Okay here are the last of the pics and will conclude with final thoughts and lessons learned.
Can see the brown roots. This was caused by root rot in the bucket that killed these roots higher up. They just fell right off when I pulled on them.
Think this pic really shows off how floppy Cindy99 is. Just flops all over the place once the bud starts to fill in. Wish I had kept the screen and this would have been great support.
Okay well thats the last of the pics.
Yield of this harvest was 3 pounds. I know it isn't the best yield in the world, but I am happy with it. More is always nice but for my first grow I think thats pretty damn good.
Okay what I learned:
-root rot sucks! Still having his problem. Just the way the holes are punched in the bottom of the bucks to seems odd. They are punch upwards meaning there is always going to be a film on the bottom. That seems to be the problem, this thin layer of water is just enough to create anaerobic conditions for slim mold and root rot to move in. I just drilled holes in the third wave and they were already showing signs of slim mold on the roots that were poking out the holes! I don't know if the diatomaceous stone is having any effect on this as it holds a lot of water. Going to switch to just hydroton and see if it helps.
-waterfarms are wicked for growing plants in the 1-2 ounce range, but I think with some modifications can be great for larger plants 4+ ounces (jury still out on this though).
- Should have had an oscillating fan. Yup thats right for the whole grow I only sucked the air out no air movement in the room. I know this effected yields as I am sure that I had oxygen pockets like crazy in there. This was a big contributor to Powder Mildew I had as well. Always was going to get around to installing one but never got it up.
-If your going to do something do it right the first time. Wasted a lot of time doing things half ass that if I had done properly the first time I would have had way more time to tend to other stuff like getting a fan up and running.
-Didn't have climate controls. I know during bud formation the temps in the room were cold! like 15C. I am sure at that critical time warmer temperatures would have been a big help.
Okay would just like to thank everyone that gave me advice and encouragement along in this journey. Also to everyone that asked questions. Learning is what these forums are all about and the only way your going to learn is ask questions. If anyone has questions about anything in this grow please don't hesitate to post. Would prefer to you post your question as I always feel a lot of great questions and info are shared in private conversations that should be posted. If you don't want to be known pm me and I will post the question and answer so everyone can learn. Okay wow what an experience.
and happy growing to everyone.