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well guys just been an checked on her, and gave a little dabbing of water, and shes cracked her shell and shes out lol, shes about 2mm or so, shes back in there so will get the rockwool soaked and do the ph at 6, and we might have lift off tomoz, and will do the #hot dogging and put into my propagator once tap root about 2cm
hi guys any UK grower on here use hydroguard and if so were you do you order from cant find any, no where, and asking for abit of advice on beenies, not got much clue about brands are best, but this the same as great white or orca, as thinking about getting some, so just need abit of advice on it, if this is the route I choose, been trying to get the hydroguard but had no luck, so what would your recommendation be and what way to go, baring in mind no hydroguard,
Hey @spab1311
I stopped doing hydro the winter before last, but I used to use great white myco powder in my nft tables, I believe the orca is the the same but liquid form specially for hydro.
Look into enzyme products, they help keep a root zone healthy.
I never used hydroguard

As for root boosters, every company does their own version nowadays. So if you're using the gh nutes line might as well try theirs.
I used an obscure (then) root booster called regen-a-root from a company called cx horticulture in Australia. They specialise in hydro stuff and was obscure when I started using them 8 years ago, most probably more common now.
yeah thanks for that bit of info, but more to add to my bit of reasearch notes lol
So just keeping things simple and sterile
well guys eneded up going with these growing sponges from ROOT!T soaked it in PH 6 PPM 180 water, so i did like you said even though not rockwool thought it not matter, so put seed in and placed under light at 32in at 25/30% in propagator at temps 22-23c RM 80% will water with PH6 180 PPM about 10-15ml every 4-6 hrs, lights on 1pm lights out 6am will be on at 12pm off 6am tomorrow

just checked her and those rootit sponges hold loads of water, so I think ive been giving it to much, so i gave it a tiny squeeze and abit more water then I thought was in there, so gently gave few sqeezes to get some out of there, had a tiny peck at root tap and its nearly at the bottom of sponge, so fingers crossed alls going good and she should be up an sprouting tomoz, just hope it didnt do no harm,
but will check on her in morning, an just a quick one should i water before lights out or after as not sure, as to me would make sense to water may be an hour before lights out, but not sure, so what do you guys think, before lights off or after any advice an whats the way to go
well its day 5 and we have lift off so nice little sight to start off my wkend, just abit concerned were she popped up right on the edge, will this be ok as she gets her support from her root system, is that right, or it be best to do summits about it, you know like put it to a 4x4 rockwool, or will she be just fine like that, so just going to keep an eye on her and watch for any stretching or light stress, but got it at 32in 25%, so every thing going well upto now lol so again thanks for the help peeps, so just a little pic so you can see how close she came up to the edge, so guys wkend is here, hope you all have a great wkend stay well keep stay and enjoy the wkend
Congrats spab:yahoo: :theband::woohoo:
A beauty...
Yeah, she's being a bit awkward where she chose to pop up, but it's looking great and healthy.

Now, I use jiffy pellets to start my seeds, similar to what you've used.
It is my practice to move them on to the next stage once they've shown their leaves, be that the 4×4 rockwool or soil. I just use them to start the seed.
Be gentle if you move it though cos she is in an awkward spot.:thumb:
hi huys hope you all had a good wkend, well thats stage 1 done now, now stage 2 early veg, going to let her settle, and leave her be for now, just keeping a check on my ph,temps,RH, and will start to introduce the nutes towards the end of the wk, just giving her time to recover and settle in, before doing anything else
Morning spab.
Are you using city tap water?
Only reason I ask...city tap has some stuff that can be helpfull if it's in the right doses. ..other than that, if you're doing plain hydro the plant might need a bit of food before the end of the week...
Hopefully someone else might chime in, to confirm or not.

You'll see the cotyledons lighten if it needs food.
been using a mix of tap water and mineral water, at about 300ppms was about 200ppm at start, my tap water about 330ppm so been using abit of both, so ppms at 300 for now, so was thinking about intoducing the nutes about 3-4 days time, then will be starting 1eighth strength,
so will keep an eye on her if shes starts to lighten up will assess and think about giving her that first feed

and afternoon my friend hope your well and you had a good wkend,
Afternoon spab.
Yes thanks, I'm having a relaxing day today, did all my busy yesterday. Took my eldest son down the music shop to eye a drum kit, then took my youngest on a sea boat pleasure trip.

330ppm, yeah uk water sucks. Mine comes in at 250ppm and for hydro it kinda confuses the issue. I've just been having this same convo with another British grower on here, his comes in at 290 ppm like yours. If it follows mine it's mainly calcium carbonate. yours at 330ppm is the worst I've seen....winner lol.
Just keep an eye on the cotyledons, if they start going light green then bump up the food a little.
thanks mate so your boy going to be making some noise with drums lol so yeah just been making sure I keep track of everything, been putting all my data into a spreadsheet easy to follow and go back to then an see what i did, so been mixing my tap water with abit of bottled to bring dwn ppm, but has got alot of calcium and magnesium so wont be needing any calmag for a while, but il be watching and waiting for best time to start on the nutes, going to start with 0.5ml of Micro,Gro Blo per gl so be at 2ml of each for 4gl, does that sound ok or should I start off 0.25 = 1ml per gallon
so any thoughts on this one guys or does that sound ok for 1st feed when the time comes,
so just waiting for her to show me a sign then will move on to the feed,
but thanks all , and hope you all had a good weekend now back to the grindstone lol happy growing peeps
That sounds good. Are you hand watering until the roots hit water? If so try watering around the outside of the netpot. Make the roots work for the water a little.
Hey spab, hope all's good.
going to start with 0.5ml of Micro,Gro Blo per gl so be at 2ml of each for 4gl, does that sound ok or should I start off 0.25 = 1ml per gallon
I've never used those nutes personally so it would be best to hear from someone that has.
thanks mate so your boy going to be making some noise with drums lol
Lol, yep. Luckily we were looking at the electric kits, so we can stick him in a back room with headphones on and hopefully just have to live with annoying rat tat tat rather than living in a gig.:oops: hopefully.
That sounds good. Are you hand watering until the roots hit water? If so try watering around the outside of the netpot. Make the roots work for the water a little.
yeah thanks for that just started to water around edge of net pot, so just waiting abit now before I start with the nutes, as its just the end of wk1, so thinking about 3or4 days before intoducing the nutes, she seems to be settling in her final home well, she looks well
so just been watering from top, checking PH is at 6.0, got a little fan giving a gentle breeze, now just leaving her be, till shes ready to start feed,
So thanks guys for all the assistance, its been great, theres some great people on here, so have a lovely wk stay well and be safe
this time learned my first 2 lessons dont over water and be careful, im so clumsy, but this plant had a good start, need to get to that wk2 - 3 stage now, so here we go things pretty much as before but used a mycorrhiza this time round, so will update and fill you in soon but things off to a good start so far lol
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