DWC Fastbuds Gorilla Cookie Auto

As just going to follow on from here still going to be same system etc and all same medium as before just a mix of photo/autos though this time,,,so will add another strain report about all strains feeds lights nutes etc once I have them settled in and will get them in sorted and add to the journal,,,once there all ready,,,so thanks guys once they have moved on will update and let you know happy growing guys,,,and if you have any questions or any advice feel free to jump in my friend all ears its all about learning and wanting pickup and understand as much as you can about all aspects of growing,,,,to all the best happyngrowing guys#
You’re doing photo and auto same tent? Can do for the Veg stage of they photo but you’d have to go to a second light/ tent to have them dark 12 hours a day at some point I believe
You’re doing photo and auto same tent? Can do for the Veg stage of they photo but you’d have to go to a second light/ tent to have them dark 12 hours a day at some point I believe
yeah thats right my friend going to take the photo out and move to new mothering station I should have ready by then,,,well thats the plan my friend looking to try my hand at cutting etc,,,and keep the autos for jar for stock lol,,,but thinking long term and trying to find what works best for me you see,,,just wanna fill that 3x3 with 400w led and get biggest bang for my buck esp with the costs of electric set to rise,,,,looking to run 3 autos then put BB f3 an cuttings under my 65w led in a chest of drawers set Im building,,,,,then can move cuttings straight over 18-6 and will then I can flip when autos done,,,,which I still gotta get cuttings established but thats what I think could work,,any thoughts,,,all ears wanting to try and learn more
So we have a Bruce Banner F3 which is worse for wear,,,got her feeds mixed up and basically burnt her inside out poor thing,,,already lost her 1st set of leaves due to toxicity,,,but she picking up now slowly,,,,I allowed her to recover which i didnt think she would,,,she should be on like wk6,,,but thats all scrubbed,,,early veg wk1,,,just gone into DWC 20L bucket with tap water currently PH6.5 300ppm (tap water) added 1.5ml calmag to 3.75gl,,,roots not quite made into water yet but soon will be and will lower water level and get that air space below net pot,,,,and soon she grown some going to cover over with hydroton the white neoprene stuff is to reflect light and prevent algea forming,,,used summits similar last grow and it did the the job,,,,been using the pyscho myco just sprinkling on roots and not in res,,,,going to get another pump in a wks time 1 to run all 3 and then i have a spare,,,,so yeah just placed the CKA auto straight into DWC,,,not actively running atm,,,,but just popped a few days ago,,,so got her settled in but she not on tap water 100ppm PH6.2 from the top 75-100ml 3x25ml,,,will feed an bring EC up before switching res to tap water but a wk 10 days away yet,,,and I do have Barneys farm Zkittles auto day 13 but was abit mutilated at start had some funky leaf,,,but seems to be picking up now,,,so have the 3 to go under the BP4000 but also as back got another CKA about to pop as back up, if things dont go as I like, but if things go well, I will have 3 autos under the BP and the BB f3 as a mother under the Fecida 65w,,,but got abit to go yet but we getting there,,,


The B/B seems to be pulling through finally,,,but she as suffered and cant believe I still have her and see how she goes,,,I super flushed her after over feed,,,,now she be given some time seems to be picking up now,,,her roots have exploded,,,and their into the water,,,at 360ppm with some Calmag and Grow added,,,looking for her to start that rapid growth now,,esp now she as a good root system going on,,,,so with tap water now being used with a baseline of around 300ppm,,,,so bringing up ppms/EC slowly allow a time to adjust,,,then I will feed as before with a 100ppm a wk rise,,,being mindful of my 300ppm starting base,,,,,,and feed off from this like I did with the Royal Haze and it worked well that time,,,always on the side of underfeeding then follow the data and take note of the plants feeds,,,,see how much it drops in a sitting (4-6hrs),,,and just make sure if needed to x2 then they would be enough to cover this and abit more,,,,and watch the data taking at reg times and you will see when plants eat and how much,,,,on average,,,but it did me well last grow,,,thats the plan and now hoping the BB takes off,,,hope so its all within range now,,,,,and looking to see how she goes,,,esp after all she been through,,,
Well the mutant Barneys F Zkittles looks like she begin to pick up just gone into her final home and got a root popping,,,so looking like she might she be ok and make this,,,so yeah things all good atm,,,just waiting for these to get a abit more established and when its time will move them over to the BP4000,,,,all under the 65w fecida atm,,,,just waiting to have 3xDWC buckets to go,,so I can fill out the space and make the most of the light,,,,looking forward to this and will learn me alot,,,going to keep me busy this winter,,,so yeah we are getting there slowly,,,,,
You’re doing photo and auto same tent? Can do for the Veg stage of they photo but you’d have to go to a second light/ tent to have them dark 12 hours a day at some point I believe
photo type do require 12 hours of dark in flower but autos can flower in 12 hour dark as well. The auto will be slower with a slightly reduced yield from it's potential but it will survive, at least until harvest.
photo type do require 12 hours of dark in flower but autos can flower in 12 hour dark as well. The auto will be slower with a slightly reduced yield from it's potential but it will survive, at least until harvest.
yeah thats what I was thinking,,,Ive got 2 lights was going to put the photo in a chest of draws and inclose together,,,,for cuttings etc,,,but we will see how things go,,,,,but the photo was just to keep as a mother etc so ok to keep in constant veg in needed,,,,as not looking to go into flower with the BB not just yet,,,,trying to get 3x autos running 5gl DWC,,,,,then hoping to have a mother established and some good genes to see if its worth taking cuttings and that be the follow on,,, grow with,photos after these autos if they come on,,,that is,,,,,as I have Alien Gorrilla an BBf3 photos to try
You can keep a mother in the veg/auto room or do a perpetual grow, cycling of clones.


Advantages; Can take clone cuttings at any time you want. If you have problems with a current clone you can always just start over with a new cutting. Guaranteed no genetic drift. You can grow autoflowers next to the mother.
Disadvantage; Requires maintaining a nonproductive plant and grow space. Since they don't stop growing you can not stop pruning, but you want the new growth for clones. So don't prune too much. You will need a large flower and a large veg space.

Perpetual grow

Advantages; The only large plants in your grow are in flower. You need a large flowing space but vary little veg space. Every plant you are growing is actively moving towards harvest. 2 plants and 2 clones yield one harvest every 4 to 6 weeks.
Disadvantage; If you have a problem with a plant and have to start over you may be taking cuttings from a plant in flower. It is possible to take clones up to the last few weeks of flower. This can reduce your odds of rooting success and definitely throw off timing. It is a constant juggling act that takes practice and proactive control. There is a theory of genetic drift with this method. I have never experienced it or had any experienced grower confirm it. Every case I have herd of was connected to week clones taken from a stressed/sick mother. A healthy cutting from a week plant will restore the "genetics".
You can keep a mother in the veg/auto room or do a perpetual grow, cycling of clones.


Advantages; Can take clone cuttings at any time you want. If you have problems with a current clone you can always just start over with a new cutting. Guaranteed no genetic drift. You can grow autoflowers next to the mother.
Disadvantage; Requires maintaining a nonproductive plant and grow space. Since they don't stop growing you can not stop pruning, but you want the new growth for clones. So don't prune too much. You will need a large flower and a large veg space.

Perpetual grow-

Advantages; The only large plants in your grow are in flower. You need a large flowing space but vary little veg space. Every plant you are growing is actively moving towards harvest. 2 plants and 2 clones yield one harvest every 4 to 6 weeks.
Disadvantage; If you have a problem with a plant and have to start over you may be taking cuttings from a plant in flower. It is possible to take clones up to the last few weeks of flower. This can reduce your odds of rooting success and definitely throw off timing. It is a constant juggling act that takes practice and proactive control. There is a theory of genetic drift with this method. I have never experienced it or had any experienced grower confirm it. Every case I have herd of was connected to week clones taken from a stressed/sick mother. A healthy cutting from a week plant will restore the "genetics".
this is awesome thanks for this my friend,,,yeah trying to sort some sort of perpetual grow system out,,,got a grow space 3x7x8 got the bottom 3x3 set up with the BP4000 400w led,,,,then I have the rest to play with wanting to run 3x DWC autos in the 3x3 and the photo in the other half,,,but thinking I might only have 2 autos to run so might end up having the photo/autos together but keep the B/B in veg 18hrs and keep pruning and keep her trimmed like you said,and then I can be taking some cuttings and just see how they do, I can put them under the Fecida 65w and see how it goes,,,but thats the thinking sort of,,so we will see,,,want be long now till we know whats running,,,so thanks my friend been a great help thanks
and this Royal Haze after a 2 wk cure is getting better with age has that amnesia smell strong and nice an mellow,,,the Mrs dont like the strong stuff but she likes this one,,and so do friends they love it,,,,so yeah was great smoke and so smooth no harshness and would give a 7.5 out 10 well pleased with the end result and deffo would grow again,I think she dried abit to quick but turned out great so far,,,and will let you know how she smokes in a 1wk or 2
Don't forget you need more space than just the plants in there. Supplies, mechanicals, light barriers, walkways and of course you. I have a utility sink and a wall shelf in my flower room. Of the 12 x 7 foot space only 4 x 9 of that is plants. Two, or maybe a vary cramped three, flowering plants over fill there space. My veg closet has a 3 x 4 shelf for storage underneath and so I don't have to bend over to tend to them. I can fit 3 small veg on the shelf.
Don't forget you need more space than just the plants in there. Supplies, mechanicals, light barriers, walkways and of course you. I have a utility sink and a wall shelf in my flower room. Of the 12 x 7 foot space only 4 x 9 of that is plants. Two, or maybe a vary cramped three, flowering plants over fill there space. My veg closet has a 3 x 4 shelf for storage underneath and so I don't have to bend over to tend to them. I can fit 3 small veg on the shelf.
yeah trying to do a little to much,,,and had to reel myself,,,and yeah been having a few issues with seedlings dampening off,,,been using rockwool and not had much luck,,,going to try rapid rooters next time,,,,so yeah plans been dialed an abit now,,,,so looking to run 2x 20L DWC buckets under the BP4000,,,which is a barneys farm Zkitlles auto,,,and the B/B f3 photo which I will keep in the veg stage and keep it trimmed back,,,,and see about taking some cuttings etc if she picks up like she is doing,,,,,so will just have the auto Zkittles which will keep at 18-6 and then whens shes done or I could drop the hrs to 12/12 towards late flower of the auto to flip the B/B if needed,,,but will have extra space now lol so could allow her to keep growing,,,,,but we will see still thinking to far ahead,,,,but getting back to basics and keeping it simple now,,,,,as it looks like just the 2 for this run,,,,as dont wanna throw another seed in to the mix,,,be to far behind now so just going with what Ive got left now,,,and we will see what we do with the photo when the time comes,,,,put things going in the right direction now,,been able to get 2 established now,,,so thats we got,,,,I will follow what I did the last time,,,but topping up the calmag from the off this time,,,,,and with less is best in mind and reading the plant,,so looks like we are just about to get things moving again,,,,,so we will see how things go this wk both got roots going into water now so expecting to rapid growth over this wk and the next and then we will have a good idea where we are,,,and if they are going to amount to anything??? so we will see then we can set that plan knowing what we got is good enough to go and give her the love to grow an bloom,,,,lol so yeah still learning so much,,but picking alot as a go,,,and still so much to learn about,,,,esp that seedling stage lol so thanks for stopping by always willing to listen and take in advice,,,,and dont mind peeps having their say,,,here to learn more and improve my knowledge of cannabis an growing,,,but I dont like taking this slowly as you can probably guess,,,thats what the mrs has a re-tractable lead on me,,,so when I get to far she pull me back in pmsl,,,,but just eager to learn more to get the best out of grow etc,,,,and always willing to listen and take on aboard any advice,,,and appreciate all the input thank you my friend,,,so hope alls well yourside and everythings growing great an enjoy the wkend coming my friend


Don't forget you need more space than just the plants in there. Supplies, mechanicals, light barriers, walkways and of course you. I have a utility sink and a wall shelf in my flower room. Of the 12 x 7 foot space only 4 x 9 of that is plants. Two, or maybe a vary cramped three, flowering plants over fill there space. My veg closet has a 3 x 4 shelf for storage underneath and so I don't have to bend over to tend to them. I can fit 3 small veg on the shelf.
hi there my friend,,,well things never go to plan in the garden,,,,always summits popping up,,,so had to adapt my plans slightly and reel it in,,,,so just keeping it this for this run,,but will see how the BB goes and may be keep her in veg as a mother and try my hand at cuttings,,,and see how that goes,,,so running with the Barneys farm Zkittles auto and the BB f3,,,,,going to do summits similar to you,,,and build a shelf to put them on,,,and will allow easy bucket changes if I leave a space to rest lid and roots on,,,while i change out buckets as I make it up and replace the bucket itself,,,,so we will how it goes,,,,but things about ready to roll now,,,so will soon have a plan knowing what I have to make from,,,,,,Im getting there still got alot learn,,,but hope alls well yourside and alls growing well
Just so we are referring to the same thing, dampening off is when the stem rots and shrivels right at the base of the seedling stem. Other than that, it looks healthy right up until it falls over. This is actually a fungal infection that thrives in low light and high humidity that is found at the base of the plant. Add a small amount of air movement to the environment will dry the stem base and help prevent the fungus from taking hold. After developing it's true leaves it has the energy to form the epidermis that protects the stem.

As you prune try to clone. even if it is an auto, you can practice rooting with the trash trim before you throw it away. Auto clones are not worth growing but photo clones are much easier to care fore than seedlings.
I don't know your legality with growing but you may want to consider this. Cutting a branch off of a plant is still one plant and a branch. As soon as that branch has a stem leaves and roots it is now 2 plants. May want to keep this in mind when experimenting with cloning. Most places the legality or penalty for growing is directly tied to number of plants.
I don't know your legality with growing but you may want to consider this. Cutting a branch off of a plant is still one plant and a branch. As soon as that branch has a stem leaves and roots it is now 2 plants. May want to keep this in mind when experimenting with cloning. Most places the legality or penalty for growing is directly tied to number of plants.
thanks for that,,,yeah not legal here yet,,,just starting off and now just looking to try photos and cuttings ran the auto for my first grow,,,so just wanting to try out photos and see if can use and take cuttings,,,got a few seeds but lost alot not knowing or having that experience,,,but getting there,,,just going to run with this for now and get the most out of whats left,,,,buts it all fun and always learning so much,,,and still so much to learn,,,,,got a 400w led you see was wanting to fill my space to maximise energy costs,,,,but Ive learned its best to keep it simple and dont try to do much,,,,this a step up from the last with the 2 x this time so going with these and see how the BB goes,,,,but looking good and a healthy colour,,,,so she starting to pick up now,,,the BF Zkittles auto is on the smallside but she had an issue at the start but her roots now popping into the water so looking for her to start picking up this wk,,,,,but thanks for all the tips and advice always wiling to listen and take things in esp as Im not in the know yet,,,,so thanks been a great help

Until it has roots and first true leaves ( jagged edged ) you don't need nutes or even a res. Takes around 2 weeks to get to that point from seed. Soak the rock wool in PH water. Gently squeeze out a little of the water. Place the seed 1/4 deep. place it on a plate with a glass jar dome over it. This is also when the plant is the most fragile, growing on stored reserves.

Vary high PPM water has a few problems. Adding nutes can over saturate the water forcing minerals to fall out of solution. You would have to have vary hard water over 500 PPM and really boosting nute for that. The bigger problem is you are adding minerals that you can not measure or regulate. For example if your water already has 120PPM of calcium and you add more you can create a phosphorous lock out. The plant will show signs of phosphorous deficiency even though there is plenty in the res.

just going over my data and getting ready to go again,,,and will pay attention to this also,,,,has went straight tap water 2nd time,,,so will go back to this as this worked and did the job then
See if you local water municipality has a water quality report online maybe. If you can't drink the tap water, neither should the plants. I just use an inline micron carbon filter mostly for the chlorines. Drops me from 200+/-PPM to 110PPM. Adding the filters didn't make a noticeable difference to the plants but I think it tastes better.
See if you local water municipality has a water quality report online maybe. If you can't drink the tap water, neither should the plants. I just use an inline micron carbon filter mostly for the chlorines. Drops me from 200+/-PPM to 110PPM. Adding the filters didn't make a noticeable difference to the plants but I think it tastes better.
Ive looked at my water report,,,dont understand to much about it,,,but Im in hard water area with 300ppm tap water,,(Calcium carbonates 130ppm Sulphates 140ppm Chloride 40ppm and made of 20ppm sodium and small amounts of NPK about 20ppm) but what I did for the 1st grow was use bottled water to start with then used tap water after about wk4,,,,,yeah Ive seen the do nutes for hard water areas,,,but wanna use what I have left over but will remember this for next time I get my nutes,,,,,as yeah was trying to do to much I think so scaled it back and ready to go again,,,,so figers croosed this time
Hi guys been on a little break,,,,so now ready to get back at again and see how we go,,,got my seed just sprouted so on day 4 now where I soaked rockwool in PH 5.5 with a little H202,,,,then soaked seed over night,,then placed into fresh paper towel and placed into baggy,,,now after 48hrs tap root about 0.5 of inch,,so took her out carefully with tweezers and placed in rockwool,,,and went into my germination station and she sprouted after about 30hrs,,,,not used the G/W yet,,,so how would you apply the G/W ( with watering or sprinkle a dusting on top)
So for this 1 gone for the Alien Gorrilla fem,,,,,,so fingers crossed

going to follow Tokin Roll and his grow and see how we go this time,,,think it was beginers luck first time lol
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