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yeah thanks for that my friend and yes I agree with what you was saying about the light I had seen this on youtube a while back and much more data and info on the Fecida, so I do apolyguise I should of updated this previously, so regarding this and some info I went off so i gathered all the research and found that i need light at 20"in 40% seedling veg 12-16"in 60-90% flower 8-12"in 70-90%, going off data I found light puts out about 220 at 14in so going off that for now currently at 16" 70% will keep increasing as i go, but thanks for that, im on it, and watched alot about prof bruce, theirs another one aswell cant remember his name, but yeah been taking all this in, and soaking it all up,
Regarding the roots just checked and they bright white and growing fast,
So just going off what ive seen of other growers plants at day 23 I think that light is doing ok for now, but will have the TS in the pipeline later down the line, so you I know this light not great, but for a starter and and early veg it will do, saw some plants grown from 1 on youtude, it wont huge or owt but he got about 50gms off 1 plant but shall see this 1st run just a learning grow anything to smoke will be a bonus lol, as finances abit tight atm got new car to get, so light on hold for a while, but yeah what ive seen from peeps results will be going the ts when i can, but thank you for the advice and thanks for stopping by
I'm glad you took my posting in the spirit in which is was intended and excellent attitude. The good thing about a light like that is that you can a start learning the ropes about growing, get a couple of ounces when it's all said and done, and not have to put out a lot of ££/€€.

"prof bruce" - great nickname. :)
yeah thanks for that my friend and yes I agree with what you was saying about the light I had seen this on youtube a while back and much more data and info on the Fecida, so I do apolyguise I should of updated this previously, so regarding this and some info I went off so i gathered all the research and found that i need light at 20"in 40% seedling veg 12-16"in 60-90% flower 8-12"in 70-90%, going off data I found light puts out about 220 at 14in so going off that for now currently at 16" 70% will keep increasing as i go, but thanks for that, im on it, and watched alot about prof bruce, theirs another one aswell cant remember his name, but yeah been taking all this in, and soaking it all up,
Regarding the roots just checked and they bright white and growing fast,
So just going off what ive seen of other growers plants at day 23 I think that light is doing ok for now, but will have the TS in the pipeline later down the line, so you I know this light not great, but for a starter and and early veg it will do, saw some plants grown from 1 on youtude, it wont huge or owt but he got about 50gms off 1 plant but shall see this 1st run just a learning grow anything to smoke will be a bonus lol, as finances abit tight atm got new car to get, so light on hold for a while, but yeah what ive seen from peeps results will be going the ts when i can, but thank you for the advice and thanks for stopping by
been watching alot with Harley Smith, and the Debacca cannabis uni, and getting alot of info and research regarding all aspects of growing
I'm glad you took my posting in the spirit in which is was intended and excellent attitude. The good thing about a light like that is that you can a start learning the ropes about growing, get a couple of ounces when it's all said and done, and not have to put out a lot of ££/€€.

"prof bruce" - great nickname. :)
yeah thanks and thats what i was thinking was going to start with the TS, but didnt know nothing at the time, so just thought it would make sense to start small and learn the basics, and if i could do it or not lol before spending more, so yeah no problem learning the ropes fast lol, but yeah soons I get to grips with things and think i know enough now, to expand only thinking max 2-4 plants so will just see how I get on, with the fecida 4 now but thanks for stopping by and enjoy your wkend my friend
ROOTS GONE BROWN TEMPS WENT UP WHILE NOT HERE, took out change bucketed cleaned air stone, sprayed roots with H202 half a cap 3% to 1l tap water, so now in new bucket just water ph6, so how much h202 to use for 3gl water, or any ideas where to go from here any help be great
Quick update on root rot:
Well after yesterdays was anxious as owt seeing that, but was due to changes in enviroment, landlord was about lol, so gave her the h202 treatment, and so far so good, looking loads better already, so given her a light feed 350ppm 2ml M 4ml BL, and 0.5 tsp pyscho myco, in bucket, as res as no h202 added,,so just seeing whats what later, then maybe will give everything a rinse with the h202 from the top dwn, but if things going ok and looking ok, will hold back, then do rinse tomoz with h202,as not to kill off all bennies, then rinse and re add and see how she goes, then on from there will decide if going to add h202 to res, but will hold off for now, and see, then go with rinse re add bennies and see, if nothing improves, then will go down the h202 added to res and go from there,
So going to keep doing what I was doing, and go from there with the above steps in mind, but Ive lowered her ppm for now and will see how she goes on and will increase if needed, but upto now looking alot better not spreading from what i can see, just a waiting game now, so thats another few lessons learned this wk, and this is the 1 I didnt want to be dealing with, but hopefully got it early identified cause, and adapted, so waiting game now, so would just like to say thanks guys for all the assistance will keep you posted

THIS IS WHAT PYSCHO MYCO HAS IN IT, this all good an ok yeah
Each and every bottle of Psycho Myco contains a crazy amount of goodness which your plants will love!

5 Trichoderma (20million prop/spores/gram)

- Trichoderma hamatum

- Trichoderma harzianum

- Trichoderma koningii

- Trichoderma longibrachiatum

- Trichoderma reesei

9 Endo Mycorrhizae (230 prop/spores per gram)

- Glomus clarum

- Glous intraradices

- Glomus Mosseae

- Glomus deserticola

- Glomus monosporus

- Paraglomus brasilianum

- Glomus ectunicatum

- Glomus aggregatum

- Gigaspora margarita

9 Ecto Mycorrhizae (230 prop/spores per gram)

- Rhizopogon amylpogon

- Rhizopogon fulvigleba

- Rhizopogon luteolus (5.5m/g)

- Rhizopogon villosuli

- Lacarria laccata

- Lacarria bicolor (5.5mil/g)

- Psiolithus tinctorius (500mil/g)

- Scleroderma cepa

- Scleroderma citrinum 3.5mil/g

Beneficial Bacteria (2 billion prop/spores per gram)

- Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

- Bacillus brevis

- Bacillus circulans

- Bacillus coagulans

- Bacillus firmus

- Bacillus laterosporus

- Bacillus licheniformis

- Bacillus megaterium

- Bacillus mycoides

- Bacillus pasteurii

- Bacillus plymyxa

- Bacillus subtillis

- Virigibacillus halodenitrificans
Glad you were able to clean her up and stabilize her. Going forward you'll need more than just the myco. If you can't find some good bennies (Hydroguard/Great White/Orca or search for "Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens"), then you may need to run a sterile res with h202 or chlorine/sodium hypochlorate. Personally, I think there are benefits with the beneficial bacteria in the root zone.
In the meantime, make sure you don't have any light leaks and change your water often. Good luck and happy growing.
Glad you were able to clean her up and stabilize her. Going forward you'll need more than just the myco. If you can't find some good bennies (Hydroguard/Great White/Orca or search for "Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens"), then you may need to run a sterile res with h202 or chlorine/sodium hypochlorate. Personally, I think there are benefits with the beneficial bacteria in the root zone.
In the meantime, make sure you don't have any light leaks and change your water often. Good luck and happy growing.
yeah the pyscho myco as loads init, not to sure whats what, but guy in shop said was good stuff, this is what in it, being a newbie, not got much of clue, just that ive read about few of them being good, so will see how she goes this wk, and go from there, will just give a quick dip in h202 every other day then add the pyscho myco after, just a waiting game now, but compared to yesterday, its like she back to full health, no noticable signs on plant or its leafs, so will give her abit of time before bumping up the feeds again, so all being well, will do as above, as well as monitor and collect my data, then if alls seems to be going well, then will start to up the fed etc, just taking this wk slowly and monitoring those roots, and keeping on top of it, but its few more important lessons learned, so its more experience under my belt, as longs as i can keep finding ways to rectify the issues (properly) and i catch them early Im starting to believe I might actually be able to do this, and grow my own, but we will see still a long way to go, but thats just about got through germination, seedling, and the veg stage, so next up will be the flower stage totally new scenrio, but i guess its just same practise just different nutes an fed, so will tackle this like i do life, just slow dwn, think, plan, prioritise, and beware of any pitfulls that my happen, so i can be ready to take on whatever my come, then we do our research, find the problem, double check, then go about overcoming the hurdle or issue, by finding and researching what it could, then tackle it, not just jump straight, will double check ask if need be, then find and resolve the issue the best i can,
So thanks guys all the info and advice as been amazing thank you, esp all you guys that keep stopping by to help or assist, i cant thank you guys enough, as this journey as wonderful and some amazing people helping each other, so once again THANK YOU will keep you posted on her shes doing, so you guys have a great wk enjoy the weather and be happy and have a blast
yeah the pyscho myco as loads init, not to sure whats what, but guy in shop said was good stuff, this is what in it, being a newbie, not got much of clue, just that ive read about few of them being good, so will see how she goes this wk, and go from there, will just give a quick dip in h202 every other day then add the pyscho myco after, just a waiting game now, but compared to yesterday, its like she back to full health, no noticable signs on plant or its leafs, so will give her abit of time before bumping up the feeds again, so all being well, will do as above, as well as monitor and collect my data, then if alls seems to be going well, then will start to up the fed etc, just taking this wk slowly and monitoring those roots, and keeping on top of it, but its few more important lessons learned, so its more experience under my belt, as longs as i can keep finding ways to rectify the issues (properly) and i catch them early Im starting to believe I might actually be able to do this, and grow my own, but we will see still a long way to go, but thats just about got through germination, seedling, and the veg stage, so next up will be the flower stage totally new scenrio, but i guess its just same practise just different nutes an fed, so will tackle this like i do life, just slow dwn, think, plan, prioritise, and beware of any pitfulls that my happen, so i can be ready to take on whatever my come, then we do our research, find the problem, double check, then go about overcoming the hurdle or issue, by finding and researching what it could, then tackle it, not just jump straight, will double check ask if need be, then find and resolve the issue the best i can,
So thanks guys all the info and advice as been amazing thank you, esp all you guys that keep stopping by to help or assist, i cant thank you guys enough, as this journey as wonderful and some amazing people helping each other, so once again THANK YOU will keep you posted on her shes doing, so you guys have a great wk enjoy the weather and be happy and have a blast
I'd like to read your posts but, without punctuation, it's a slog.
How's it going @spab1311

I was curious want your solution temperature?

Sometimes, when the solution temperature is over 72 degrees for a period of time; It allows rot to set in.

Stay safe, and Grow well my friend,
Solution temps around 19-21 current 68f, been trying to keep temps down to 20c, room temps about 22-23c, temp of leaf 24c-25c
but yesterday had my landlord here doing some repairs, and it slipped my mind, as was giving him an hand and keeping him out the way, as he dont know lol, so turned everything down fans air pump etc, was for 3-4 hrs, and when i got chance to do my checks, straight away saw the colour of the roots, and realised what had happened, so prepared new bucket, fresh water, cleaned out air stone an pipes with h202, then added a capful of 3% h202 maybe was about 3-5ml to 1ltr of water, gave plants good spray, and returned to new bucket, just tap water ppm 300 ph 6, left her be for few hrs, and looked better already, so gave a light fed, which she took,2ml M 4ml Bl, so today checked looking better no new browning or anything, water level dropped slightly to, so she eating an drinking, so today gave another small top up 1ml M 2ml Bl, and she looking good no ill effects yet!, but watching closely, but hopefully got it early, fingers crossed, then later at same time i rinsed and sprayed roots yesterday, did same today 3ml h202 1ltr, sprayed from hydroton down, then added back to res and added 1tsp of pyscho myco, just had a quick check few hrs after, everything looking ok for now, so will keep up the above and just raise fed slowly, and monitor my data, and go from there watching learning all the time
I'd like to read your posts but, without punctuation, it's a slog.
yeah sorry my english is poor and grammer punction etc are bad I know, thats 1 of my worst topics writing spelling etc, hated it at school still do now, but I will try to think about improving that, just lazy I guess so will pay more attention, before just posting will read through it, as i dont normally
my plant is looking ok for now, and this is pics of the roots as they are now, what do you guys think? so just taking it easy, with her now, watching her an temps closely



yeah sorry my english is poor and grammer punction etc are bad I know, thats 1 of my worst topics writing spelling etc, hated it at school still do now, but I will try to think about improving that, just lazy I guess so will pay more attention, before just posting will read through it, as i dont normally
Understood. English is a tough language to learn - it's got lots of exceptions and quirks.

Plants looking a lot better but I do see one red root and a couple red spots. What's in the res that would cause that?
Understood. English is a tough language to learn - it's got lots of exceptions and quirks.

Plants looking a lot better but I do see one red root and a couple red spots. What's in the res that would cause that?
those little red shards are bits of plastic, its off the lid I recon, so would that cause any harm or rot, as i need to make sure nothing falls in res is that right, as could strands of tobacco cause root rot, as i did pick a strand out that got in there, so just learning as I go, a lesson at time lol and we stride on,
So thank you for stopping by and assisting, always eager to listen an pick up tips an tricks from you experienced growers, whos been there, done it stilling doing it etc, as cant beat it, so all ears, and wanting to know more, which I guess I will learn an pick up bits as I go, but cant beat having a big pool of exp growers around to assist if possible, but would like to get as much as i can under belt for this run, so when i switch it up, and get a better light, I will know what Im doing and what I need to do, so that run will have the best chance, as should be less fk ups, but we will see how this one goes before getting ahead of myself,
So thanks for stopping by, hope the grammer isnt too bad

OMG like when you think things cant get much worse, had a heat wave here today in lincs UK, had to make some big decision and sacrifice the W/W, its a good a got hit earlier in wk with the dreaded root rot, so kind of know what to do know, but with those temps today was struggling, so had to make the RH priority, so planned for this in a fashion, had frozen bottles in freezer, and emptied out the fridge for 15 litres, so had to put RH 1st as just couldnt keep temps down on both, so for W/W no air stone all in the RH, so just gave her straight tap water for now, kept changing it for fresh 19c tap water, to keep as cool as poss, its like that saying, waiting for a bus an 3 come at once, so full attention on the haze, to make sure I keep it all dialled in as best as I can, and will do what i can to keep the W/W going best I can, the haze is looking fine grow fast still, so just concentrating on keeping those temps down, and bare all this in mind now moving forward, deffo an eye opener, and a big learning curve, but I think the haze will be ok, so will keep up what I was previously doing and go from there, its just all about keeping those res temps now, so i can keep on top of it, so will see how she goes and will try to keep 1 step ahead, an try be prepared for what my come,

quick update
well temps gone dwn now, so did water bucket change etc, and started with sterile rez, so lefted out the myco, so see how things go, but it looks alright and still growing fast, roots not got worse, so we will go from here, just track my data, and respond to fed etc, so will relax abit now, as someone says i might be just seeing the staining due to the myco, but still was advised to cut it out, an run sterile, and an see how she does, so everything dialed back in now, so will try keep on top an see how she is at the start of the wk, so enjoy and have a blast, and enjoy the wk ahead guys
Well seems to of got things in order for now, running sterile system now, and yeah things seem to be going well so far, she feeding well, so will keep up with the data, and go from here, so she seems to be responding well to the LST so will adjust keep her as she is an see how she goes, but she shooting up fast now, so will keep up what ive been doing and see where we at, so hope you all had a great wkend, and wish you all the best for the wk ahead happy growing guys
since I topped her she been growing fast, all new growth and under growth all leveling out, hope this all looks right, and Im doing it properly, as she filling out fast now, looks like the root rot under control, so things looking up,roots look healthy, so she should be going into flower soon, wkend going into next wk, going off grow chart
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