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just been gifted a fan, didnt know fans could be so technical, lol but I thought it would be perfect, as its got variable speeds, temp, timer and tilts its 8in I think? so would this do job and be suitable
just been gifted a fan, didnt know fans could be so technical, lol but I thought it would be perfect, as its got variable speeds, temp, timer and tilts its 8in I think? so would this do job and be suitable
Only problem with it is the digital display, it may light up your grow space during dark periods.
Only a problem when growing photo period plants really, you're doing autos so not as much a problem this time.
Only problem with it is the digital display, it may light up your grow space during dark periods.
Only a problem when growing photo period plants really, you're doing autos so not as much a problem this time.
thanks for asking, Im well, hows you? hope your enjoying the wkend
so if I decide to go dwn that route, I will bare that in mind thanks for that
so just itching to get things going now esp cos I could of made a start, but dont wanna push it with the ph, as always best to bare on the side of caution, esp cos of how important this is to me, and the benefits it will give me if its a success, and esp with the misses on my back thinking Im wasting more money lol
So just covering all bases and leaving nothing to chance, to make sure I can make it a success,
As Ive ordered a bluelab pen, which should be here thursday, then I can re-start, and know my ph is right? leaving nothing to chance,
Hi peeps hope your all enjoying the wkend, any you US peeps at the F1 in Miami this wkend?
So hi everyone so just a quick one, with me not having any data to go off, so just looking to get some sort of time frames regarding growth, so you know start paper towel method i,e 48hrs, ? placed in rockwool, 10 days? placed in final bucket day 14?
so just trying to understand time frames, how long just want some starting parameters to compare to thats all, just so I can stay within these,
Sounds bought right but they all grow at different rates based on environment and genetics. Paper towel until the seed cracks and the root pokes out is optional and a bit of a debate. Then 1/4 inch down into the cube. When the roots come out the bottom of the cube you move to hydro. Top of the cube an inch below the top of the net pot with clay balls around and under it. As the plant grows the roots will push the cube up a little. Once the lowest true leaf pair grows over the net pot lip fill with more clay to cover the cube.
thanks thats great, well just dropped seed into some water at 150 ppm, brought water temp upto 20c at ph 6, been left to soak overnight onto top of sky box in darkness, as temps about 25c on top of box, will check after 12hrs, and maybe move over to paper towel method, in zipped sealy bag, and keep checking, replace air, keep moist and wait for tap root, to be about a cm, then when that size move over and place in prepared rockwell, using same water as above, keeping under humidty dome until sprouted, then remove dome, and place under light at 25% at 30inch temps at about 22c 70-75% humidity, does that sound about right, as will water 50-100ml keeping rockwool moist but dont drenched,

does that sound about right to you guys
Yes!! Seeds in the water, here we go!

All the above sounds great, when in the paper towel don't check to often, let them do their thing.

and place under light at 25% at 30inch temps at about 22c 70-75% humidity,
Perfect light placement to begin, if they start to stretch you can turn the light up.
You can get phone apps that help measure lux to help with light strength.

I prefer 25°c for temps, 22° may be a little chilly but not bad.
As for humidity, 70% for a seedling is perfect, but perfect is hard to achieve. So don't go mad trying to chase it, anything over 50% humidity is good.

:goodluck: exciting!
thanks guys, well just been an check on my baby girl, and she had sunk after about 5hrs, left her in there till now, just took her out and placed in a sealey bag in moist paper towel about 75%, if I was to put humidty monitor in the bag with seed would it still give the proper reading, as trying to keep temps above 21c
so what ive done today was place paper towel in one of my black buckets with lid on to keep out the light, but left in my grow room with light on low to keep temps steady at 21;22c so will check dampness tonight, but it should be ok to just leave it for now till tomoz as not to disturb like you said<

and just another question I think I know the answer but need to be sure, so with water (bulk 40l) so I leave out to air for 24;36 hrs check EC PPM PH, so when best to adjust the PH, like now, (soon as) or do it when its needed, so was just trying to figure out if its easy to drop ph straight away then monitor until needed and re-adjust accordingly, just trying to see whats best, and ways try keep PH levels stable and within range,
also water storage???? so with spare water,is it to keeped stored in air tight black buckets after been left off, for cholrine to disperse, keep in cool dark space, but is it the same principles keeping light out water, or is it mainly ok as light an water effects water with nutes in when in light, or do'snt it matter,
As a seed it is at it's most durable state. As soon as the shell cracks at the beginning of germination it is at it's most fragile point of life. Do not allow pressure or touch the root with your fingers. Wash hands and any tools that will come in contact with it.

If you are going to geminate a root before the rockwool you must be careful. Remove the plastic sleeve from the cube. Cut half way into the side of the cube top to bottom. Like a hot dog bun. Place the germinated seed gently inside then slide the plastic back around it. Make sure you keep track of which side is up.
No reason to store a lot of tap water longer than you have to. Full direct sun will dissipate chlorines but also promote algae. Adding an air bubbler will help remove chlorines buy circulation and reducing surface tension. Let it sit 24-36 hour depending on type of water treatment in your area. Your PH, and PPM may shift as you gassed off some of the contents. From this point you can store it. keep it light tight to stop algae and air bubbler flowing to stop bacteria an funguses. You can store it several weeks like this. If the water gets cloudy or walls get slimed, dump clean and start new.

When you are ready to use it only mix what you need. First Cal, mag, silicon only if you need/want them. Mix and let it sit for a few hours. Then add base "NPK" nutes. Mix and after a few minutes you can test PPM and PH. Adjust the PH and take note of the PPM. Then you are ready to use it.
thats great, a few things cleared up, my tap water as quite abit of cal and mag in it, so as not to over do it on these 2, I will leave it out for now, but I did read somewhere that with GH nutes 3 part no need to add cal/mag, but you know what some companies are like, but Ive got it there if needed but will watch this one closely??
I like the idea of "hot dogging" rockwool #hot dogging??? so yeah yeah makes alot of sense, can see more of whats going on that way,
So with the water I will just do it the day before so not to have of it in storage , increasing that risk factor, so keep it simple,
thats great picking up so much more now Im actually doing summits, and not reading and researching lol so thanks got all that,
right guys, so for now not much more to update, so I will leave my baby to do her thing and give her a dampening dwn later if needed, replace co2 in bag, and leave in dark till I do my checks in morning keeping those temps at up and humidty,
Thanks peeps so happy growing to all and all the best for the week ahead
The Hot dog bun slit is so you can gently place it in the rockwool without damaging the root. Once it is in the rock wool do not open it again unless you want to perform an autopsy on a dead plant. The root will have fine hairs growing into the rockwool. Opening it will tear them off seriously and permanently damaging the plant.
Just stopped by to see how things are going @spab1311

It sounds like you are ready to start playing in water.
I will be around or tag me if you need help with anything.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,
thanks!!!!!! now the fun begins, an its all serious now lol, started my first data sheet, its all official now, so just the waiting game watching and learning now, so will just leave her be, till its time for rockwool, but at least now ive got some idea about what Im doing, the rest will come by observing my plant and watching for her signs, so for now things at were they need to be for now, so once she sprouts, will move on to the next stage, so you guys have a great wk and stay safe
The Hot dog bun slit is so you can gently place it in the rockwool without damaging the root. Once it is in the rock wool do not open it again unless you want to perform an autopsy on a dead plant. The root will have fine hairs growing into the rockwool. Opening it will tear them off seriously and permanently damaging the plant.
this is great to know other wise I would of messed her up, so its always best to ask first before diving in lol, so yeah I get that now thank you so roughly speaking how long should it normally timewise to get to this size for rockwool like 3 days etc, just so ive got some idea of how long min-max, in paper towel
I haven't used the paper towel method for about 15 years, but as far as I remember if the seeds are vibrant they can have an inch long tail within 24hrs, some take a little longer.

I hope you enjoyed the f1 yesterday, I don't even know who won..talksport seem to have lost interest now Lewis isn't winning.

I haven't used the paper towel method for about 15 years, but as far as I remember if the seeds are vibrant they can have an inch long tail within 24hrs, some take a little longer.

I hope you enjoyed the f1 yesterday, I don't even know who won..talksport have seemed to have lost interest now Lewis isn't winning.

yeah thanks my friend
yeah vesteppen won lewis 6th but was a good venue miami was around the hardrock cafe stadium, of miami dolphins, was like wow abit over the top, but was a good turn out,
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