Dyold's Grow 1

lol, Dyold. Hey, I'm not an expert by any means. Some folks may say that the purp is from a mag deficiency, but your plants don't seem to be deficient by any means. All I can say for certain is that your plants are adding a sugar group to the white pigments. That much we know.

Anthocyanins are a hot topic in human nutrition. They have anti-oxidant properties. That's why blueberries are so in vogue as a super food. The white pigments (flavonoids) oxidize very easily. When you cut an apple and let it sit, it turns brown. It turns brown because the flavonoids oxidize. A sugar group attached to the flavonoid makes the flavonoid an anthocyanin and prevents a destructive oxygen molecule from binding to the site where the sugar binds.

Anyone who tells you they know the exact process that is going on is only spouting theory. All we know for certain is the plant is metabolically shunting sugar molecules to the flavonoids. It may be a defensive mechanism that is going on. It may also be a thing where there are extra simple sugar molecules available and they are ending up on the flavonoids. Sticking that extra sugar on there is an anabolic process. It takes energy input to make it happen. A plant that is energy starved is not going to spend it's energy currency attaching a sugar to a flavonoid in a decidedly uphill reaction.
Hey, I just want to make it very clear that NOBODY really understands the biochemical process at work. All we can say for sure is that a sugar is added to a white pigment and changes the way it refracts light. It gets really, really complicated from there.
congrats on your set up... looks awesome. Talk of lights please. cycle times.

Lights are 5 , 1000 watt Sunmaster II HPS 6 inch vented sealed reflective hoods, magnetic ballast's I picked up off Craigslist for $950 US.

I started my girls off with just two lights on 24/7 for the first two weeks, then went to 20 on / 4 off (20/4) with 3 lights for two weeks and finally I went with GLR ( Gas Lantern Routine ) with all 5 lights, which is 12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on, 5.5 off, repeat (12/5.5/1/5.5). I strongly believe that with GLR the final two weeks of vegetative growth this light cycle really pumped the girls full of hormones that shortened the switch to flowering with very nice results. I know I have read about people veging the plants in GLR however I would be rather use 20/4 to 18/6 to GLR to 12/12, makes more sense to me as far as plant growth goes.

Thank you PeeJay for the informative post's, its what makes the :420: awesome.
I started my girls off with just two lights on 24/7 for the first two weeks, then went to 20 on / 4 off (20/4) with 3 lights for two weeks and finally I went with GLR ( Gas Lantern Routine ) with all 5 lights, which is 12 on, 5.5 off, 1 on, 5.5 off, repeat (12/5.5/1/5.5). I strongly believe that with GLR the final two weeks of vegetative growth this light cycle really pumped the girls full of hormones that shortened the switch to flowering with very nice results. I know I have read about people veging the plants in GLR however I would be rather use 20/4 to 18/6 to GLR to 12/12, makes more sense to me as far as plant growth goes.

See, this is a great example of someone intuitively understanding metabolism. GLR leads to a change in DNA methylation, RNA factor inscription, and triggers an uptick in enzyme production to produce flowering hormones. Would I want a plant to expend energy producing flowering hormones in veg? Hell no! I want its energy going to produce green growth that allows it to make even more energy. When the time is right, I want the plant to make a shift where metabolic activity and available energy become more prioritized toward reproductive goals.

No wonder we won't be able to see the door knob much longer.
For all my rambling about anthocyanins, don't forget that the purple stem thing is frequently a sign of magnesium deficiency. Wouldn't hurt to boost the cal-mag or Epsom salt any members of the squad showing purple stems.
For all my rambling about anthocyanins, don't forget that the purple stem thing is frequently a sign of magnesium deficiency. Wouldn't hurt to boost the cal-mag or Epsom salt any members of the squad showing purple stems.

It actually maybe getting down into the mid 50's in my grow room, not sure if this would make the stems more purple. I am not sure how to check if I am having a cal-mag deficiency, will have to learn this lol.
I've been reading the "hard stuff" about anthocyanin production off an on while working on another project today - papers filled with the kind of terminology that can make the head spin. It wouldn't be a cal-mag deficiency. Just a magnesium deficiency. The thing is, with a magnesium deficiency you'd also expect to see yellowing leaves. The plant looks pretty darn healthy. That is some serious purple it has going on.

What I said about a sugar molecule binding to a flavin is correct. It turns out that the purping is always a reaction to stress, unless it is from a genetic predisposition to anthocyanin production. If the plant is a clone then you would expect all the clones to do the same thing in the same growing conditions since they have the same genetics.

Your friend grows the same clones and doesn't get purple stems. Maybe it is because your overnight temperatures are lower, or it could be a mag deficiency, or from an unknown stress.

When I suggested that it might be a sign of an extra healthy plant I was talking out of my ass. That part is just not true in any way shape or form. After doing the heavy reading this morning I felt pretty embarrassed that I'd even said that.

Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) is pretty safe to use on the plants. It doesn't build up in the soil. Adding a tablespoon a gallon to your regular feeding would give you a magnesium boost. It is cheap, too. You might want to consider that. If you start seeing yellowing leaves along with the purple then you can make a confident mag deficiency diagnosis. The Epsom salts would be a good preventative measure since it wouldn't hurt the plants.
Great stuff Peejay. In my case I have the yellowing AND the purple stems.
I went downstairs and immediately put the epsom salts container next to my nutes so I will not forget to add some on the next feed.
Wish I had read that before I fed them this morning! LOL
Don't mean to hijack here Dyold, but we're discussing the same thing in both places. What helps you, helps me too. With all of the information PeeJay has written...I don't want him to feel like he has to do it all over again. LOL
I'm going to look for some Fanta Grape soda at the dollar store today....:biglaugh:
I've been reading the "hard stuff" about anthocyanin production off an on while working on another project today - papers filled with the kind of terminology that can make the head spin. It wouldn't be a cal-mag deficiency. Just a magnesium deficiency. The thing is, with a magnesium deficiency you'd also expect to see yellowing leaves. The plant looks pretty darn healthy. That is some serious purple it has going on.

What I said about a sugar molecule binding to a flavin is correct. It turns out that the purping is always a reaction to stress, unless it is from a genetic predisposition to anthocyanin production. If the plant is a clone then you would expect all the clones to do the same thing in the same growing conditions since they have the same genetics.

Your friend grows the same clones and doesn't get purple stems. Maybe it is because your overnight temperatures are lower, or it could be a mag deficiency, or from an unknown stress.

When I suggested that it might be a sign of an extra healthy plant I was talking out of my ass. That part is just not true in any way shape or form. After doing the heavy reading this morning I felt pretty embarrassed that I'd even said that.

Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) is pretty safe to use on the plants. It doesn't build up in the soil. Adding a tablespoon a gallon to your regular feeding would give you a magnesium boost. It is cheap, too. You might want to consider that. If you start seeing yellowing leaves along with the purple then you can make a confident mag deficiency diagnosis. The Epsom salts would be a good preventative measure since it wouldn't hurt the plants.

Thank you PeeJay, I will add a tsp per gallon just to be on the safe side, I have seen a one or two yellow leaves but nothing dramatic that would say "Hey we got a problem here" kind of thing. Would Black Strap Molasses have this in it ?

Great stuff Peejay. In my case I have the yellowing AND the purple stems.
I went downstairs and immediately put the epsom salts container next to my nutes so I will not forget to add some on the next feed.
Wish I had read that before I fed them this morning! LOL
Don't mean to hijack here Dyold, but we're discussing the same thing in both places. What helps you, helps me too. With all of the information PeeJay has written...I don't want him to feel like he has to do it all over again. LOL
I'm going to look for some Fanta Grape soda at the dollar store today....:biglaugh:

I Enjoy you dropping in Cannafan and for sure if it helps you it helps me too. :Namaste:
Daily Update 10/27 - Day 14 of Flower.
Watered with Humboldt Honey ES | Humboldt Nutrients at 2 tsp per gallon.

Temperature and Humidity are staying pretty rock solid.


No sign of Powdery Mildew since i sprayed two days ago, however I am not going to take any chances and will be spraying again with the product in the pics, in a couple days. I have been told by several local growers that this usually works in one application.



Couple of the Ladies from on high...:dreamy:




Thanks for all the incredible feedback and help from everyone, it is appreciated and most times applied :high-five:
The growers trust ( they are a sponsor by and by ) product was 90 us dollars for concentrate to make 5 gallons. 1 Gallon of ready to use is 79.00 us dollars. Figure it was a better deal...:scratchinghead:

I will spray again in a couple of days, just watered today and did not want a lot of additional moisture in the room.
Hey my friend, on the Mag def issue, something KingJohnC shared with me recently when I thought I had it. If your stems that are purple are purple on top and normal on bottom side/area of stem then its not mag def but most likely genetics. Also as I was informed if you do have Mag def and treat, then your leaves will still stay looking as pale. The new growth is how to tell if you still have the issue.
Best of bloody big bulbous bud producing babes to ya!
:ciao: Just stopping in to say that your ladies are looking lovely.

Good idea on getting ahead of mildew. Your crop is too beautiful to take any chances with. +reps

Thank you Dresney much appreciated.
Daily update Day 15 of Flower.

Temp/Humidity. PeeJay I don't see any yellowing of the leaves however I do think that my room might be getting down around 55 F possibly. I will have to get up early and check. This pic was taken almost exactly 3 hrs into lights ON.


Garden Shot(s) :rofl:




Have fun :peace: out :headbanger:
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