DWC Fastbuds Gorilla Cookie Auto

Congratulations on the harvest. Looks like some nice bud on there. :welldone: What's your plan for drying and curing?
HANGING WHOLE TO DRY:::: trying for temps 18-20c RH 55-60,,,,but got it at 22c 65% for now,,,,temps abit high,,,looking to dry 7-10 days or when branches begin to snap,,then going to cure,,,not sure which way yet,,,paper bag then jar,,,a may be,,,will update when decided,,but exciting times now and the most important lol,,,so going to do my best not to mess it up,,,,but if I can do like I did with the grow,,, and be patient,,,Ive done the research now time to put it into practise
Anyone know much about electrics???????

So here goes,,,now Im not using the BP4000,,,and didnt have much time to think or do any adjustments when she came,,just plugged her in and measured height,,,so always wanting to find ways to help or improve things,,,,esp enviroment wise,,did my research as above,,and did alot of plant science,,,and what a cannabis plant needs,,,and how to get that full potential yield,,and 1st Genetics,,,2nd Light,,3rd Enviroment,,4th water,,5th,,Nutes,,6th Co2,,,

So just had abit of time to look at my set up and get things in place for this next run,,so had abit of an issue temp wise,,,,so i was looking at my BP4000 and they get hot,,,the have their drivers on top,,,so what I was thinking is,,,removing the drivers off the board,,,and attaching some more cable to the power output to the board from the drivers,,,so if I extend this and move the drivers outside my grow space somewhere,,,would this be ok,,,as know abit about electrics,,,cant really see any issues,,as long as i get the correct ampage cable to extend,,,,and was thinking about my air pump,,,but if I extended air lines to like 4m lets say,,,,then would that lower total air per min,,,and if so would it work if i added another pump extended to,,,but use the 2 outlets going into 1,,,would that be ok,,,or would the distance be ok?????? any thoughts,,,as now I can call myself a novice grower,,, and know its possible to do now,,So looking long term,,,so just trying to improve things slightly while Ive got the room,,,,and going to put up a scrog net,,,,an homemade version,,,here is what I was thinking,,,,was going to put some batons on all 3 walls ,my bucket is 15in high,,,,so how high would you have 1st net,,,last plant reached just over 100cm,,,so was thinking 1st net 20" above bucket,,and the 2nd support net 18-20" above 1st,,,,how high do you have your scrog Woodl2,,,and I was thinking about putting my small fan in the back corner above the plants,,,just below LED,,,,,and have the bigger lower down,,,,as I will of got the AC infinity 6" extractor and monitor ready to go for the flower stage,,,,any advise or recommendations,,

As looking to do a constant grow using cuttings long term,,,,Ive got an old chest of draws that ive been looking at,,,and turn into like a germination chamber,,,,and maybe split it into 2 levels have mother plant on 1 level top half,,then lower half cuttings,,,as I can use my small 65w Fecida and build this into the top,,,as the fecida did a great job vegging the haze,,,so should do the job,,,,any thoughts or ideas,,,or any plans you would imply,,,throw this way,,,,,so thats what Im thinking,, and the way I want to go I think,,,,

Well guys just trying to improve things while I can,,,and get it all on point when we ready to grow,,,,esp knowing what I do know, i can take this as the marker,,, and have that basic data to refer to now also,,,so not to much to do,,,but we will see the differance on this 2nd grow,,,,,

Hope you guys are well and growing strong,,,thanks for stopping by and if you have any input or ideas try me always willing to listen and try new things,,nothing set in stone yet,,,thats just my plan so I know where Im going and what I wanting to achieve,,,,so thanks guys hope you enjoy your wk,

just a few pics to show Led,,,an cables and what i thinking



hi guys quick update day 5 drying

Well peeps those fan leafs had to come off so decided to trim and take her down and trim her up abit as well as weigh her,,i weighed whole after chop and was just over 900g,,,just weighed whole and now 360g,,,cut away main stem which weighed 80g,,,so been left with around 250g which going to dry some more,,,but looking around may be 150g dry,,,cant moan at that can I for my 1st go with the 1 plant,,,so left the big colas to hang dry weighed 150,,,and trimmed lowers and placed in to cardboard boxes,,,21c 63% will give them that time till I hear that snap,,then place into jars for cure,,,will take some more pics soon esp the larger nugs,,,but all looking great so far,,,and well pleased with the outcome so far going to try some edibles I think



Yes you can extend the cord from the driver to the board. Would need the driver output volts and amp along with cord length to calculate wire gauge. Oversizing your wire is always a good idea. Reduce heat by reducing resistance. Heat is wasted power and too much heat is a fire hazard. If > 6meters of cord; 405wat/56volts= 7.25amps 14 gauge min. 405wat/12volts= 33.75 amps 12 gauge min. These are the minimum gauges! Don't skimp on safety.

Extending the air line will technically drop the volume. The drop will be vary minimal effect with a properly functioning pump. That is other than pulling in cooler air from outside the room. I do the same thing in the summer. Yes, you can run 2 pumps on one line but the pumps have a max volume and PSI that will not be exceeded so generally no advantage to it. Better off running them in parallel if your air flow is low.2 pumps, 2 lines, 2 stones, one res.
Yes you can extend the cord from the driver to the board. Would need the driver output volts and amp along with cord length to calculate wire gauge. Oversizing your wire is always a good idea. Reduce heat by reducing resistance. Heat is wasted power and too much heat is a fire hazard. If > 6meters of cord; 405wat/56volts= 7.25amps 14 gauge min. 405wat/12volts= 33.75 amps 12 gauge min. These are the minimum gauges! Don't skimp on safety.

Extending the air line will technically drop the volume. The drop will be vary minimal effect with a properly functioning pump. That is other than pulling in cooler air from outside the room. I do the same thing in the summer. Yes, you can run 2 pumps on one line but the pumps have a max volume and PSI that will not be exceeded so generally no advantage to it. Better off running them in parallel if your air flow is low.2 pumps, 2 lines, 2 stones, one res.
thanks for that my friend,,,yeah going to leave things as they are,,,,and may be do that for next summer if I have heat issues,,,as might need the drivers on with autumn on its way,,,LOL,,,and will just add another air pump,,,,but thanks for the above,,,as if I change the wires,,,will make sure to get the correct one,,,
just trying to plan ahead for the next grow,,,,,so I can maximise light,space,plants,,,,etc,,,as now Ive learnt the basics,,,now time to put it all into practise,,,,,
But thanks my friend for all the help advise its been great,,,and I do appriciate it,,,going out your way to assist thank you,,,
Well guys the royal haze as been drying for nearly 9 days now,,,tried to keep temps 20c but been hard to keep consistant,,,but been around 21-22c 63-65% buds now going into curing stage as temps rising slightly to much,,,but will burp reg,,,,for 1st few days,,,I know for some this might be abit early,,,but buds quite dry,,,,had some which I left to sun dry,,,,which I ground up,,,and it smoked ok,,,esp when your out??? but to say its not been cured yet its not a bad smoke as it is,,,so cant wait to smoke when its had a cure,,,,,been trying not to,,,but when your out,,,,its better then giving someone else my money,,,,for a smoke thats on par with my none cured homegrown,,,,,,collected all the trim was thinking about doing some cookies,,,,so many different ways to do this,,,,heard so many peeps say different things and its abit confusing,,,,,anyone else tried edidbles and did it go ok,,,,,as dont wanna waste it,,,
Edibles are as complicated as you make them just like any food. This is the method I have used for decades. Always delicious and potent.

Just throw all your plant trim on a cookie sheet, cover loosely with foil, and throw it in the oven. at 120 cel for 30 minutes. Dump that into a slow cooker with butter, veg, or any food oil on high for 2 hours, then medium for another 6, if you want to get it all, another 18 hours on low. Be warned this has definite odor. I used to make French onion soup at the same time to mask the smell when it was illegal here. Give it a stir when you pass by it. Strain though cheese cloth or fine metal screen calendar and cool. mix 50/50 with water, stir and place in freezer. Chlorophyll will dissolve into the water and plant pieces will freeze in the water. Scrape the "oil" off the top and dump the nasty ice block formed in the bottom. Add water an repeat the freeze steps again. Removing the chlorophyll gets rid of the harsh "green" flavor and smell when cooking and eating.

Place 1/2 teaspoon(2.5mil) on toast to determine dosing. Give it up to an hour to kick in and don't smoke. Once you find the right dose size you can substitute it into any recipe. Number of servings x dose. Any baked good works but don't frying or sauté.
Hi guys well after a 8 day dry,,,,she getting jarred a slight snap and dry,, with abit of sponge effect,,,temps went up slightly so dried abit quicker then was stated,,,but I think that was alot to do with giving straight water and allowing the plant to cannabolise her leafs,,,which helped i think to dry quicker,,,but been and sun dried some as Im out,,,and didnt make sense to buy more!!!! so yeah she smokes alright to say I just rushed dried some but its getting better,,,will let you guys know how it taste in wk or 2 as not going to be able to get that taste quality test,,,,but will keep you posted,,,,
Well guys not got any proper scales,,,but i guess scales are scales pmsl,,so using my fishing set,,,,so used a mixing bowl and placed it a plastic bag and weighed 995g with bowl and bag total,,,then weighed bag and bowl seperate 825g,,,so gives me about 170g but some still not de-stemmed so if I 50g for stems want be that much,,but scales may not be bang on,,,,so with what I have here 120g + as I have given may be 60-80gs away to friends,,so deffo would of be hitting that 200-300 marker,,,and wow was happy for 60-80g at the start,,,so well pleased with that and its not bad to smoke has is,,,but will not touch what I have jarred until 14 day cure and to do a proper smoke report with the cured bud,,,,,so just wanna say thanks everyone with you help this is what was possible,,,,alot of pressure now for this 2nd grow,,,here a few pics guys






Joined: 5 months ago


Hi guys well after a 8 day dry,,,,she getting jarred a slight snap and dry,, with abit of sponge effect,,,temps went up slightly so dried abit quicker then was stated,,,but I think that was alot to do with giving straight water and allowing the plant to cannabolise her leafs,,,which helped i think to dry quicker,,,but been and sun dried some as Im out,,,and didnt make sense to buy more!!!! so yeah she smokes alright to say I just rushed dried some but its getting better,,,will let you guys know how it taste in wk or 2 as not going to be able to get that taste quality test,,,,but will keep you posted,,,,
Well guys not got any proper scales,,,but i guess scales are scales pmsl,,so using my fishing set,,,,so used a mixing bowl and placed it a plastic bag and weighed 995g with bowl and bag total,,,then weighed bag and bowl seperate 825g,,,so gives me about 170g but some still not de-stemmed so if I 50g for stems want be that much,,but scales may not be bang on,,,,so with what I have here 120g + as I have given may be 60-80gs away to friends,,so deffo would of be hitting that 200-300 marker,,,and wow was happy for 60-80g at the start,,,so well pleased with that and its not bad to smoke has is,,,but will not touch what I have jarred until 14 day cure and to do a proper smoke report with the cured bud,,,,,so just wanna say thanks everyone with you help this is what was possible,,,,alot of pressure now for this 2nd grow,,,here a few pics guys






Joined: 5 months ago


this is minus what i took out for concentrates prob be 10-15g,,,so well impressed and not abad smoke as it is,,,better then some st sellers stuff,,,,cant wait to see how it is in a few wks time
Congrats on the harvest man, nothing like smoking your own bud!
Hi guys quick smoke report for the Royal Haze after 8 day cure,,,smoke is nice an mild with mellow taste no bad tastes,,nice sweet citrus smell,,,gave some to friends and was soon wanting more and all thought was a good smoke,,,so yeah all round this is a very good strain to grow for beginners with huge potential yield wise,,,is a good smoke to start the day,,I have arthritis and need a few joints to just get on my feet,,,and this does this job,,,and even more so is the fact of it being mild 15%thc the Mrs is able to smoke this without to much of a head buzz,,,so yeah this 1 to keep an eye out for,,,easy to grow quality buds and sweet smoke,,,at least I know I found that strain you would say would be your go to strain to cover all bases with quality smoke that does the job,,,so for a first grow, Im well impressed to reach this moment,,and with more weed in jars then I ever imagined,,and being suited to do what was indeeded,,,and its hit above all those I was wanting,,,,good start to my grow experience now time to step that up and max out the space,,,,and start the next,,,,so would recommend the RQS Royal Haze auto to anyone or haze smokers,,,quality and easy to grow pest an mold resistant,,,with great opportunity for awesome yields esp utilising topping and LST so would give this a 9/10 as a quality bud all round just its THC not giving 10,,,,been an amazing time and learned so much and time to reap what I sowed,,,been awesome smoking my own an not having to go steady with it,,,so now I know I can grow a plant time to max it out and put all those skills to the tests and see how I do,,,,as aiming high this time round as I under cut myself the 1st time,,thinking 50-60g so 300 1xplant 1st time,,,deffo think can run 3xplants this time and looking to hit that 1000g 1kg 2,2Lb mark dry,,,going off my last grow data and adjust slightly for each plant,,,and with a PK boasters this time,,I do think with 3 plants in my set up with what I will have,,,should pull that as a basic line 300g each dry,,,thats the target Ive put on my back,,,we will see if I get any where close pmsl,,,its all about learning and picking it up as you go,,,esp DWC gotta be on the ball as could go wrong quickly,,,
Glad you all are enjoying your own bud and you're excited for your next grow :) Tag me if you start a journal.
Well we going into my 2nd grow now,,,,but already had a few issues in the seedling stage,,,had a Bruce Banner F3 which I nearly burnt up overfed,,,,but flushed her and she making a comeback she about 5wks old now so set me back 3wks,good job wasnt an auto,,,but going to keep her in veg and take some cuttings,,,,,so just moved BB into 20l bucket with 300ppm straight tap water no fed,,PH 6.0,,,was watering with 100ppm bottled water then increased fed upto 250ppm with Micro and Bloom,,,,but now in bucket with water only 300ppm,,,,,her main tap root is not far off water level now,,going to allow her to adjust for a few days and let settle in,,,the will start to re-fed but at 450ppm as will be a baseline of 300 water,,,and will start to top up Calmag so she will have it stored for flower,,,but been nursing her through nearly there,,,her 1st set of leaves been removed as she basically burnt them up and the next set,,,but looking well now,,,,so going to take it steady but now should be ok,,as always seems to be the seedling stage thats the toughest as plants at the most delicate stage,,,still trying to get right hit an miss at time,,,but had 100% germination so far had a mutant but seems was done to seed getting stuck and losing a leaf,,but she seems to growing new leaves that like normal now,,so it looks like she going to be another 1 to fill and take up a spot,,,,,popped a CKA super LS auto just sprouted 100ppm water and will follow same procedure,,,I did germinate an Alien Gorrilla Fem but didnt want to overwater and ended up under watering I think,,,and she dampened off,,,i thought so removed just incase now she not in same area,,,,So now I have the photoperiod BB f3,,,Barneys Zkittles auto,,,2x CKA autos Clark Kents Armpits,,,so we will see what becomes of this and see what goes off with a bang,,,,,,,,,,,,so just running all plants under my mini 65w led which was good enough to veg out the Haze,,,so will be a good starter light to get them going before warming up the BP4000 which I will do a wk or 2 before flip,,,,or once all plants in buckets and ready to roll,,,,,so just getting 1 at time settled in then should lead to a staggered harvest,,,,



Glad you all are enjoying your own bud and you're excited for your next grow :) Tag me if you start a journal.
thanks my friend hope alls well,,,just about to kick start the next one,,,had a few issues but back on track and off again,,,this time taking things up a notch,,,filling out my space and tryying my hand at cuttings this time,,but also running autos to,,,which I plan to stagger harvest as i go like 1 out 1 in,,just wanted to run some autos to stock up my jars,,,,but wanting to take things up a stage and fill my space esp energy ££,,,,,trying to maximise everything and see whats my return knowing a little this time,,,,cant wait to vet them settled in veg,,,as always the worst bit when in seedling stage,,esp me Im clumsy as fk,,,so looking to get others into final 20L home and all should be plain sailing Im thinking pmsl,,,dreaming lol but looking to utilise everything and see what i can pull maximising what Ive learnt,,,,
As just going to follow on from here still going to be same system etc and all same medium as before just a mix of photo/autos though this time,,,so will add another strain report about all strains feeds lights nutes etc once I have them settled in and will get them in sorted and add to the journal,,,once there all ready,,,so thanks guys once they have moved on will update and let you know happy growing guys,,,and if you have any questions or any advice feel free to jump in my friend all ears its all about learning and wanting pickup and understand as much as you can about all aspects of growing,,,,to all the best happyngrowing guys#
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