Dyold's Grow 1

I was worried about my temps getting too low in my grow, so I put a little heater near my plants. By doing so I warmed the air about 8 degrees and lowered my humidity by about 15-20%. Now I worry about my humidity being too low. :laugh: That was several days ago and it still hasn't gone back up to the 50-55% it was hanging out at. I thought it would normalize quicker :straightface:

Hope you get it worked out, Dyold :goodluck:

I am thinking of trying this for the lights out cycle and just run a exhaust fan and a space heater to get the temp up and dry the air out some. Although the more I read about PM it favors Hot//Dry conditions once its established and Warm/Humid conditions during the spore phase. I am getting some fungal spray and doing a good drenching since it is very light at the moment, then run a space heater to dry the room out some after lights out. Maybe that will keep the humidity down hopefully.

I believe someone once told me an ounce of prevention is worth a pound gold. I get it now, I should of taken the time to spray the plants when they where younger so there is a preventative in place and then once again at the start of flower however instead I am chasing it to catch up and praying i can get in front to stomp it out. Oh well its a lesson that I am sure will be cemented in the future.
i run a 70 pt dehumidifier 24/7. are you using a dehum?

I have a AC unit that has a DRY setting that acts like a dehumidifier. It only gets the room down to around 50% Humidity.

When I arrived this morning 8 am or there about.


When I departed 3.5 hours later.


Temperature and Humidity are to high for Lights on ?
I have a AC unit that has a DRY setting that acts like a dehumidifier. It only gets the room down to around 50% Humidity.

When I arrived this morning 8 am or there about.


When I departed 3.5 hours later.


Temperature and Humidity are to high for Lights on ?

Hmm i just noticed something, the highs and lows changed after only 3 hours, so that means that my room is getting hot and humid the first couple hours of lights on , I will have to look at my timers closely.
Wonder if it systemic or so I have been told by several growers. I am hearing it can get into the plant and bloom later ? aka Systemic ?

Getting some Powdery Mildew Killer - Organic Treatment and Control - Growers Trust this has come highly recommended by multiple growers and they all say if you have it when you spray this stuff you won't after, systemic or environmental it Kills and prevents and its organic.

Thanks for the response SG, appreciate the help. I did some heavy defoliation today and will be getting this spray very soon.

Edit; I still think my lights and fans are some how not synced and coming on at differing times so its getting hot and humid in the early lights on cycle.
No pics today. I just sprayed with a 3 n 1 organic fungicidal that is reported to be safe up to day of harvest. I also ordered the product I posted about earlier and will let you know the results. I believe I detected and acted early in a manner that should reward me with success in battling a dreaded beast of the green green jungle. :allgood:
10/24 - Daily Update - Watered the Permafrost ladies with 30% strength Nutrient regiment today includes FF Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom and Grow Big. Looks like I spotted the PM early enough and acted quick enough to get it knocked down thankfully. Waiting on the product to come in should be here in 2 days or so. I did not see any PM when I inspected everything this morning.

Couple pics of the Flowers.






Temperature and Humidity after watering.


Have Fun and Enjoy the day. :peace:
10/25 - Daily update - Day 12 of Flower - No watering, feeding, bending, topping etc.. today just letting the girls relax in the sun and soak up all that good food and drink.


Flowers are really packing on the weight.


Temperature and Humidity are holding withing 5 degree/percent respectively.


I have the AC unit on 24/7 with my 8 inch fan that is venting the lights and I have added a timer for the 12 inch fan to come on for 30 mins every 8 hours to cycle the room clean, seems to be keeping thing very consistent. I would like again to express my thanks to those and there are many that have shared some knowledge. :thanks:

Have fun and Enjoy :peace: :grinjoint:
Pretty flowers! I've been kind of watching that doorknob back there, it's going to disappear from the scene soon. LOL
So, just out of curiosity...how does it smell when you actually go into the room?
Great updates!:thumb:

Smells good :dreamy: its a "you gotta be there" kinda smell :rofl:
Hey my friend, I hope the weekend finds you and your girls happy and contented. May your garden overflow with buds the size of babies lol

Thank you LA, I hope this weekend finds you and yours happy as well. :peace:
10/26 Daily update -Day 13 since flipping to 12/12 -I really believe that doing GLR during the last couple of weeks of vegetative growth really helped the girls get ready to flower with vigor. Not much today recharged my Co2 carboys with couple more packets of yeast, 2 glns water and 4lbs sugar. Water and Humbolt ES Natural Sweetener tomorrow, time to water again already.

Temperature and Humidity 3 hrs after lights on.


Natural Light Permafrost girl.




Is the color in the stem and leaf from the temperatures getting down into the mid 60's during lights out ? Friend I received the clones from said it did not turn purple for him.



Girls seem to be enjoying the relaxation and sunshine, they are standing around in the breeze and getting all fat and stuff.


Cannafan i finally got the nerve to touch a bud today to get a smell and the girls smell like Fanta Grape Soda. :yummy:

Have fun and Enjoy :allgood:
Fantastic photos and spectacular growth. The anthocyanin (red/purple) pigments are only sort of related to temperature. They have more to do with sugar storage. Cooler temperatures can lead to higher sugar storage in the flavonoid pigment group and result in the refraction of red and violet light. Flavanoids with an additional sugar group are anthocyanins. This is an over simplified-explanation.

The fact that your clones are producing anthocyanins when your friend's didn't may mean that your plants are more healthy metabolically than your friends were. They have the ability to store extra sugar groups on pigment molecules even though they are growing like bandits and using tons of sugar to build long chain carbohydrates (cellulose for example.)

Your temperatures are not super low. The plants are not doing the purp because you are freezing them to death. They are just groovin' to the combination of pH, feed, light, and have decided they can store extra sugar molecules on flavonoid chains or rings. If a grower lowers the temperature of their space to try to turn a plant purple, they may or may not have success. Some of it is genetic, some is environmental.

Very cool that you are showing those colors. Gonna be some sweet smoke.
Fantastic photos and spectacular growth. The anthocyanin (red/purple) pigments are only sort of related to temperature. They have more to do with sugar storage. Cooler temperatures can lead to higher sugar storage in the flavonoid pigment group and result in the refraction of red and violet light. Flavanoids with an additional sugar group are anthocyanins. This is an over simplified-explanation.

The fact that your clones are producing anthocyanins when your friend's didn't may mean that your plants are more healthy metabolically than your friends were. They have the ability to store extra sugar groups on pigment molecules even though they are growing like bandits and using tons of sugar to build long chain carbohydrates (cellulose for example.)

Your temperatures are not super low. The plants are not doing the purp because you are freezing them to death. They are just groovin' to the combination of pH, feed, light, and have decided they can store extra sugar molecules on flavonoid chains or rings. If a grower lowers the temperature of their space to try to turn a plant purple, they may or may not have success. Some of it is genetic, some is environmental.

Very cool that you are showing those colors. Gonna be some sweet smoke.

:woohoo: I love this explanation. It is probably chapping my partners ass too LOL ! Love it.
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