next one and of course there is the last couple of weeks prior to harvest for the next flushing. I not only take the plant and flush the soil well I also clean the bottom of the containers and wash out the water overflow plates. I do wash these inbetween flushings also s they get gross fast.
Thanks for the cudos, Dyold! I'm not surprised that you are all-over preemptive flushing like flies on.... A large part of what I do for a living involves translating complex metabolic processes into laymen's terms. My flushing rant is an attempt to help those growing in soil-type mediums understand why flushing helps when things go wrong as well as how flushing can prevent things from going wrong in the first place.

You've done your homework and connect the dots very well!
Looks lovely in here!!
plants are stacking beautifully.
Great job to get them so happily to this point Dyold!

Daily update - Day 19 of Flower. Not much to write about, everything seems to be going good. No PM evident since i sprayed with Growers Trust Powdery Mildew Killer ( They are a Sponsor with a good product )



That is about it for today, Happy Fryday to everyone. :lot-o-toke:
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