DWC Fastbuds Gorilla Cookie Auto

Well moved the W/W into a smaller pot which has a gravity drip feed system, just over a wk since snapped stem, and in fairness shes picking up, so will see how it goes, ph 6.0 ppm 400

quick update on the Royal haze auto
Day 14 ppm 400 ph 5.9, 4gl she had 3ml Calmag, yesterday, going to give 1,5ml Micro 3ml Bloom to bucket tomorrow, roots growing rapid now, and she growing fast, so going to add the nutes tomoz, then just wait an see how she takes them, an if all is good, I will give a steady increase as we move forward, just watching her for any signs, just been checking PH PPM and taking a daily grow photo to refer back to, so just leaving her to do her thing now, and watch and adjust accordingly,
I know I have been tips on my Haze which i think was down to light intensity, which I turned dwn, and its seems ok as not got worse or spread

so thanks guys for all the help an advise and will update after the wkend, so hope you all a have great wkend and enjoy

Just been an done my morning checks EC stable at 0.96 PH6.05 and water level has dropped a few mm, so thats a good sign I take it, as she had her fill now drinking the water, so things look to be going well so far, no adverse effects from feed, and shes growing fast, so just going to keep up with what ive been doing and just leaving her to it, just doing my daily checks, so when the EC comes back down again, I will raise it back up, depending on how much as be taken up, and will just keep it at a similar range to the last feed, so if its took more then the last feed should I increase it slightly from last feed?

So just getting to grips now with my feeding schedule and understanding how to adjust to keep that optimal balance, learning so much just a case of watching waiting an adjusting accordingly, so thanks guys you all been so helpful, so I will monitor water level and add it to my notes,

So thanks guys Im getting there, learned so much and still so much to learn, but Im the right place you guys have all been great, and who knows I might be the one giving advice 1 day pmsl, still a long road ahead like, but Im in it for the long haul, being disabled Im mainly house bound as cant walk far or stand as I need a knee replacement, but since joining this wonderful site with you very nice people, my MH has improved with keeping me busy, and giving me a new interest which has is keeping my mind busy, as you can imagine I have alot of time on my hands, and its me keeping busy, so theres alot of positives already, cant wait to get my first grow under my belt, and that will be a BIG+ and big savings hopefully lol.

Hope you guys all had a great wkend, and I wish you all the best for the wk ahead stay safe and be happy
Sounds like you have her in a good place. I know if seems like the first week or two go slowly in DWC, especially on your first grow. Once she gets a nice root mass in the bucket and really starts drinking you'll see her explode in growth.

You really want to watch the change in PPM/pH as she drinks. That gets easier when they are drinking 2+ liters/day ;)

BTW, My plants/growing have had a huge positive influence on my mental health. It's nice to have something I love to do at home, and there's something about growing that makes it even more special. The members here are fantastic as well and make it really easy to share without worry of being flamed/ridiculed/etc. I'm glad you've found our little slice of paradise :)
Sounds like you have her in a good place. I know if seems like the first week or two go slowly in DWC, especially on your first grow. Once she gets a nice root mass in the bucket and really starts drinking you'll see her explode in growth.

You really want to watch the change in PPM/pH as she drinks. That gets easier when they are drinking 2+ liters/day ;)

BTW, My plants/growing have had a huge positive influence on my mental health. It's nice to have something I love to do at home, and there's something about growing that makes it even more special. The members here are fantastic as well and make it really easy to share without worry of being flamed/ridiculed/etc. I'm glad you've found our little slice of paradise :)
thats great thanks for this mate going to print it out and put it with my daily input and references charts an sheets so its there to go off, and yeah been a great plus to my MH an such nice people on here its been great, enjoying an love doing what im doing growing my own lol so getting to grips an learning fast, thanks to you guys for all the help, so thanks peeps and hope you all enjoy your wk ahead
I have it hanging on the wall in my basement as well :thumb:
Quick update

yeah been to do my rounds water level stayed the same, EC down 0.94 PH staying stable at 6.05, so not touched her but added 0.5 tsp myco to res, so just letting her do her thing, then im going to do a water change on thursday-and top up the nutes, but thats a day or 2 away will see whats what tomoz, and we go from there, but she looking good an growing fast, roots all bright white

so all looking good off the chart


Well its the start of day 8 in 4gl bucket, so its about that time for water change? So again using my tap water which as been standing overnight being airated, so I will do the same as the the last one 3ml Calmag 1ml Micro 2ml Bloom 1tsp pyscho myco, should give me the same EC so going to keep it at around 0.97 but will see what its at 1st, and adjust EC on what current EC now, (not done my checks yet) but will go off those numbers weather to higher or lower it,

So thats the plan for the next stage, just going to do my rounds get my data in, and go from there, and adjust nutes accordingly, but if EC the same or higher then I need to lower EC from last feed, is that right? so just had my meds (joint) now 2 coffees lol need my caffine pmsl then I well get these numbers and prepare water feed and get bucket ready, but just wanna make sure Im doing it right and not missing something out, so does this sound right or is something missing? so thanks guys will be back soon

Just done a check, my data coming in as PH dropped to 5.85, EC stable, Water level the same,

So yeah thinks its time for a res change, so going by my above data, I will follow above data, but will lower my starting EC this time round, will try get below the 0.97, can always increase later, so does this all sound good to you guys, before I do any thing.
That sounds like a good plan to me. It's always better to go a little lower than they need than higher. If you see the EC start dropping daily, you can top off with extra nutes to bring it back up.
went off that last night, thats why i prepped water last last night to change over, going off what that was saying, so changed over res just did same as last time round 3ml Calmag 3ml M 6ml BL EC 0.97 PH 5,87 I also gave 0,5 tsp of that pyscho myco to res and this time I sprinkles 0.5 tsp directly sprinkled over roots but prob wasted alot, maybe will water it on directly mixed using a syringe to apply direct, but will see how she goes, but thats where I am atm, will do the same as the last wk and see how she goes,
Had a good look at the roots they look great bright white, but I did notice a few small brown like blobs, only a couple so is that just normal the plant digesting the food, but apart from that all going strong on the Royal haze front as she sits at about 8" H 6" W now,
And in regards to the poor old W/W she is picking up strongly now, but she going to be a miniature so just started to do a little bit of training as will be thinking about this for the royal haze at the wkend, so will just see how the W/W takes to it and we will see, but looks like I managed to save her, so things going strong in a growing sense, and yeah so how she turns out in the end,
So thanks guys well just going to let do her thing and just watch do my data checks and go from there, if any thing comes up will give you guys a shout;


Just had a quick data check: Water level, same, EC dropped to 0.94, PH went upto 6,4, so just lowered PH down to 5.87 not touched EC, so will monitor water level and see what happens, so will just leave her be, will just see what the data is saying before bed, but all in all just going to keep these numbers in mind, and go off them as the baseline, so depending what data says tomoz, if EC as dropped bring it up just a small amount, about the same as before, so plant looks good,

So planning a head now, so check data act accordingly, or not lol, watch water level and leave her to it, keeping temps down to close to 20c -21c, so room temps at constant temps ranging from 18c - 21c but been trying to keep air temps at around 21c as temps in bucket is about 1c lower, so got all the factors dialed in just about, RH 50-55%, got my fan on with light breeze constant air movement, so learned so much already, been alot to take in, as i want to know all the whys, wheres, what fors,what does, like to understand all the process an how to do it, and Im getting there 5 wks ago EC/PH and all that was abit daunting, but understanding it all now, and what a plant needs and how do that etc, and now its all making some sort of sense, in my own way like, but alot of it as been passed on by you wonderful people helping an assisting along the way so a big thanks guys for what you do, all of you,

So will leave her by and see how she is later
She want looking good this morning, gone a dark green leaves droupping so checked water ph gone down to 5.1, so rinsed her dwn from top with ph neutral water, and put her into this and see how it responds

Royal Haze
Doing great EC down to 0.86 ph 6.1 so she eating thats good so upped the EC back to 0.97 with 1.5ml M 3ml B, which also brought dwn ph to 5.9 so left it at that, so leaving her be and watching water level and so on, so things going great RH growing fast,

Well guys just been an done my morning rounds, so last nights numbers came in at EC 0.88 PH 5.9, been and checked now EC 0.75,PH 6.05 so increased her EC by adding 1ml M, 2ml B, brought EC upto 1.0 and PH 5.78, water level not moved alot but dropped very slightly, so just going to watch and see how shes take the increase, and will do a little check later on, and let her do her thing and she seems to be coming on strong now,

Wasnt to sure about topping, but wanted to give a go on one of the plants, so with whats happened to the poor old W/W didnt want to add to her stress, so topped the white widow, but I topped at the 3rd node, and yeah think I should of topped at the 4;5 node, but its done now I did think it was the 4th, but it want, but that was 48hrs ago now and no ill effects so far, but thats another lesson ive learned to top 4 or 5 node,



So after 3hrs, went and checked and see how she had taken to the raise in EC to 1.0 so going off all my data so far this is the biggest fed she as taken up 0.23 as EC now at 0.77 PH 6.14 not much signs of water level dropping but keeping an close eye on everything, so just going to let her be for now, at the above numbers, and do a check later tonight and will see whats what tomorrow after lights on and normally feeding routine etc, and go from there, and if data as dropped will raise the EC slightly again on next feed if required, but its taken alot of todays fed, already, so would you top up again or wait and feed slightly more tomoz, as that sounds abit better wait an fed tomoz like today just giving a slightly higher EC1,1, does that look like a good idea, just keep things the same ( times feeding ph etc) and adjust tomoz and see where shes at


thats great thanks for this mate going to print it out and put it with my daily input and references charts an sheets so its there to go off, and yeah been a great plus to my MH an such nice people on here its been great, enjoying an love doing what im doing growing my own lol so getting to grips an learning fast, thanks to you guys for all the help, so thanks peeps and hope you all enjoy your wk ahead
I was a big believer in this chart - I call it the "Wonder Chart". It really fits my mindset (I'm a software engineer) as in "IF this THEN that". That caused me a lot of problems.

Where things went off the rails was FFF. It's completely normal for cannabis to FFF. I didn't know that and no one raised the issue so I ended up diluting my res EC from about 600 PPM to 200 PPM, over the course of a few weeks, trying to stop pH from dropping. Very frustrating.

I've attached "Son of Wonder Chart" which provides similar advice but in a different format.

A big issue is that "falling" and "rising" are not defined. For me, the key is to make sure that you're seeing a trend, not just an event.

Son of Wonder Chart.png
Had a good look at the roots they look great bright white, but I did notice a few small brown like blobs, only a couple so is that just normal the plant digesting the food, but apart from that all going strong on the Royal haze front as she sits at about 8" H 6" W now,
Roots should be either uniformly white in color or, if you're using nutes that stain roots, the color will change from the oldest roots being the darkest, to the newest roots which will be pure white.

If you have brown, gelatinous blobs on your roots, that's not a good sign. Have you checked the roots since you posted that message on Thursday AM? If not, it would be worth a look. Root rot is devastating and it can spread very quickly.

Also, what light are you using? I noticed that one of the seedlings was very tall which can be caused by insufficient light.

[checks page 1 of journal]

"Fecida 600w, will be upgrading to the TS1000 for bloom (hopefully)"
"Light height for seedling; Im thinking 100cm 30% (if not suitable let me know)"

That wasn't suitable — you were severely under lighting your plants.

The light you're using has a "rated power" of 65 watts. What "rated power" means is not specified but let's assume that it means the power draw. If we assume that it will pull 65 watts from the wall and if we look at the TS 1000 as a benchmark, the TS is generating 720 µmols ("micromols" which is a measure of light intensity) of light at 18" and it's drawing 147 watts to do that. Your light is drawing 65 watts or 44% of the Mars. Assuming that the Fecida is as efficient as the Mars, the light is putting out 720 x 0.44 = 292 µmols.

At 100% power at 18", the Fecida 600 is putting out 292 µmols± (call is 300). If your light's on 18/6, that's a good light level for a seedling because it's giving your plants about 19 mols (mols not micromols) of light each day. The amount of light a plant gets in a day is referred to as "daily light integral" or "DLI". 19 mols is a good DLI seedlings but my preference is for a DLI of 25 mols for seedlings. Each hour that light is running at 18" it generates 1.08 mols so you should look into increasing your lights on time to give your plants more light.

If it were, I'd run 24/0 and get the new light ordered ASAP. My reasoning - your plant is in veg and, assuming that you have good water, lights, nutes, wind, etc. cannabis plants can use up to 3 times that amount of light that you're giving your plant.

Cannabis plants will grow extremely well at very high light levels as long as the other parameters in you grow environment are up to snuff. Reading through this journal, you're attentive and are keeping pH, water levels, and EC in range. Add more light to take advantage of the good growing environment that you're creating.

Below is a screenshot from a video by Dr. Bruce Bugbee, an authority on plant physiology. His YouTube videos are invaluable. Bugbee puts light at the top because, as he states in his video, it is the most important of the nine parameters. It is also the easiest to control, I'd argue (full disclosure - he's biased to the extent that he started a company that sells, among other things, PAR meters and I use an Apogee PAR meter).

It's a great checklist to use to setup and maintain my grow environment.

Roots should be either uniformly white in color or, if you're using nutes that stain roots, the color will change from the oldest roots being the darkest, to the newest roots which will be pure white.

If you have brown, gelatinous blobs on your roots, that's not a good sign. Have you checked the roots since you posted that message on Thursday AM? If not, it would be worth a look. Root rot is devastating and it can spread very quickly.

Also, what light are you using? I noticed that one of the seedlings was very tall which can be caused by insufficient light.

[checks page 1 of journal]

"Fecida 600w, will be upgrading to the TS1000 for bloom (hopefully)"
"Light height for seedling; Im thinking 100cm 30% (if not suitable let me know)"

That wasn't suitable — you were severely under lighting your plants.

The light you're using has a "rated power" of 65 watts. What "rated power" means is not specified but let's assume that it means the power draw. If we assume that it will pull 65 watts from the wall and if we look at the TS 1000 as a benchmark, the TS is generating 720 µmols ("micromols" which is a measure of light intensity) of light at 18" and it's drawing 147 watts to do that. Your light is drawing 65 watts or 44% of the Mars. Assuming that the Fecida is as efficient as the Mars, the light is putting out 720 x 0.44 = 292 µmols.

At 100% power at 18", the Fecida 600 is putting out 292 µmols± (call is 300). If your light's on 18/6, that's a good light level for a seedling because it's giving your plants about 19 mols (mols not micromols) of light each day. The amount of light a plant gets in a day is referred to as "daily light integral" or "DLI". 19 mols is a good DLI seedlings but my preference is for a DLI of 25 mols for seedlings. Each hour that light is running at 18" it generates 1.08 mols so you should look into increasing your lights on time to give your plants more light.

If it were, I'd run 24/0 and get the new light ordered ASAP. My reasoning - your plant is in veg and, assuming that you have good water, lights, nutes, wind, etc. cannabis plants can use up to 3 times that amount of light that you're giving your plant.

Cannabis plants will grow extremely well at very high light levels as long as the other parameters in you grow environment are up to snuff. Reading through this journal, you're attentive and are keeping pH, water levels, and EC in range. Add more light to take advantage of the good growing environment that you're creating.

Below is a screenshot from a video by Dr. Bruce Bugbee, an authority on plant physiology. His YouTube videos are invaluable. Bugbee puts light at the top because, as he states in his video, it is the most important of the nine parameters. It is also the easiest to control, I'd argue (full disclosure - he's biased to the extent that he started a company that sells, among other things, PAR meters and I use an Apogee PAR meter).

It's a great checklist to use to setup and maintain my grow environment.

yeah thanks for that my friend and yes I agree with what you was saying about the light I had seen this on youtube a while back and much more data and info on the Fecida, so I do apolyguise I should of updated this previously, so regarding this and some info I went off so i gathered all the research and found that i need light at 20"in 40% seedling veg 12-16"in 60-90% flower 8-12"in 70-90%, going off data I found light puts out about 220 at 14in so going off that for now currently at 16" 70% will keep increasing as i go, but thanks for that, im on it, and watched alot about prof bruce, theirs another one aswell cant remember his name, but yeah been taking all this in, and soaking it all up,
Regarding the roots just checked and they bright white and growing fast,
So just going off what ive seen of other growers plants at day 23 I think that light is doing ok for now, but will have the TS in the pipeline later down the line, so you I know this light not great, but for a starter and and early veg it will do, saw some plants grown from 1 on youtude, it wont huge or owt but he got about 50gms off 1 plant but shall see this 1st run just a learning grow anything to smoke will be a bonus lol, as finances abit tight atm got new car to get, so light on hold for a while, but yeah what ive seen from peeps results will be going the ts when i can, but thank you for the advice and thanks for stopping by
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