Dyold's Grow 1

your garden is looking good.

Heya KJC thanks for the drive by :byebye:

Daily Update - 11/02 - Day 20 ( Already right ) of Flower. Just another monitoring day again, believe I will have to water again on the morrow. Wondering if I should remove some of the larger fan leaves as they seem to be turning yellow while those around them are still healthy in appearance.


The Garden as a whole under lights.


Have Fun and Enjoy the Day :rollit:
On the Vid I can actually see how large that forest is. BIG Every thing looks nice & green. I would die for a grow room like that!
On the Vid I can actually see how large that forest is. BIG Every thing looks nice & green. I would die for a grow room like that!

Thank you very much Broke Ass Reg :Namaste:

Wow! That is a home movie I would love to film!:thumb:

Superb close up shots too!


Thank you Ajagunle for the drive by :byebye:

Spectacular progress, Dyold, as always. Those ladies are starting to pack it on. I can't wait to see how they look in a few weeks. :yummy:

I wouldn't be able to keep myself out of there if I were you. I'd move my cot into the corner and sleep with those lovely ladies every night :partyboy:

Heya Dresney good to see you visiting and thank you for the big 10-4 :headbanger:

Daily Update 11/03 - 21 days in Flower already! 3 weeks down 4-6 weeks to go. Watered today as the humidity in the room was down again to around 35% and the plants are light weight. Added 1 cup of Tiger Bloom ES to 30 gallons of water for approximately 1/2 strength feeding. Humidity has been pretty steady at 40-45 % with temps ranging from 82f to 66f. C02 Carboys are bubbling right along bathing the ladies in lovely co2.


Couple of Profile Pic's of the two of the girls. They are still putting on weight.


I took some yellowing leaves out not that many, however I am seeing a couple things I have not nailed down yet and I am unsure of how plants react indoors to fulfilling the cycle from clone to harvest. Interesting for sure. Have Fun and Enjoy the day. Time for some American Football hopefully the Seattle Seahawks make it to 8-1.
Hey my friend, looking like a growers wet dream as usual in your garden lol. Idve gone nuts by now on some upper level defol to get light to lower sites , thats just me though Im brutal whenever I can be lol. or are you going to harvest in a couple of stages? Just wondering my friend

Hey LA. I noticed on the one girl that I took all the shade leaves off of down to where there are very few, it has almost stopped growing when compared to the other girls that have most if not all large fan leaves still. The buds on the girls that have had very little defoliation applied to them are fuller and bulking up much quicker. I even notice that area's that are not getting direct light are still filling in as the plant can apply the energy it is converting in the fan leaves to buds in lower sections of the plant/branches. Not sold on this Defoliation thing just yet my friend. As to the Harvesting schedule, think I will just take a wait see approach, I have not really given it much thought as growing is kind of a in the moment thing. I will have to think about this now. I can see the logic in maybe doing a two part harvest. Harvest the mature tops and let the lower stuff sit in the lights to phatten up some more. I have two strains in the room and I believe 9 of the ladies are going to be way behind the other 20 girls. Thanks LA one more thing I should plan for I guess. :Namaste:
{{huff....puff....{{sound of branches breaking}}....huff...ouch!..{sounds of footsteps in the leaves.....}}} Huff..puff....}}YES! I made it out!
Sorry everyone,.... I got lost in a forest of cannabis.....I've left a trail for you all though. I picked up some of the defol leaves and left them in a line. ;-) It's called "Dyold's Grow 1" and it's a beautiful forest!!
The smells are wonderful and it is soooo very green and tall!

Seriously though Dyold, awesome is all I can think of. Beautiful pics and great video. :bravo:
{{huff....puff....{{sound of branches breaking}}....huff...ouch!..{sounds of footsteps in the leaves.....}}} Huff..puff....}}YES! I made it out!
Sorry everyone,.... I got lost in a forest of cannabis.....I've left a trail for you all though. I picked up some of the defol leaves and left them in a line. ;-) It's called "Dyold's Grow 1" and it's a beautiful forest!!
The smells are wonderful and it is soooo very green and tall!

Seriously though Dyold, awesome is all I can think of. Beautiful pics and great video. :bravo:

Classic :thanks: :rofl: I really hope that I don't hear the sound of breaking branches. I bent a top over on accident about 5" down the stem, it is still alive and growing all weird shaped, I will have to get a picture of it.

11/04 - Daily update - day 22 of flower. Just a monitor day today. Readjusted a wall fan about 2 ft higher and I added a oil radiant heater for the night time so i can shut off the ac unit which is most likely costing me too much money, hoping that the thing will be able to just keep the room above 60 for the lights out.


Girls are packin on the OZEES


Have fun and Enjoy the night :peace::smokin:
Crazy how much weight those plants are packing on. There's an obesity epidemic going on in your grow room! Luckily the plants won't die of hypertension, heart disease, or stroke. Heart attack almost killed me when I looked at them for the first time in five or six days though. It was a good thing I was sitting down.
Is this AGE, Toxicity or Deficiency ? Came from 4th layer in of the big fan leaves if you can visualize what I am saying by the pictures of the full canopy. Still not sure if i have a problem, not that I am looking for one mind you. I ordered some grow room glasses that let you see as if in natural light so you can inspect properly.

Daily Update - Day 23 of Flower. Watered today with FF TigerBloom/Bigbloom 1/2 strength + Humboldt ES Sweetener full strength.


Tired tonight so cutting it short. Hiya PeeJay and thanks for the compliment. :peace::tokin:
Is this AGE, Toxicity or Deficiency ? Came from 4th layer in of the big fan leaves if you can visualize what I am saying by the pictures of the full canopy. Still not sure if i have a problem, not that I am looking for one mind you. I ordered some grow room glasses that let you see as if in natural light so you can inspect properly.


Four nodes down in that forest? If you're not seeing it often, it looks like a case where for some reason that leaf was not pulling it's weight and the rest of the plant told it to f*** off and die. Good thing it didn't belong to a union.
Fantabulous Forrest, all bushy and green, thickening so fast its almost obscene! May them girls keep on stacking, building that bud. wish I was livin right between them tubs!

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