DWC Fastbuds Gorilla Cookie Auto

300 PPM is not that bad. A lot of people are well over 500 PPM from the tap. Chloride and sodium are the only minerals that can cause you any issues. Chlorides are quick to dissipate or remove. Sodium at that level can cause some issues and it is not easy to filter out. I think RO is the only method to remove it. I don't have any experience with high sodium so maybe someone else closer to a coast can chime in.

I am sure you will do just fine on the next run.
Got me curious, so pulled out my text books and looked it up. Up to 60PPM sodium is safe for hydro. At that point it can start blocking micro nutrients and potassium. In a recycling or DWC system the plant will not absorb it at a fast enough rate so topping with more sodium water will drive the concentration up. You can top up equal to the volume of your reservoir bringing you close to 40PPM. Before reaching 3X the res volume you have to do a full water change.
all been cleaned and sterilized and hopefully disease free now
Got me curious, so pulled out my text books and looked it up. Up to 60PPM sodium is safe for hydro. At that point it can start blocking micro nutrients and potassium. In a recycling or DWC system the plant will not absorb it at a fast enough rate so topping with more sodium water will drive the concentration up. You can top up equal to the volume of your reservoir bringing you close to 40PPM. Before reaching 3X the res volume you have to do a full water change.
CHEMICAL PARAMETERSlegal limitsunitssample123
Alkalinity (as calcium carbonate)No legal Limitmg/l12002002000
CalciumNo legal Limitmg/l577.782.585.30
Chlorine (free)No legal Limitmg/l63<0.05<0.30.450
Chlorine (total)No legal Limitmg/l63<0.05<0.370.580
Conductivity2500µS/cm @ 20 °C656257118800
Hardness (total) as calciumNo legal Limitmg/l5132134.9137.60
MagnesiumNo legal Limitmg/l530.131.9330
OdourAcceptable to consumers and no abnormal changeDilution No.250000
PAHs (sum of 4)0.1µg/l90000
pH (Hydrogen ion)6.5 - 9.5pH value257.017.627.740
PhosphorusNo legal Limitmg/l251.361.642.020
PotassiumNo legal Limitmg/l14.694.694.690
Solvents (tetrachloroethane and trichloroethene)10µg/l170000
TasteAcceptable to consumers and no abnormal changeDilution No.250000
TemperatureNo legal Limit°C635.312.919.50
Total organic carbon (TOC)No abnormal changemg/l160.861.382.110
Trihalomethanes (THMs) (total)100µg/l96.519.330.30
Pesticides - Total0.5µg/l1600.0120.0250

<Below the limit of detection of our analysis
mg/lMilligrammes per litre or parts per million
µg/lMicrogrammes per litre or parts per billion
µS/cmMicro Siemens per centimetre
Bq/lBecquerel per litre
mSv/yearMicro Sieverts per year
NTUNephelometric Turbidity Units
No legal limitThere is no legal limit set in the Regulations
here is what is says I dont get much from it but you might know abit more this is for water samples in my area
all been cleaned and sterilized and hopefully disease free now

CHEMICAL PARAMETERSlegal limitsunitssample123
Alkalinity (as calcium carbonate)No legal Limitmg/l12002002000
CalciumNo legal Limitmg/l577.782.585.30
Chlorine (free)No legal Limitmg/l63<0.05<0.30.450
Chlorine (total)No legal Limitmg/l63<0.05<0.370.580
Conductivity2500µS/cm @ 20 °C656257118800
Hardness (total) as calciumNo legal Limitmg/l5132134.9137.60
MagnesiumNo legal Limitmg/l530.131.9330
OdourAcceptable to consumers and no abnormal changeDilution No.250000
PAHs (sum of 4)0.1µg/l90000
pH (Hydrogen ion)6.5 - 9.5pH value257.017.627.740
PhosphorusNo legal Limitmg/l251.361.642.020
PotassiumNo legal Limitmg/l14.694.694.690
Solvents (tetrachloroethane and trichloroethene)10µg/l170000
TasteAcceptable to consumers and no abnormal changeDilution No.250000
TemperatureNo legal Limit°C635.312.919.50
Total organic carbon (TOC)No abnormal changemg/l160.861.382.110
Trihalomethanes (THMs) (total)100µg/l96.519.330.30
Pesticides - Total0.5µg/l1600.0120.0250

<Below the limit of detection of our analysis
mg/lMilligrammes per litre or parts per million
µg/lMicrogrammes per litre or parts per billion
µS/cmMicro Siemens per centimetre
Bq/lBecquerel per litre
mSv/yearMicro Sieverts per year
NTUNephelometric Turbidity Units
No legal limitThere is no legal limit set in the Regulations
here is what is says I dont get much from it but you might know abit more this is for water samples in my area
You should be able to grow with this water. Note you have plenty of calcium and magnesium, and in pretty good ratios. You shouldn't need any CALMAG or anything.

With 200ppm alkilinity as CaCO3 you will need to use a good pH down with phosphoric acid (Advanced nutrients is a good one, or just plain phosphoric acid). It will take some of the calcium out of solution but you should still have plenty.

Good luck on the new seedlings!
You should be able to grow with this water. Note you have plenty of calcium and magnesium, and in pretty good ratios. You shouldn't need any CALMAG or anything.

With 200ppm alkilinity as CaCO3 you will need to use a good pH down with phosphoric acid (Advanced nutrients is a good one, or just plain phosphoric acid). It will take some of the calcium out of solution but you should still have plenty.

Good luck on the new seedlings!
awesome thanks for that as makes alot more sense now,
So things off to a good start..#followed @LKABudMan way of doing things and going to get her ready to place in net pot,,,in a few days, just took off the germination lid fully after a slow adjust,,letting her be for now,,,just been giving a light watering,,,,with tap water ph6 got a nice tap root coming things all looking good for now,,,so hope you all have a fab wkend enjoy be happy and have ablast happy growing guys
Hi guys @Tokin Roll @LKABudMan thanks for all help an assistance its been welcoming and very kind like most of peeps here,,,its all about helping each other with we can,,,we all looking for the same results at the end of the day lol,,,but to be able to provide my own medicine to suit my needs as led me to be able to make positive changes to my life esp my MH,,,and its like Ive finally find that treatment that works,,,,and to be off prescription meds has been a huge plus and given me a new lease of life(as of such) and now l want to keep it going and yeah cannabis as had a massive positive impact on my life esp the last 6 mth since I started this journey and now yeah its the way I wanna go forward now so trying to get all the niggles worked out and get a system dialed in to my needs that works well for my capabilities but I will keep trying to get it dialed in,,,its there or there abouts esp after the 1st harvest, just need to nail this seedling stage an transition to hydro bkt and we should be good,,,,,,,,but done summits similar to you guys and now day 10 and just into hydro bucket with GW(tap water stood 40hrs and then + GW airated 24hrs) and innoculated hydroton and rockwool etc with and now she in 5gln and just going to top water around and wait for first signs of roots before doing any thing else,,,just seeing how we get on with this GW,,,,so fingers crossed but it looks good so far,,,and will let you guys now how she goes in few days time
will top the hydroton in a day or 2 but she fully covered for light leaks but I think I might just have this 1 lets see




HI guys quick update as its been a while now,,,,,,,,
So with have an Alien Gorrila P/fem,,,,just about to go into wk 4 now,,,,,after the last attempt going upside down drastically,,,,decided to go back to basics, an keep it simple like I did on my 1st attempt,,,,tried to do way to much 2nd time round and had so many issues to deal with,,,,,so yeah its best to keep things as simple as possible until you have that experience under your belt,,,,otherwise its like washing ££££ down the drain,,,,so yeah things seems to be going to plan so far,,,,and a big shout out to @Tokin Roll an @LKABudMan as you been a huge help following you guys an Ive learnt so much this time,,,esp with you guys being further ahead of me I can watch an follow what you guys do,,,,and its working so far,,,so big thank you guys been a huge help and your diarys are awesome with so much detail,,,,and always willing help,,,,,thanks guys,,,,,
So yeah going follow a similar route as the 1st grow an increase feed by 100pm per wk currently at 450-500ppm but thats with a baseline of 300ppm tap water,,(stood for 48hrs ) so currently going off the Lucas Formula 1:2 M+B,,,,,been using the Great white at 0,5 tsp x2 a wk so far so good,, roots super white an healthy,,,still got her under my baby light the Fecida CR600 65w led,,,,an its doing the job but will swap over to the BP4000 400w in wk 3 flower as thats what i did on my 1st go an that pulled off an amazing yield for 1 plant,,,,

LKA budman hit all the key points, you are good to go on that water. You may want to use a carbon micro filter to lower the free chlorides and give you a little more room for nutes. As long as you are running a sterile res and not trying to push crazy amounts of food you should be fine.
yeah thanks my friend looks like we are getting there now its all coming together now hopes alls good an growing well yoursides,, have a good un my friend
Looking good @spab1311

It won't take long for her to take off.

Stay safe, and grow well my friend,
yeah Im getting there Tok,,,,tried to do way to much on my last attempt,,,,but was only down to the fact of winning that led light off High on Home Grown,,,,which I got a bunch of free seeds with so I tried doing more then I could handle,,,So yeah stripped everything back,,,,and went back to keeping things simple and just focusing on 1 plant at a time,,,,,, and watching an following you an @LKABudMan closely,,,,you guys been a huge help,,,,and this forum deffo 1 of the best with some of nicest people Ive come across,,,,and yeah love it how everyone trys to help each other if they can,,,and been a huge plus to me,,,,being a total novice never grown anything until now,,,,,,never knew how much of a huge difference in quality it was growing your own,,,,and dried an cured properly,,,,,,compared to the stuff off street dealers,,,,,yeah just ran out of the Royal Haze I grew and had to do go buy some to get me by,,,,,and wow what a difference esp when its been grown dried an cured properly,,,,this street stuff is that bad I cant smoke it,,,,its that harsh an tastes like its not been flushed or cured,,,,which I know a little about now as this is why I made sure I didnt fk my smoke up,,,,,,But I will never be going back to the streets for my weed again as this is me wasting my £££££ as its like these guys are just ripping us off,,, no flush,,,no cure and rush dried,,,,,so yeah going to make sure I keep myself stocked up and dont give loads away lol but they going to be no going back to smoke the street shite now,,,,,,,
It's all about learning as we go; kinda like life. :rofl:

I have only been growing for about 7 or 8 years and I still learn things every grow.
yeah 100% agree its all about learning as we grow,,,,and after the 1st being a huge success an being well above my expectations,,,thought I had a grip of things lol but so much to still learn,,,,,esp now Ive run out of my own the Roayal Haze,,,been having to buy st weed and never realised how bad it really was until now,,,esp smoking my own that had been flushed and cured smashes that street stuff out the park,,,,and never going back now,,,,as its that bad???? so just going to keep it simple and concentrate on 1 plant for now,,,,,,,
So just a quick question?????????
So Im thinking about taking some cuttings off this Alien Gorrilla????? (once established) which is in DWC,,,but Im thinking about growing the cuttings out in soil,,,,should that be fine if I do it properly with the mother plant being in DWC,,,,but a few wks away from all that,,,,just seeing if its ok to do that???
hi guys been a while since I updated my journal didnt wanna jinx things lol so yeah the Alien Gorrilla pf going into wk5 veg she is short but starting to bush outward got a good stem and nice root ball forming and now moved here under the BP4000 at its lowest setting at 40inches and now started to take a bigger feed so she looking good so far ppm 520 ph6.0 vpd 1.32

She's looking really good. Nice big fat leaves :) Are you planning to top/FIM her? LST?
She's looking really good. Nice big fat leaves :) Are you planning to top/FIM her? LST?
wasnt to sure what to do at first,,,esp with taking cuttings etc all being totally new,,,but decided to top,,,topped at the 5th node,,,,,as on the auto I missed it up an did the 3rd an ended with 2 lol,,,,so topped a couple of days ago now and looking to do so LST so I can keep her under control hopefully,,,,so yeah just looking for her to start branching out then do some,,,,been tucking the leaves an getting more light down there,,,she on the short side for now,,,,but she been under the small 65w fecide till yesterday,,,,then I moved her over to the BP4000 on low at 40in and left her to settle an adjust for 48hrs,,,then did a res change and increased feed to 520ppm and checked today and she eating fast now just took her biggest feed 80ppm so gave her a top up with a slight bit more then the last feed,,,,,temps 18c night day 21c RH50% Leaf temp 22c VPD 1,32,,,,,,
So yeah just going to watch how she goes with increased light an feed then do some LST when she settled in,,,,,so with cuttings how long would you wait before taking a cut????? was thinking 2/3 wk get her branching out and under control first,,,,any ideas guys????
I take any cuttings right before flower, when I'm cleaning up the lowers anyways.
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