DWC Fastbuds Gorilla Cookie Auto

looked at chillers, but wanted to do low budget first so I can learn, but will deffo be thinkung about a DIY cooler etc, but that all be for next summer now, but all the best and thanks for stopping by
My first go I did the same. Are you going to give it a go in the winter? It was so much easier for me. I watch a UK chap stream weekly. Arthur king live, he’s funny as heck, and metal detects. I don’t imagine you’ve heard of him eh?

But yeah record heat… I know you got the cold water bottles in the buckets but have you also thought of an indirect approach as well? Here’s my chiller set up. You could drop more bottles in the bottom tank to indirectly chill the bucket water. Idk if it will keep things cool longer but I figured I’d pass it on in the event it could help.


Yeah...you're gonna need that filter soon..that girl gonna stink. Lol.
Hope you're having a good weekend also...not to hot for ya.
I've got the ac on this afternoon....off down the beach later to cook down.
been a killer this heat, temps 34c room and bucket temps 30c, but she doing ok, been alot of work and effort trying to keep on top, and do my best, been watching those roots closely for any sign of root rot, but all clear for now, so hope alls well your end, and did you enjoy it down the beach cooling off with a quick dip, so you have good wk my friend enjoy an all the best
My first go I did the same. Are you going to give it a go in the winter? It was so much easier for me. I watch a UK chap stream weekly. Arthur king live, he’s funny as heck, and metal detects. I don’t imagine you’ve heard of him eh?

But yeah record heat… I know you got the cold water bottles in the buckets but have you also thought of an indirect approach as well? Here’s my chiller set up. You could drop more bottles in the bottom tank to indirectly chill the bucket water. Idk if it will keep things cool longer but I figured I’d pass it on in the event it could help.


yeah had summits similar in mind, but yeah thanks for that, and yeah deffo full time till have way to much for own use, hopefully, but these 1st few my learning grows, this 1 was just to learn the basics, and understand the science to, and with the next grow, I will have that behind, and will be able to tweek bits to increase my yield, etc, but yeah it will all be about putting what ive learned to practise, and getting as much bud as poss, so yeah going to be here a while, so please feel free to stop by, so thanks my friend and all the best

Well temps been alot more manageable last 2 days, so yeah she stood up well to that heat wave, and its given me alof of confidence going forward to be able to overcome most issues, but the things Ive learned here on this grow, is going to give me a good platform to take it up a notch, next time, as I cant wait!!!

Well I did raise the EC to 2.0 but this heat wave came in, and she stopped eating and starting drinking loads, so just topped off with tap water, as was not eating, and lowered EC 1.8 and now things settled with temps, shes eating and drinking again, so topped nutes back up to EC2.0, and all looks to be settled and dialed back in, (and ready for next heat wave to come) had a good look at the roots they all look fine, no browning, no slime no smells etc, but was in awe of the roots, these last 2-3wks they have exploded and starting to fill her out down there, I also was going to pull down the mains a little, but Im abit heavy handed and I split her branch at the join, so taped it up the best I could, and also tied her up for added support, will deffo remember to be a little bit more kinder on her next time round

So all settled for now and all looking an going as it should, so will just continue as I was, following my data and watching her for signs, and keep everything dial in, and off we go again!!!

So thanks for stopping by guys, so pleased to get her through this heat wave, esp with what temps did last time round but Im more equipt now, and have that tiny bit of experience to keep me calm now, so thanks guys its friday tomoz and the start of the wkend, so hope you guys stay safe, be happy and have ablast


Hi there guys, well I was freaking out a little bit earlier, was just having a look an inspecting for pests, thought I saw some fine webs, but re checked cant see any sign of the webbing now, lost sight of it lol, but been checking leaves, but my eyes not good up close, so going to get a microcsope or summits, but what i did find which it could of been, was 1 of misses hairs, which had blown in there, so constantly checking top an bottom of leafs, and all over her, so best keep my a close eye, dont wanna mess it up or lose it to pests, as going to look into the predator mites, just not yet low as abit low on cash, I have seen a few DIY sprays, baking soda, h202, neem oil, insectesidal soap etc, but dont wanna try summits I know nothing about, could ruin everything, so any cheap DIY ideas hints tips etc, for these, if it was, spider mites, but its best to be prepared and do some preventitive action if possible, as was when we had these high temps doors, windows etc were open, given a free invite damb,!!!!!!! but been on exterminator duties the lst few days, just splatting anything if it moved, apart from a lady bird that made an apperance, had her fill an she gone, so going to see if I can catch some and let them go, but would or could they make things worse in the grow room, but may be bringing summits else, or would it be fine, not got much of a clue when it comes to pests, this is the first signs of anything like this, but not able to pred mites for 10 days, so any tips or hints I can do to hold um at buy, and keep numbers down, until I sort summits better, so I can try stay on top of these buggers.

Ive seen a few things online, but not conclusive enough for me to try, as dont wanna fk it all up, it might not be mites, but best to get on top an do preventive measures, and just be ready and prepared to do what I can, I will be deffo looking closely in there an see what I can, if they is, and kill what I can, I will have a better look later and give her a furrow looking over, and will try to gets some pics, if I find or see summits, and see what you think!!!

So guys wkend is here, time to put up the feet, and have a blast, so you all have a good time, take it easy TOKER

Well I think I must of been smashed last night, as cant find any mites, or webbing, it was early hrs lol, but checked all over couldnt see any or any signs of eggs or poo or leaf damage, but just to be on the safe side, moved plant out, cleaned everything with H202 in grow room and moved her back in, and so far so good, all sterile now, and will be giving this alot more attention, I did slightly over look this, but Ive been reeled back in back to basics lol, So with this going on, I decided to lollipop the lowers, probably could of took a few more, but didnt want to over do it, esp with having that branch splitting, but she show no signs of stress, and the branch is solid, Im being careful with her now, abit heavy handed, so shes got some good light penetration and plenty of air flow, heres a few pics of how she is now after her trim



Quick inspection update:

Well had a good look every where, just me being paranoid about the mites invading, and ruining what Ive done, but doing some pest preventative measures best I can, and making sure its on the daily data schedule, well plants seems to of slowed down eating as much, but she drinking alot, so as she doesnt seem to be eating as much just topped off with water and lowered EC slightly, and will monitor situation and and adjust accordingly going off my data and chart,

So after I did some lollipopping and some defol she seems to be responding well, should she still be growing height at this stage, as she has grown loads since I installed the new light, but she just started it to get abit darker, the buds are starting to fatten and her tricomes as are begining to show and spread, so got temps at 27c night 22c RH 40-50% but tends to be around 43%, but these numbers are for a normal day,(here in UK) thats were its most settled and easy to maintain, but was tough with heat +40s, but managed to keep her to the low 30s and we got through, but we supposed to be into the 30s again next wk, but know I know she can take the heat, and still thrive,

heres the lower branches now slowly catching up and looking good





QUICK UPDATE (day after res change)

Well everything seems to be dialed back in, she eating and drinking again, EC 1.3 PH 5.7, so I will top up her feeds now, back to EC 1.5, PH 5.9!!!!

Just started looking into VPD, not really been bothered with it, but been looking into with how much my plant was drinking, and thought this would be able to help, you know with tracking the VPD I can try to make sure shes not having to work overtime, is my understanding of this correct, if your VPD numbers are high, the plants transpires more, has to drink more to keep itself cool, so if I kept this in the correct range, it should help things yeah, so shes not having to do to much, is that about right guys?

So Ive downloaded a VPD chart which can track all this for me, just enter the temps and RH an Leaf temps, and it gives you the data, not to sure about all this just yet, being a newbie, but I input my data and gives a VPD 1.58 kpa, not got any clue what this means just yet, but it gives you a chart it follow your progress, and does all the calculations for you,

So Im I correct in saying if I keep in the right range VPD, this will aid my plant to fatten up more, as she want be having to work harder, and this means more time to spend fattening up, rather then drinking to cool etc, does it that sound like Im in the right sorter ball park, as now I have abit of experience and kinda know what Im doing, I have abit more time to look into and tweek other things, but I will always take on board any advice an tips, like my good friend Woodl2 told me less is always best, and just watch your plant and she will tell you what she wants, and he is bang on, took all his advice in, and yeah did like he said, (even though he had to reel me back on) and yeah this plant is smashing it, I just did like he said!!! took all my data religiously, so I could always go back to it if needed, I just followed the numbers, keeping things simple with the Lucas formula, bumping it up a 100ppm a wk, upto this stage wk10 1000ppm EC2.0, and now just started to lower that to the above, I have been adding the Calmag on every other res change, as my tap water has about 100ppm 60-40, so didnt want to over do it, just added 3ml to 3gln on every other res change, had no issues or problems so far, but its deffo 1 ive been watching, but no issues,

So Im well impressed to get to this stage wk10 day 70,,,,,day 34 of flower, and to see how big she is Im amazed was thinking like 60cm high, and she hitting about 90x90cm, but knowing what I do now, and with that little experience I know that I could of done abit more with the LST etc, but I was about worried about over doing it, but yeah got a good grasp of things now, and I will be able to take advantage of this on the next run, and see what I can grow, knowing what Im actually doing lol, and that will be the test lol cant wait to run the next one

Well heres a few pics at day 70 wk4-5 flower buds just starting to stack and swell she got abit of frosting not loads but smelling sweet, its all about these next 4-5 wks now



QUICK UPDATE ON Calmag issue

Well it looks like its got slightly worse,,,adding 3ml Calmag daily,,,so will bring it up to 5ml today and see how she gets on with that,,,just starting to see abit of leaf curl,,which will be down to lowering the light,,,so do you think it will be best to move it back,,,she currently on Day 77 42F,,,,




Hiya spab. Good to see ya.
I thought you'd disappeared.
Plant's looking great.

Regarding the calmag. What does the company that make it say to use?
Alot of calmag products can have high n-p-k numbers, especially the N part.
So be carefull with that.
I don't know enough about the Lucas formula to advise...
Hiya spab. Good to see ya.
I thought you'd disappeared.
Plant's looking great.

Regarding the calmag. What does the company that make it say to use?
Alot of calmag products can have high n-p-k numbers, especially the N part.
So be carefull with that.
I don't know enough about the Lucas formula to advise...
Hi there my friend thanks for stopping by,,,yeah been a little busy,,and ive got a couple of journals on the go on different sites,,,same grow etc,,but as you know alot of people do things different,,so with being a total novice,,,did as much research as I could upto the point where they was nothing else to research without having the plant on the go,,so I put all that to good use,,to make sure it was going to be success as I covered all bases lol,,so I casted out my line far and wide,,and now just collecting all the data and picking through all the tips and advice and using what works for me,,,and so far its done the trick,,,been alot of work trying to keep on top of it all,,,but its going to pay off in the long run going off this grow as a starting point,,,and yeah can take things up a notch from here for the next run,,,its 1 of them ones,,were I went to get this grow out the door,,and begin the next, having this behind me to go from,,,as I could of done alot more in the veg stage with the LST etc,,but yeah got a rough idea what Im doing now,,,So cant wait to step things,,going to double up for the next and max the area 3x4x8,,,as this haze spreads out 3x3 on her own,,,but it is a Haze strain,,,but with the success of this grow so far,,,and it looking like it going to give more the I expected,,,as I started off with a target of about 50-75gms,,,and looks like might have about that so will see at harvest an dry time,,,,but yeah for the next run running Barneys fams Zkittles OG auto,, a "Percys grow room seed" Clark kents armpits,,,,aka Lemon super skunk,,,,,so going to run these 2 side by side,, now the Mrs can see I kinda know what Im doing now,,,so she not seeing it as a money pit now pmsl,,,well shes that impressed she going to let me get the AC infintity cloudline 6" with controller,,,so yeah things looking up and going in the right direction,,,,so hows you my friend been a while,,,hope you an your family are well,,and has your boy been on them drums lol,,,,
Have you been and had a look at "percys grow room" another top class site,,like this 1,,very helpful an friendly people over there,,,been on a few grow sites but this 1 and "Percys" by far the best ones,,,well thats what Ive found so far,,,,so yeah thats 1 reason why Ive been getting abit behind with my journal,,,
Hiya spab. Good to see ya.
I thought you'd disappeared.
Plant's looking great.

Regarding the calmag. What does the company that make it say to use?
Alot of calmag products can have high n-p-k numbers, especially the N part.
So be carefull with that.
I don't know enough about the Lucas formula to advise...
Im using GH nutes Micro Bloom
Lucas formula just a 2:1 ratio of 2 parts Bloom 1 part Micro,,,for the whole grow,,,,
GH says not to add Calmag as enough Calmag in it already,,,,but thats maybe based on using the GH trio Grow, Micro,Bloom,,,
So because it said not need to use Calmag,,I didnt,,,as my tap water as Calmag init,,comes out about 300ppm,,which a 100 ppms are calmag,,so was cautious about using extra and having a excess problem,,,,but was just adding Calmag every other res change, 50-75ppm,,,so as to try cover all bases,,,but been told this is common when using high powered LEDs,,,summits about them, that makes the plant drain all the Calmag,,,
So been slowly bringing up Calmag upto 5ml per 3gln,,,,just trying to settle it down and nurse her through,,,,going off breeders info should be ready 2-3wks pistils just starting to tan,,,getting a microscrope next wk so I can check trichones properly
yeah thanks for that, Ive been looking into this going forward and i will be investing in R,O, filter abit further down the line once ive got a grip of things and have it all dialed in. I might not need to get a chiller being here in the UK, as temps rarely go above 25-27 C and thats in the height of our summer, it will be something I will keep an eye on, and if its needed then i will look into this, as i understand how important water temps are esp in DWC, so I will keep an eye on this going into summer,
just let me update this now Wow like temps hits 40+ this summer,,,so will plan my grows to miss the heights of summer and start Sept end around June for next summer so can miss out the high temps
Yeah for a first time you've pretty much smashed it...the research paid off. The timing of that bigger light arriving was perfect also.
It's all real world experience needed now.
I went to get this grow out the door,,and begin the next,
lol..that's when you know you've got the growing bug.
You'll end up going around normal shops looking at innocent items and thinking 'i could use that in the grow' :)
now the Mrs can see I kinda know what Im doing
full steam ahead buddie!

Yeah I'm good thanks..keep us updated.
Yeah for a first time you've pretty much smashed it...the research paid off. The timing of that bigger light arriving was perfect also.
It's all real world experience needed now.

lol..that's when you know you've got the growing bug.
You'll end up going around normal shops looking at innocent items and thinking 'i could use that in the grow' :)

full steam ahead buddie!

Yeah I'm good thanks..keep us updated.
Thanks my friend,,good to know alls well yourside,,,so thanks for stopping by,,and yeah everything has gone better then I could ever imagine,,and just took the time to do the research,,,plant science is where its at,,you learn and understand the building blocks,,and then you can optimise these things and get it all dialed in,,,then you can swap things up abit with nutes,,,microbes, teas, PK boasters, etc,,,so yeah got the plant science dialed in,,,now time to maximise yield using the microbes etc for next run,,,,,
So thanks for stopping by and I will keep you posted, on she goes this wk,,,but going to try settle this Calmag issue then start to lower her nutes,,,as going into last 3 wks now,,,time to get her to start burning up her reserves and lower that salt uptake,,,,,

Well guys the Calmag issue got slightly worse,,,but the worst bit is at the top of the plant,,,the lowers not to bad,,,so with this is mind would this issue deffo down to the light,,and its intensity, height, heat etc,,so will remember this for next,,and stock up the Calmag in veg,,well been doing like Woodl2 said,,just keeping her stable and topping up with water,,,and Calmag,,,,did my numbers this morning and she eating EC was down 1.3,,,which I took as a good sign,,so topped up her feds EC 1.5 PH 6.0,,,,so will watch this and on RC will drop EC 1.3,,and try bring it down going into these last few wks,,and get her using up all that stored energy,,before thinking about flush,,,,,will see how she goes just waiting to change res,,but with things being good dont want to disrupt things at the min,,,so will watch the data and go from there aswell watching her an those trichs,,,but will change over if any signs,,,,so just going to watch an see how she gets through this Wkend,,,then strip off some of the bad leafs,,,so you did say to take the lower ones first,,,but the fans are the the worst 1s,,,,so should I take the worst 1s first????

Heres a few pics of how shes looking now




Hiya spab..
Plant is starting to look real nice! Frosty!

would this issue deffo down to the light,,and its intensity, height, heat
It can be, with my autos I don't go over 50k lux (~850 ppfd)
But I think it's got more to do with our hard water in this case.
Usually hard water has lots of calcium but hardly any magnesium..so when you use calmag you can inadvertently overdose calcium which then reacts with potassium etc...so sometimes it might just need the magnesium rather than both.
Alot of British growers use nutrients that are designed for hard water. I use plant magic for hard water. I know a couple of others on here use shogun hard water nutes. Might be worth looking at.
Either way that plant is going to finish a beauty
Hiya spab..
Plant is starting to look real nice! Frosty!

It can be, with my autos I don't go over 50k lux (~850 ppfd)
But I think it's got more to do with our hard water in this case.
Usually hard water has lots of calcium but hardly any magnesium..so when you use calmag you can inadvertently overdose calcium which then reacts with potassium etc...so sometimes it might just need the magnesium rather than both.
Alot of British growers use nutrients that are designed for hard water. I use plant magic for hard water. I know a couple of others on here use shogun hard water nutes. Might be worth looking at.
Either way that plant is going to finish a beauty
thanks for that my friend,,,
Yeah will bare that in mind going into the next grow,,,,as being a newbie,,at that time didnt have a clue,,,never mind hard an soft water etc lol,,,but yeah know alot more now,,,and yeah that makes sense,,,as I was trying not to over do it with the Calmag,,,but will be prepared next time,,,,and will deffo look into that,,,,
So yeah things going well,,,just that calmag issue,,but into the last 2-3wks so just going to nurse her through cant do much about it now,,,been topping up with Calmag,,,but going to feed this wk then start bringing down EC,,and get her to start using up that stored energy,,,and then get ready for the home straight,
Just got one of those USB microscopes to start checking her trichs,,,,so far all just about cloudy few clear,,but going on what other growers have done,,,was about 13wks total around the 100 day mark,,so will start paying abit more attention to these next wk,,
So hows you my friend,,hope alls well and your enjoying the nice weather,,,so all the best and happy growing my friend

Well she seems to be doing ok,,did the Res Change and lowered EC to 1.0,,,,and she settled nicely so far,,,,still eating but she small amounts,,but everything seems dialed in,,,,the top fans leaves all brittle and crispy,,,,left them on far now,,,,been checking the trichomes,,,no cloudy so far,,,I will just do like I have been doing and then drop EC again at Wkend,,,and see what trichs are saying and go from there,,,but apart from the Calmag issue,,,things seem ok,,,got quite a few amber pistils coming through,,,,think I found what the issue could be with the Calmag,,,with me using hard water it as alot of calcium an not much magnesium,,,been common apprentley here if using nutes for soft water,,which I am,,,as I didnt know they did a hard water 1,,back then,,,dont think I know what hard water was back then lol,,,but will take note of that one for the next run,,,so hope you all had a good wkend and alls well in the grow room



hi there guys well just popped another bean,,,decided to go the fem photo route and try my hand at cuttings and keeping a mother plant,,,well looks like I got a understanding of the basics,,growing an haze auto,,,so looking long term and this might be the way,,,so we will see,,,,like to jump in at the deep end and see if its drowned or swim lol,,,but it makes sense to go this way,,,so popped a WSE Bruce Banner F3,,,jst popped so straight water and just water a little,,,,as easy to over water in seedling stage,,,so rockwool already soaked and ready so will have no need to water for a few days,,did add some pyscho myco before placing seed,,,will wait for signs of a good root development then move over to 5gn DWC bucket as above,,,so will keep you guys upto date an how things go,,,but as far as the RH goes she smashing it now,,just coming in the home straight last 2 wks dropped EC and lowering it slowly ready for flush,,,just checking trichs daily but mostly cloudly no amber yet,,so will just keep up the same and see how she goes,,,and go off the triches when she ready

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