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Wow...that's a great light to win. Nice.
That will flower some monsters.
Alot bigger than the ts1000 you were looking at.
yeah it be more then what i needed, Im well pleased, this means my next run, is not going to hit my pocket hard, so just need to get a decent exhaust fan now, and thats me sorted, as only looking at doing 3 may be 4 and that will get me all I need, so yeh looking forward to it coming, might even be here to finish off the RH flower stage, we will see, so you take it easy my friend and thanks for stopping by, happy growing my friend
Yep..that light will have a bit more heat than your dealing with now so a decent exhaust would be great. Mars hydro are doing a decent one now, comes with a temp/speed control.
They're a sponsor here so members get a small discount.

All coming together.:thumb:
thanks my friend, you will have a look at that as spider farmer do one, was looking at that, so yeah will look into and now I can invest abit more then I was originally going to do, so yeah things looking great and she shooting up with this stretch stage
Hey I’ll take a seat if you don’t mind! I’m fairly new to dwc but I’ve got one under my belt and starting a second, yesterday. I’m all about sharing knowledge and growing upwards and onwards
thats great my friend pull up a seat, my english isnt good, esp my grammer etc its good to have people on board all wanting the same, to grow our own quality smoke, so pleased to have you here, this my 1st ever run, did a little growing veg, but new to all this, so learning as i go, and been helped out alot by all the guys, but she looking great so far, but now this is the best bit, seeing the buds starting off, and the most important, so just keeping things as simple as possible, so i can pick up an learn all the basics, before jumping straight in, so tune in and we will see what my girl does,

so quick pic and she shooting up now in this stretch stage


Quick update
Well when I started this, with the W/W never thought id have a plant like the RH, proper pleased, esp with the W/W I was like mines not like yours, and soon got all dialed in, just need to smash this next stage, and master the flowering stage, so we will soon see how these buds start to come, not expecting anything special like esp as I only got a tiny light, but she likes great, and Im picking it up

QUICK UPDATE day 56 wk3 flower (day 20)

Hi guys well its been very hot over here temps 30c, but plant doing well, looks like her stretch as slowed, now her buds starting to fatten up, still going off my charts, and had no issues so far, so atm EC 1.6 PH 6.0, will keep increasing for next fews wks then start cutting back, but yeah she filling up her space as she just about reaching 3ft x 3ft x 2,5ft high, so she spread out well and shes above the average height for this strain, so things looking good, but still a way to go yet, and its all about this next bit, the BUD production, so we will soon see, what these buds become, cant wait, so yeah guys hope you had a good wk and just wanna say have a good an enjoy my friends all the best an happy growing





Everything came today all in perfect condition, well pleased, everything swapped over, so got the light at 30inches for now see how she takes to it, can see the power difference an brightness already, a massive improvement, so will keep a close eye on her an see how she takes it, but over the moon well pleased, and with having this light Ive spread out the mains, using fishing rod rests, so I get more light spread out evenly, so those smalls can get some light now



yeah its coming along great over the moon with my beans an stickers, feel like a grower now, lol, yeah been watching her closely while she adapts, just notice top leafs starting to curl upwards, so heat or light yeah, so raised the light higher, and just see how she goes, and so how she responds to it, what you guys think, light now at 40inches, and I will just keep a close eye on her an see how she goes night, its been a happy start to the wkend, was so pleased to grab my prezzies, was well impressed with my stickers, I knew nothing about growing, before signing up, did some research got some simple basic hydro set up, and went from there, learned so much, and feel better in myself, being able to help others, dont worry I will make sure when, I run my next string, I will do my best to put all what ive learned into action and max out my space, and this time I will be well prepared, and will take advantage of using that light to its best, and I will log it all properly and lay it all out so its easy to follow,

So hope everyone had a good wk, so have a blast and enjoy your wkend my friends and all the best happy growing guys


Perfect timing with the light arrival...just as the flowering starts.

The company that makes the light should have a par map somewhere..that will give you an idea at which height to hang it.
I usually keep my autos at max around 850 ppfd. That usually works out around 45,000 to 50,000 lux. When doing autos I don't go over 50,000 as they get more light hours than photo period plants.

You can get a light meter app for your phone to measure your ppfd or lux.
I bought a cheap lux meter on the internet to measure mine.

Mate...your plant is going to be awesome. :goodjob:
Perfect timing with the light arrival...just as the flowering starts.

The company that makes the light should have a par map somewhere..that will give you an idea at which height to hang it.
I usually keep my autos at max around 850 ppfd. That usually works out around 45,000 to 50,000 lux. When doing autos I don't go over 50,000 as they get more light hours than photo period plants.

You can get a light meter app for your phone to measure your ppfd or lux.
I bought a cheap lux meter on the internet to measure mine.

Mate...your plant is going to be awesome. :goodjob:
yeah what happend with the light was?????? I entered a comp on High on home grown, to win a HLG 600R, and I won, but cause me grow area only 3x5x8, was just to big, esp here in uk, to high risk, with a monster light like that, So I offered to swap it with the other finalist, if he could max it, and make the most of it, as I couldnt didnt have the experience or space, so asked if he could max it, an if he has one to swap similar to a TS1000 that my plan, and he siad he could max it, and he said he had BP4000 400W, which was more then enough for what I will ever need, and he sent me a load of seeds to, bruce banners, alien OGs, lemon, and some percy grow room seeds, so got enough to get me going for a long while, esp only thinking of only running 2x plants at a time,
yeah I got some rough par numbers and heights of the guy, but going to dwnload, that par app, and get things dialed in,
Still not got an extractor and filter sorted yet, but its in the pipeline, being looking at the spider farmer kits, abit cheaper then AC, but thast next my friend, but its not smelly plenty of air flow, and I always go in and push the air out, manually lol,
But things going great learned so much, cant believe what Ive been able to pick up over a short time, and the plant shows its all working and she deffo in that ballpark of where she should be, so looking forward to watchin the buds stack up,
so thanks for stopping by and hope all well my friend, so enjoy you wkend and have a blast

Like if I can nurse my babygirl through this heat, I think I will be able to handle anything that come this way now, but we will see, doing my best to get temps down in bucket as low as poss, just putting bottled ice in, she should be used to it, was fine last time round, but temps not this high, could do with my light now, as that BP4000 kicks out some heat esp compared to the tiny fecida, which like run ice cold lol, but still its about getting the best out those buds, and they loving this light even at 40"inches 100% power, those lower stems shooting up, out and popping all over now, so they are all stretched out getting as much light as poss, did some light defol today just leafs that were covering buds, dont want take to many off, just 1s covering, but next run I will know what Im doing, so will make more use of the LST etc, as my LST was abit like mainlining i think the call it, but she as blown me away, so far, certainly never thought she be this big, I thought she might come under the min strain height, being a newbie, and she already at there like max rec height, those 4 mains stacking up heavy, and now those lowers shooting up to catch up with those mains, just cant got over how she as exploded over the last 3 wks like wow, just so excited to see how finishes off, and what sort of yeild she will give, thats if I get her there, this heat like wow, expecting to have to deal with the root rot again, but will do the same as before if it does, but this heat as had me busy none stop but it will be worth it the hand, she best thank me, as the misses dont get as much attention, and I will be in big trouble, so just doing what I can to nurse her a long in heat

only thing I can really do atm, deffo didnt plan for 30c + temps here in the UK, but I will whinge it this run, and do my best, and what will be, will be!!! but took so much in from this run already, learned so much, with help and assistance from you guys, but it will all be in plans for next summer, as this run was just a minimum low budget run to learn and see if I can grow, before spending more, but now Im confident of over taking things to the next stage, so I will get all my ducks in a row from the off, on the next run, as my extractor and air flow will all be installed and set out to just run 2 at time, and try max out for less,(see what I can get by feeding less) but going off what the plant tells me, not nute guides! as ive got all my data from this run, to go off as like basic guideline, and yeah all plants are different so will take that into account to, but I will be able to start them off putting all that Ive learned here and from this run to good use, and hopefully will have it all dialed in proper this time! so yeah just trying to get her through this heat wave, and get her to the end, but now its all exciting to see these buds stack up, as I just dont know what she going to like, but she looks good and cant believe how big she is, and shes got good stems and thick branches to hold the weight, not to fussed about the yield, just wanna grow some decent stuff, then I can work on the yield when I nail that, so cant wait to see what these next 4-5 wks brings on, so heres a few pics, and she looking great even these temps in 30c she still holding up,




but going off what the plant tells me, not nute guides
@spab1311 , well said and I wholly concur. Listen to what the ladies are telling you, they don't lie.

On another subject. You guys are breaking all kinds of heat records there in Europe. I read where the Royal AF had to shut down a runway due to the asphalt melting. Ouch.
I’m dealing with the heat for the first time this year as well. I prefer winter, it’s much easier for me. I got a chiller last week and set it up kinda rigged for 2 buckets. I’m not sure how well it’s working yet but I know it would work well In just one bucket. Thing cost 200$ though. I can’t wait till winter though! I didn’t think it was going to be this hard or hot but hey we’re doing it aren't we. Keep up the good work!
@spab1311 , well said and I wholly concur. Listen to what the ladies are telling you, they don't lie.

On another subject. You guys are breaking all kinds of heat records there in Europe. I read where the Royal AF had to shut down a runway due to the asphalt melting. Ouch.
thanks for stopping by my friend, yeah never had temps like this in my life time, trains not running all sorts of head aches?
and the less is more theory is what thought was best, my over feed when she will only take what she wants, so just give that in a smaller amount and raise it she needs more, being a newbie its doing the busy so far
I’m dealing with the heat for the first time this year as well. I prefer winter, it’s much easier for me. I got a chiller last week and set it up kinda rigged for 2 buckets. I’m not sure how well it’s working yet but I know it would work well In just one bucket. Thing cost 200$ though. I can’t wait till winter though! I didn’t think it was going to be this hard or hot but hey we’re doing it aren't we. Keep up the good work!
looked at chillers, but wanted to do low budget first so I can learn, but will deffo be thinkung about a DIY cooler etc, but that all be for next summer now, but all the best and thanks for stopping by
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